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Cyraxpt: Two questions:

1 - Did Dead State reappear on sale again?

2 - If i were to "borrow" my account to a friend (since he's always on the pc) just to buy the game on my account would there be a problem (since gog could assume i was borrowing my account for him to play my games)?
1. No.

2. You may encounter problems paying perhaps, as the IP may be in different range GOG or your payment provider are used to.
I've got a Little Big Adventure* if anybody wants it

Man, lack of sleep really gets to you eh?
Post edited March 04, 2015 by ggf162
zlep: Ah, Wizardry 8! One of my favourite games of all time (admittedly clouded by a history of good feelings about previous Wizardry games).

And unlike some of those previous games, I actually managed to create a party to start the game *and* made it past the first location. ^_^ Geez the difficulty curve was extreme in the past... no wonder GOG refuses to sell the early entries...
gamingrn: That sounds like the difficulty of the early Might & Magic games. I had some issues at first with 1 but got the troops strong enough. Still have to finish that one though.
Oh no, the early Might & Magics were just hard, in that "you start as weak as a day-old kitten" way. Similar to the original Bard's Tales, where your level 1 characters have to run naked and weaponless to the armorer's clutching their bag of gold. Anyone who has the misfortune to encounter, say, a rat, before they can buy a cloth robe and rusty sword, will either die, or take so much damage that they'll have to be discarded and rerolled because they can't afford the healing costs...

No, the early Wizardry games weren't just hard - they were truly sadistic. Wiz 4 (a game featuring permadeath) apparently had a dungeon level with no walls, which consisted of a twisting pathway through a field of invisible bombs! The only way to map it involved dying repeatedly (did I mention the permadeath?). I never saw that level of course, because I never got out of the *first room* (and not because I sucked at RPGs - it's claimed that the majority of Wiz 4 players never made it past that room).

For a chuckle, you should take a look at some of the comments of people who've tried to play the early Wiz's in the modern era. This one by CRPG Addict is representative:
Klumpen0815: Meanwhile at Humble's store front: "All Steam" sale...
That is both shocking and appalling.
high rated
budejovice: Yay! My XBox 360 controller arrived! Just in the nick of time to play some games when tax season is over on April 15!
CarrionCrow: Three words - Super Meat Boy.

It will hurt you. It will scar you. It will make you hate everything, from the tiniest bit of bacteria to the sun in the sky and absolutely everything in between.

But in that fun way. ;)
Oh, I've seen your posts. I am in total hate with about 6 different platformers at this moment, so I'll have to put that one on the back burner. :)
high rated
amrit9037: i would like DoorKickers. Does someone has extra copy?
I have a proposal for you.

Go to Youtube. Locate a song called "Barbie Girl" by the band Aqua. Learn how to sing the song by heart while approximating both the male and female vocals.

Get a webcam and a pair of tassels. Attach the tassels to your chest, turn the webcam on, and proceed to sing Barbie Girl while attempting to dance in a risque, provocative manner.

At the end of the song, hold up a cardboard sign that reads in black permanent marker "I got sleazy for Door Kickers, why won't you?"

Then post that video to Youtube and provide a link.

If you do as I propose, I will gift you Door Kickers.
high rated

How the times change. This thread is about 10x larger than the official. :)
And my second critical hit is again a game I akready have.
So I got a spare key of Little Big Adventure if somebody wants it.
Grargar: 2) Do you trust your friend not to download your games to his PC?
Yes, he has most of my games on his Steam account and he barely has time to play anyway.

MaGo72: 2. You may encounter problems paying perhaps, as the IP may be in different range GOG or your payment provider are used to.
Dammit. Oh well, i'll let the laptop open since the mobile version of gog doesn't load.

Thanks for the answers.
I'd really love to get a freebie. Not even because I want the free game, but just because of that satisfactory feeling. I mean, I would be really happy even if I got a game I already own, because than at least I could gift that.
But at the moment this just feels a bit frustrating - now I gotta go to bed and will probably miss the games I'd like buy again.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Fesin
budejovice: Yay! My XBox 360 controller arrived! Just in the nick of time to play some games when tax season is over on April 15!
CarrionCrow: Three words - Super Meat Boy.

It will hurt you. It will scar you. It will make you hate everything, from the tiniest bit of bacteria to the sun in the sky and absolutely everything in between.

But in that fun way. ;)
Why would you unleash that game onto a NEW XBox controller. :D
CarrionCrow: If you do as I propose, I will gift you Door Kickers.
Diabolical !
Fesin: I'd really love to get a freebie. Not even because I want the free game, but just because of that satisfactory feeling. I mean, I would be really happy even if I got a game I already own, because than at least I could gift that.
But at the moment this just feels a bit frustrating - now I gotta go to bed and will probably miss the games I'd like buy again.
I know the feeling, starting to wonder if everyone is just trolling us with these so-called "critical hits".
Post edited March 04, 2015 by xenocidic
high rated
PaterAlf: So simple cookies aren't good enough for soldiers?
Perhaps they would be, but it sounds like you've spoiled them with gourmet dishes.
CarrionCrow: If you do as I propose, I will gift you Door Kickers.
Haha....sounds like a great bargain to me. :)
budejovice: Oh, I've seen your posts. I am in total hate with about 6 different platformers at this moment, so I'll have to put that one on the back burner. :)
Oh my, that sounds kinky. Care to tell us about it, using language swiped from shades of Grey please?

I'd never think I'd say this but: There IS a love story worse than Twilight.