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high rated
zlep: Seven Cities Of Gold
zlep: Arrgh! Thanks everyone for the replies - now I just have to make sure I don't miss them in round 3...
Or you could check your PMs. :)
Crewdroog: wait, if the gogbear is in that bush, who the hell is holding up the earth?!?!?!
Sachys: Judas

good. finally he is doing something productive. slacker. still mad about him expecting me to click links.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Crewdroog
Sachys: Judas
Crewdroog: LOL

good. finally he is doing something productive. slacker. still mad about him expecting me to click links.
best get clicking!
Crewdroog: wait, if the gogbear is in that bush, who the hell is holding up the earth?!?!?!
gamingrn: I always thought it stood on top of the backs of 4 elephants that stood atop a giant turtle that flies through space...
you are sadly misinformed. it is the gogbear. and i guess when he's away, Judas.
Septerra Core. Dont have it, but dont need another RPG right now.
gamingrn: I always thought it stood on top of the backs of 4 elephants that stood atop a giant turtle that flies through space...
Crewdroog: you are sadly misinformed. it is the gogbear. and i guess when he's away, Judas.
in a cheap rental bear outfit
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Sachys
WhoKnowscs: Looks like people aren't jumping up and down just to get a GOG version of a game that's been on Steam for 5 years or so(forget when Lucasarts came to Steam but it's been a while - long enough probably for the games to have a 75 percent discount.) for only a 50 percent discount.
zlep: I'm not sure that the problem with the Monkey Island Special Ed is that it's too old - I think it may be that it's too *new* for the GOG crowd, many of whom don't appreciate the alterations in the remake.
Seriously. Does everything bearing George Lucas' name have to get new special effects?
-squints- Wait a second, is the Septerra Core logo using the font Papyrus? D: ew

This is what happens when I'm bored waiting for games, I judge logos...
Post edited March 04, 2015 by opticq
Eh it was fun back in '99. Not so much now :\
Sachys: Septerra Core. Dont have it, but dont need another RPG right now.
Crewdroog: you are sadly misinformed. it is the gogbear. and i guess when he's away, Judas.
Sachys: in a cheap rental bear outfit
That would be amusing to see.
Has there any pattern in the game order been detected yet?

I'm waiting for LBA2, have already missed it last night. This would be the 3rd sale I miss it. I always run into LBA1, which I already own, but also always miss LBA2.
zlep: Arrgh! Thanks everyone for the replies - now I just have to make sure I don't miss them in round 3...
IAmSinistar: Or you could check your PMs. :)
Woo hoo! Thanks a tonne, IAmSinister! That was so cool of you!
I hope Beyond Good and Evil will come back....
BTW: It looks like very soon will have its 1000th game without DRM.... And I remember browsing through the catalog of 300 titles and thinking that's enough games....
Crewdroog: good. finally he is doing something productive. slacker. still mad about him expecting me to click links.
You should click this link. It'll make you laugh. Well, it made me grin like a fool.

(No, seriously. It's a song, and I swear it's not Rickrolling or "Barbie Girl," but it has been stuck in my head for over a day now.)

ETA: NSFW image in the video. I completely forgot, because I've seen that image/scene so often. Oops.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by penumbren