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RagnarTornquist: I don't work for Funcom anymore and I had nothing to do with Age of Conan, but because you ask nicely and because I feel guilty for everything I've ever been even remotely associated with, I'll get you your damn rhino.

Look for a rhinoceros in an upcoming Dreamfall Chapters book. Can't promise it'll be a live rhino, or even a whole rhino, but rhino bits in some shape or form will be produced, or so help me God— I mean GOG.
That just made my day.
RagnarTornquist: We posted TWO Kickstarter updates just last week! Or possibly three! Including a release date announcement for Book Two AND a new trailer!
You're not checking your email, are you.
Wait a moment - checking my e-mails .....
Kickstarter Update #74 from 01/22/2015 was the last mail I received from you guys. You seem to have forgotten me. Outrageous! Guess I have to inform myself in your forum if you are too busy to send me e-mails.
Klumpen0815: Vangers is receiving quite some love here, it was gone again after I bought it in the nick of time.
I was going to grab another but it went so fast, maybe next time around
Repeat Fresh deal: Shadowrun Returns (-80%) [400]
Senteria: They hope to make a Longest Journey Sequel too after chapters. As far as I know.
j0ekerr: Would that be set in the period of time that goes between the ending of TLJ and when we see April again in Dreamfall, playing freedom fighter in Arcadia?

I always wondered about that.

And Desktop Dungeons sure is taking it's time.
I believe this was the idea yeah. :)
genkicolleen: I thought it was brilliant!
Evangelion did it better.
Okay, there has to be some sort of hidden qualifier for criticals. There are people who got several, and others who have gotten none.
Shadowrun should go quickly~ :D
Senteria: They hope to make a Longest Journey Sequel too after chapters. As far as I know.
j0ekerr: Would that be set in the period of time that goes between the ending of TLJ and when we see April again in Dreamfall, playing freedom fighter in Arcadia?

I always wondered about that.

And Desktop Dungeons sure is taking it's time.
Guys, as a fan of several things, I find that the best story is the one you let the author tell himself.

It's also VERY important to not think about the story more than the author did.

Whatever or whenever it is, I'm sure Mr. Tornquist will do a great job of it, as always.

Shadowrun going fast. Grabbed it finally.
trentonlf: I was buying it to gift later. The sigh was for it being a smaller priced game, why couldn't it be free when I buy the $12 games ;-)
So so yes. I got my freebie on Hogs of War. It was $1.49, if I remember right. Well, free is free, right?
Oh come on, who doesn't have Witcher yet
Repeat Seasoned deal: Witcher: Enhanced Edition, The (-85%) [350]
Note: It comes complete with constant bugged notifications. Pay no heed to them as they are a necessary source of strength for Geralt.
Thinking of Shadowrun.
If I get that do I need to get the other Shadowrun titles to make my life complete?
The Witcher 1 is back... ^_^;