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LinustheBold: Didn't think I'd need more than one!
xenocidic: You know, to trade for X-Wing =)
TIE fighter rolled past at night, if I'm remembering right, and it was at a reasonable pace. I assumed X-Wing would be the same, and I'd pick it up when it came past again. Silly me!
Blah! I just realized I missed Arcanum again, after I bought Monster Bash. I didn't think to keep an eye on what came up after Sudeki, since I bought it yesterday.

Well, third time's the charm, right?
high rated
Here are a few mods for Banished from my modding guide that I'm working on. I hope this will help some of you get started with using mods. All or most mods are compatible with each other.

Better Fields

Better Rain Sound

CC Excellent Adventure

Delete Quarries and Mines

Flatten Terrain Tool

Mountain Fields

No Wind

Quieter Livestock

Realtime Aging

Road 45

Storage Shed

Wooden Signs
Meanwhile at Humble's store front: "All Steam" sale...
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Klumpen0815
xenocidic: You know, to trade for X-Wing =)
LinustheBold: TIE fighter rolled past at night, if I'm remembering right, and it was at a reasonable pace. I assumed X-Wing would be the same, and I'd pick it up when it came past again. Silly me!
Well if I can snag TIE Fighter on my own during the sale, I'll have an extra X-Wing to deal off.
Klumpen0815: I've found this page yesterday, but is really the same as [url=]this?
The one you found is actually the mod I installed and it works great :-)
zlep: Ah, Wizardry 8! One of my favourite games of all time (admittedly clouded by a history of good feelings about previous Wizardry games).

And unlike some of those previous games, I actually managed to create a party to start the game *and* made it past the first location. ^_^ Geez the difficulty curve was extreme in the past... no wonder GOG refuses to sell the early entries...
Klumpen0815: Yeah, back then, many games liked to kick you in the nuts over and over again just for buying them.
Yeah. To be fair, at the time of the first few Wizardries they were still experimenting with the limits of game design. Given the modern tendency to pass bad design off as a "feature" (we run at 30fps 'cos we want to look "cinematic"), the early requirement to import a party that finished the previous game could now be bullet-pointed as a user-friendly method of encouraging players to tackle their backlogs. And the permadeath has finally found its time to shine (although even modern rouge-lites don't make you replay the previous two games to create a new party every time you kill your current one...)

Hmm, I'm remembering why the more modern conventions of Wizardry 8 made for a comparatively pleasant, relaxing experience...
zlep: Ah, Wizardry 8! One of my favourite games of all time (admittedly clouded by a history of good feelings about previous Wizardry games).

And unlike some of those previous games, I actually managed to create a party to start the game *and* made it past the first location. ^_^ Geez the difficulty curve was extreme in the past... no wonder GOG refuses to sell the early entries...
Nope, if they got Akalabeth they should get all the Wizardry here as well.
I'm sure they are probably both caught in legal limbo and would be a pain to make them work on new systems, but I must have them all!
I want food and sleep. Come on last game on my list!
Awesome, amund :D Bookmarked for when I'm ready to play Banished.
Klumpen0815: I've found this page yesterday, but is really the same as [url=]this?
trentonlf: The one you found is actually the mod I installed and it works great :-)
Oh, ok. I thought the silly base cap is an indicator for "modern" adjustments to the collonial era. oO
Klumpen0815: Yeah, back then, many games liked to kick you in the nuts over and over again just for buying them.
zlep: Yeah. To be fair, at the time of the first few Wizardries they were still experimenting with the limits of game design. Given the modern tendency to pass bad design off as a "feature" (we run at 30fps 'cos we want to look "cinematic"), the early requirement to import a party that finished the previous game could now be bullet-pointed as a user-friendly method of encouraging players to tackle their backlogs. And the permadeath has finally found its time to shine (although even modern rouge-lites don't make you replay the previous two games to create a new party every time you kill your current one...)

Hmm, I'm remembering why the more modern conventions of Wizardry 8 made for a comparatively pleasant, relaxing experience...
I am sure nowadays, importing your party from a previous game would be the Legacy DLC, for only $2.99.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by MaGo72
I'm waiting for Legend of Grimrock 2.
Then I might also call it a day on obssessively watching my computer screen.
Logging into cafe and shop wifi as I pass by on my way to doctor's appointments...

[Edit: Oh crap, I forgot I was also on the lookout for Wasteland 2, The Last Federation and Myst.
And I was looking at Age of Wonders 3 as well.
More caffeine, stat!]
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Getcomposted
RagnarTornquist: *snip*
As for performance, we have released several patches already, which made a pretty big difference for a lot of players. We are hitting a wall with our engine, however, so until we can upgrade to the latest version — which may or may not happen in the near future — it won't get that much better. We've really pushed the tech to its limits…but most players seem to be having a decent-to-good experience now, for what it's worth.
Unity does tend to get a bad rep as a toy engine. Good for flash games, mobile devices and other simple things, but underwhelming for a full 3D professional videogame.

Maybe Unity 5 will change that.
Klumpen0815: Meanwhile at Humble's store front: "All Steam" sale...
Shudder. What the heck happened to Humble???

It looked so promising when it was young...