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I wish somebody would nuke that Desktop Dungeons already.
Grargar: [...]

Repeat Seasoned deal: Vangers (-75%) [100]
Wait, what? I was right here! lol
adaliabooks: Well I bought 11th Hour for someone as I thought they weren't online and would miss it, but they managed to grab it.

D'oh. XD

So anyone looking for 11th Hour?
BlackThorny: I can send you a steam key in exchange if you like (but I won't be redeeming until I also get the 7th Guest) :)
I'm happy for you just to have it, but more than willing to trade if you prefer :)
RagnarTornquist: We posted TWO Kickstarter updates just last week! Or possibly three! Including a release date announcement for Book Two AND a new trailer!

You're not checking your email, are you.
Since you mentioned...i'm also not receiving the Kickstarter updates anymore since one year ago...actually i realized the first chapter came out since i saw the game here on GOG. Thankfully people on the Red Thread forum helped me a bit, or i would have missed the rewards completely.
I guess luck just hates me or somehing. ^_^
what are the chances that "The book of unwritten tales 2" will show its face?
Grargar: [...]

Repeat Seasoned deal: Vangers (-75%) [100]
foxworks: Wait, what? I was right here! lol
high rated
Grargar: X-Wing jumped into the hyperspace again!

Repeat Seasoned deal: Vangers (-75%) [100]
MarkoH01: And missed it because I am always in this thread.
Meh. The thread's better than the sale. Check your PM. :)
foxworks: Wait, what? I was right here! lol
Not good enough, fox.
opticq: Thanks!

So is this the final Dreamfall game or are more planned?
Senteria: They hope to make a Longest Journey Sequel too after chapters. As far as I know.
That's cool. TLJ was pure awesomeness.
DieselX: what are the chances that "The book of unwritten tales 2" will show its face?
About zero ;p We're on repeats now, and 99% sure that didn't show up in round 1.
anyone played Vangers? grabbed a code for it because it looks pleasingly odd
Senteria: They hope to make a Longest Journey Sequel too after chapters. As far as I know.
Would that be set in the period of time that goes between the ending of TLJ and when we see April again in Dreamfall, playing freedom fighter in Arcadia?

I always wondered about that.

And Desktop Dungeons sure is taking it's time.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by j0ekerr
Vangers is receiving quite some love here, it was gone again after I bought it in the nick of time.
foxworks: Wait, what? I was right here! lol
Grargar: Not good enough, fox.
I have my white whale for round 3 ;-)
DieselX: what are the chances that "The book of unwritten tales 2" will show its face?
0% is too good for it.