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Jacob_1994: How many free games did you guys get from this? I only got one.
yyahoo: Come on dude. It's bad enough reading people complaining about not winning any free games every 10 posts or so, but now we've got someone posting that they've *only* won one?

This whole thread would be half this size if you eliminated people either bragging about winning a game or complaining about not winning a game. :/

{sigh} maybe it's getting past my bedtime...
Yeah. I still don't understand how this winning thing works, but still people need to realize that the probability of them winning anything is super slim. If my understanding is correct it's one free copy per game per time it shows up. If there's 100 copies of said game, the chance of someone winning a free game is 1% without factoring in the 1000s of GOG members that just refuse to sleep. I've been trying to get (either buy or win) a copy of Legend of Grimrock 2, not only has it passed me by sadly, but I still wouldn't have expected to win.
Won't be very vocal for the rest of the night (not that I have been the last few hours, either). Just wanted to sound off on my relief of having Wasteland 2 finally show up again. I can't believe I missed it the first time around on my short drive home from work.

With that done, I just need Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms and Kentucky Route Zero and I can pretty much call this sale done. Will they show up in the next two hours? Or will I sleep through their second appearances and have to wait for them on the third turn? Only time, and the RNG GOGs can tell!
Crewdroog: that's awesome, I like the dichotomy of 80s and 40s. I had (until I killed it) lots of lists like that on my computer. I tend more for the 90s though (rap and alternative). Or indie music from 2000 (decemberists, silversun pickups) . I actually like most types of music. except country. i can't stand country.
penumbren: There is literally no style of music that I can honestly say I don't like. I grew up in a house that listened to a lot of classical, jazz, and classic country, and spent a lot of time around an uncle who listed to a lot of classic rock. (Lots of "classic" stuff, I guess!) That, combined with growing up the 80s... well. I've always liked swing, but a novella I wrote some years back that was set in that period is what really got me into that era of music, from pop to swing to folk. I used to shock people at work because they'd be talking to me and my ipod would randomly switch from Bon Jovi to Marilyn Manson to Frank Sinatra to Ghostface Killah to Toby Keith. :)
Even dubstep?
ZaineH: Shadowrun Dragonfall? I didn't know that was up for grabs.
opticq: No it's not up yet in the 2nd round
I... I didn't even realize it was in the running until you mentioned it. :)
opticq: So...both of you bought me Dragonfall...I feel awful. Sorry! I'm sure someone else would enjoy this game too
Celton88: To be fair, mine was leftover from the Christmas sale :P Don't feel bad. Feel happy that TWO PEOPLE WANTED TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING YOU WANT!
Ok phew, that makes me feel better
penumbren: There is literally no style of music that I can honestly say I don't like.....*snip*
Well obviously you haven't heard enough Dubstep <i>music</i>.
opticq: No it's not up yet in the 2nd round
ZaineH: I... I didn't even realize it was in the running until you mentioned it. :)
Complete fresh list:
penumbren: There is literally no style of music that I can honestly say I don't like. I grew up in a house that listened to a lot of classical, jazz, and classic country, and spent a lot of time around an uncle who listed to a lot of classic rock. (Lots of "classic" stuff, I guess!) That, combined with growing up the 80s... well. I've always liked swing, but a novella I wrote some years back that was set in that period is what really got me into that era of music, from pop to swing to folk. I used to shock people at work because they'd be talking to me and my ipod would randomly switch from Bon Jovi to Marilyn Manson to Frank Sinatra to Ghostface Killah to Toby Keith. :)
Jacob_1994: Even dubstep?
dubstep is good workout music but I only listen to it there
IronArcturus: Has anyone tried that Spacecom game?
Not me. I normally love that sort of game, but I've been frightened away by the "heavy focus on multiplayer" mentioned in the description. Very few games that hang it all on multiplayer last the test of time; some see empty servers within 6 months.

Give me a nice solid single-player any day...
Tekkaman-James: Won't be very vocal for the rest of the night (not that I have been the last few hours, either). Just wanted to sound off on my relief of having Wasteland 2 finally show up again. I can't believe I missed it the first time around on my short drive home from work.

With that done, I just need Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms and Kentucky Route Zero and I can pretty much call this sale done. Will they show up in the next two hours? Or will I sleep through their second appearances and have to wait for them on the third turn? Only time, and the RNG GOGs can tell!
Jacob_1994: Even dubstep?
DieselX: dubstep is good workout music but I only listen to it there
The first time I heard it, it sounded like my laptop was passing wind, but each to his/her own I guess.
Hitman: Keane Assassin and SpaceKeane are holding up the queue together now.
penumbren: There is literally no style of music that I can honestly say I don't like. I grew up in a house that listened to a lot of classical, jazz, and classic country, and spent a lot of time around an uncle who listed to a lot of classic rock. (Lots of "classic" stuff, I guess!) That, combined with growing up the 80s... well. I've always liked swing, but a novella I wrote some years back that was set in that period is what really got me into that era of music, from pop to swing to folk. I used to shock people at work because they'd be talking to me and my ipod would randomly switch from Bon Jovi to Marilyn Manson to Frank Sinatra to Ghostface Killah to Toby Keith. :)
yyahoo: You like Gospel? Now that would be interesting, someone who likes gospel music and Marilyn Manson...
penumbren: There is literally no style of music that I can honestly say I don't like.....*snip*
stg83: Well obviously you haven't heard enough Dubstep <i>music</i>.
LOL. I didn't realize you would take that as a challenge! Yes, I do like gospel*, although generally in smaller doses, and I have heard some dubstep that I like. Like I said, it depends on my mood (and to a lesser extent, the situation).

* It'd be hard to enjoy all of Johnny Cash's catalogue, for example, if I didn't. ;)

Also, I have to thank coroner1973 for graciously surprising me with a copy of Wasteland 2! It was an excellent surprise, and I'm very grateful. I would say to please vote them up, but I can't find a post anywhere on the forums, so all I can do is thank a very generous lurker.
Crewdroog: that's awesome, I like the dichotomy of 80s and 40s. I had (until I killed it) lots of lists like that on my computer. I tend more for the 90s though (rap and alternative). Or indie music from 2000 (decemberists, silversun pickups) . I actually like most types of music. except country. i can't stand country.
penumbren: There is literally no style of music that I can honestly say I don't like. I grew up in a house that listened to a lot of classical, jazz, and classic country, and spent a lot of time around an uncle who listed to a lot of classic rock. (Lots of "classic" stuff, I guess!) That, combined with growing up the 80s... well. I've always liked swing, but a novella I wrote some years back that was set in that period is what really got me into that era of music, from pop to swing to folk. I used to shock people at work because they'd be talking to me and my ipod would randomly switch from Bon Jovi to Marilyn Manson to Frank Sinatra to Ghostface Killah to Toby Keith. :)
ok, ok, I DO like old country. How can you not like Patsy Cline?

I grew up with lots of classic rock. some of my fondest memories growing up was my mom putting on some of her old "hippie" records and us dancing to the music while we cleaned house.

you wrote a novella? that's awesome!
Does anyone know if Divinity: Original Sin is going to be in the sale?

If not, then my conquest is sated and I can rest with my bounty.