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opticq: Oh come on, who doesn't have Witcher yet
you'd be surprised
RagnarTornquist: We posted TWO Kickstarter updates just last week! Or possibly three! Including a release date announcement for Book Two AND a new trailer!
You're not checking your email, are you.
MarkoH01: Wait a moment - checking my e-mails .....
Kickstarter Update #74 from 01/22/2015 was the last mail I received from you guys. You seem to have forgotten me. Outrageous! Guess I have to inform myself in your forum if you are too busy to send me e-mails.
I'm not receiving updates anymore since last year, so consider yourself lucky. XD
I guess something's not working with Kickstarter. I've checked the options about updates and messages, obviously, but those are fine.
tinyE: Thinking of Shadowrun.
If I get that do I need to get the other Shadowrun titles to make my life complete?
Yes. :p
Oh god...I just calculated how much money I have spent on the sale.
IanM: pregnant assassin?
mcleodone: pretty sure this we will read also in the next insomnia
just have look at the assassins creed picture
Don't be silly, men can't get pregnant. It is obviously an extended belly from Human Growth Hormone :P
tinyE: Thinking of Shadowrun.
If I get that do I need to get the other Shadowrun titles to make my life complete?
I hear that Dragonfall is much better, but I'm enjoying the original BEFORE I play Dragonfall so that I can make my own decision on this point~ :D
Bah. Already have both Witcher AND Shadowrun Returns. Why couldn't it be Dragonfall? lol
MarkoH01: And missed it because I am always in this thread.
Leonard03: You could use two tabs.
I have 6 of them open (sometimes confusing) but I am reading and reading and writing and writing ... ooops ... checking ... and gone. It reminds me of work.
opticq: Oh come on, who doesn't have Witcher yet
Senteria: you'd be surprised
Could I run that with an integrated graphics card? Work computer is why I ask.
opticq: Oh come on, who doesn't have Witcher yet
Senteria: you'd be surprised
Indeed, many people only came to know about the Witcher series from the announcement of The Witcher 3.
Fesin: Okay, there has to be some sort of hidden qualifier for criticals.
Rub the GOG bear's belly for luck.
The_Blog: Oh god...I just calculated how much money I have spent on the sale.
Scary, isn't it :p
HypersomniacLive: Fun fact - it says the exact same thing even when I'm NOT hovering over the button.
There's no state in which it tells me that I own a game, not on the front page and not on the game page where it lets me even wishlist it.
Only page it's clear if I own a game or not is the checkout page.
On my desktop browser that remembers my GoG login, I have all of the older games marked as owned, but not any of the newly acquired. On my mobile Firefox, no games are marked as owned.

I suspect that the way GoG handles owned games is to have a cacheable HTML page element (a bit of JSON) with IDs of all user owned games. This bit of data does not change so often, so by having it cached in the user's browser, and then running a script that identifies the owned games displayed on the page and marking them as such on the client-side is very efficient. Steam does something like that on some of their pages.

The drawback is that when the system is not operating properly, the ownership identification is not displayed at all. They may have turned it off intentionally, or it simply got swamped because it has to generate the owned list over and over again. Perhaps the problem is that the cache validity period is set too long.
tinyE: Thinking of Shadowrun.
If I get that do I need to get the other Shadowrun titles to make my life complete?
triock: Yes. :p
thanks triock. :P
my friend to the end!
Grargar: Repeat Seasoned deal: Witcher: Enhanced Edition, The (-85%) [350]
Note: It comes complete with constant bugged notifications. Pay no heed to them as they are a necessary source of strength for Geralt.
On the plus side, it seems a Linux version is coming, right? ;)