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...annnnd I'm out. Gotta take eldest to an emergency dr's appointment. :( Poor girl. Catch y'all on the other side! I hope y'all win a free copy of Wasteland 2! XD
You're killin me, Lumino City.

I want my Wasteland 2 NOW before my class starts!

That's how I missed Wasteland 2 yesterday -_-
Splatsch: I don't understand : why isn't "The Secret of Monkey Island" selling that much ? It was the same in the first round, and from what I heard, it's a good game, no ?
Dalthnock: Everybody has Monkey island. Not just forum-dwellers. EVERYBODY.

Multiple times.

Trust me, I know.
I don't ;) (okay, I must be one of the only few XD)
Splatsch: I don't understand : why isn't "The Secret of Monkey Island" selling that much ? It was the same in the first round, and from what I heard, it's a good game, no ?
Exoanthrope: It is, but I think a lot of people don't like the "Special Edition" part of it.
I hate the remade graphical style, but then again you can switch it to original version.
genkicolleen: ...annnnd I'm out. Gotta take eldest to an emergency dr's appointment. :( Poor girl. Catch y'all on the other side! I hope y'all win a free copy of Wasteland 2! XD
Frigging wonderful.

Hope she gets to feeling better quickly. See you later on.
genkicolleen: ...annnnd I'm out. Gotta take eldest to an emergency dr's appointment. :( Poor girl. Catch y'all on the other side! I hope y'all win a free copy of Wasteland 2! XD
Hope everything is ok!
The Monkey Island SE seemed to be vastly outsold by the other 5 games in the initial LucasArts batch, too - moved up the all-time selling charts much less quickly than Tie Fighter et al. did.
high rated
genkicolleen: ...annnnd I'm out. Gotta take eldest to an emergency dr's appointment. :( Poor girl. Catch y'all on the other side! I hope y'all win a free copy of Wasteland 2! XD
Sending good thoughts and wishes from my desk! Hope all is well.
Lumino city has 23 copies left but it takes forever to sell even one copy. Amazing.
Grargar: It's time to recharge my batteries, so I must bid farewell for the time being. Good morning/afternoon/evening/whatever to everyone.

P.S.: If Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms happens to land within the next 6-7 hours, I would really appreciate if someone could hold a copy for me.
Good night, and thanks a lot for all your work !
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Splatsch
genkicolleen: ...annnnd I'm out. Gotta take eldest to an emergency dr's appointment. :( Poor girl. Catch y'all on the other side! I hope y'all win a free copy of Wasteland 2! XD
I pray it goes well. Keep us updated.

Don't buy anything while driving like I just did.
Klumpen0815: I didn't even know there were freebies in the last insomnia promo too, I had no luck there either. oO
I've clicked every game buy button I've seen here but no cigar.
PaterAlf: Any particular games you really want (just in case I have or get a spare key)?
Actually yes, Tie Fighter, Shadowgate, Xenonauts, Metrocide, Halfway,
... and Wasteland 2 of course. :D

Looking through the list, there must have been a lot that was only active for a minute or two.
Good evening!

Does anyone have handy the list of what's been on each side since the last time Sinistar updated his listing 3 hours ago -- ended with The Black Mirror on the Seasoned side and Desktop Dungeons on the Fresh side.

Thanks in advance.
So I notice that the inventory counter sometimes goes down by one, then come back up.

Is that due to someone pushing the "buy now" button, possibly to see if they landed a freebie, and then not completing the transaction?

So then if you see only one copy left, as long as you click the button first you can take several minutes to enter payment information?

But what happens if someone clicks "buy now" on the final copy and then sits on the payment screen for like 5 minutes... then decides they don't want it?
Im too tired to continue with gog Bonanza for today and Lumino City taking on Jack Keane's crown is not helping. Have to get some sleep now.

If any of following games come up I would appreciate it if somebody could hold them for me:

- Tie Fighter (most wished for),
- Metrocide,
- Alan Wake,
- Consortium Master Edtiion.

Good night and happy hunting :)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Matruchus