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The_Blog: Is Dreamfall Chapters worth it and how much story do you need from the previous games.?
MarkoH01: It is if you like to take your time and breathe the atmosphare by exploring. It is not if you are expecting much puzzles or even short dialogues. No, you don't need to know anything about the previous games - there even is a "previously" movie included to tell the story of Dreamfall but even this you don't really need.
Lemon_Curry: Can you play Dreamfall without any having played any of the previous games?
MarkoH01: Yes.
RagnarTornquist: As writer/director of Dreamfall Chapters, I'll second this comment: we've designed Dreamfall Chapters to be accessible for everyone, regardless of whether or not you've played the previous games. You'll probably get a bit more out of it if you've played Dreamfall — which is often on sale here on GOG; it's worth picking up — but we've included a recap video, and the major plot points are reiterated in Chapters.

It's definitely a plot-heavy game, and you're likely to get confused early on in Book One: don't worry, this is normal — even for those who have played the two previous games in the series. We introduce a ton of new characters and locations, and we like to toss players into the middle of things without too much explanation. Book Two (which releases a week from now; it's a free update for everyone who buys the season pass) will dig deeper into the story and things will hopefully be more clear.

Thanks for considering the game — and thanks for reading!

Red Thread Games
Thanks allot. Kinda bought the last copy on impulse and was wondering if I should play the other ones first.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by The_Blog
high rated
j0ekerr: And Dreamfall Chapters has come and gone.

However the former game was disappointing, how good has the first chapter proven to be so far?
Reviews and feedback have been quite positive, and we're releasing Book Two: Rebels in one week, which ought to make lots of players very happy. We hope!

I'm sure there will be more copies for sale in the days to come, so stay posted — it's a pretty good deal for a game that's still in production :)
HypersomniacLive: Hmm... it says "BUY NOW" for me when I hover over the mouse. It's a bug GOG has no idea why it's affecting some people while not others.
Actually, that seems to be the correct behavior. It's when you're NOT hovering over the button that it should say "owned".
goplanet: Actually, that seems to be the correct behavior. It's when you're NOT hovering over the button that it should say "owned".
Yes, that's how it works for me.
MarkoH01: It is if you like to take your time and breathe the atmosphare by exploring. It is not if you are expecting much puzzles or even short dialogues. No, you don't need to know anything about the previous games - there even is a "previously" movie included to tell the story of Dreamfall but even this you don't really need.

RagnarTornquist: As writer/director of Dreamfall Chapters, I'll second this comment: we've designed Dreamfall Chapters to be accessible for everyone, regardless of whether or not you've played the previous games. You'll probably get a bit more out of it if you've played Dreamfall — which is often on sale here on GOG; it's worth picking up — but we've included a recap video, and the major plot points are reiterated in Chapters.

It's definitely a plot-heavy game, and you're likely to get confused early on in Book One: don't worry, this is normal — even for those who have played the two previous games in the series. We introduce a ton of new characters and locations, and we like to toss players into the middle of things without too much explanation. Book Two (which releases a week from now; it's a free update for everyone who buys the season pass) will dig deeper into the story and things will hopefully be more clear.

Thanks for considering the game — and thanks for reading!

Red Thread Games
Will it be free of regional pricing at some point?
Since I've got the first two games (for some reason the first one doesn't have the Norwegian and German translation here) I'd like to buy it, but am boycotting discrimination.
Luned: Hmm, it does say "owned" for me. Try mousing over the "Buy Now" button.
HypersomniacLive: Hmm... it says "BUY NOW" for me when I hover over the mouse. It's a bug GOG has no idea why it's affecting some people while not others.
This is happening to me too. Kind of annoying to have to check my library page or add to cart before I know if I own a game.
high rated
genkicolleen: Very nice, thank you for posting here~! I'm looking forward to playing, but I'm waiting for the rest to come out so I don't go crazy waiting for the next installment ^__^
That's totally fair — we hear from a lot of players who want to wait, and we respect that.

You may want to consider picking it up & playing once Book Two is out, however. The second episode ends with a natural breaking point that plays into the whole episodic structure. Waiting for Book Three is part of the story.

Book Two will be out next Tuesday here on GOG. We can't wait!
Going to bed now and still to many games I missed...
Well wish me luck tomorrow. ^^
RagnarTornquist: As writer/director of Dreamfall Chapters, I'll second this comment: we've designed Dreamfall Chapters to be accessible for everyone, regardless of whether or not you've played the previous games. You'll probably get a bit more out of it if you've played Dreamfall — which is often on sale here on GOG; it's worth picking up — but we've included a recap video, and the major plot points are reiterated in Chapters.

It's definitely a plot-heavy game, and you're likely to get confused early on in Book One: don't worry, this is normal — even for those who have played the two previous games in the series. We introduce a ton of new characters and locations, and we like to toss players into the middle of things without too much explanation. Book Two (which releases a week from now; it's a free update for everyone who buys the season pass) will dig deeper into the story and things will hopefully be more clear.

Thanks for considering the game — and thanks for reading!

Red Thread Games
While this post MAY seem legit, this is the internet after all.

How do we know you are you, Mr. Tornquist?

How do we know you're not going to tell us that you need our help to transfer 25 billion dollars from an account in Mugabe or offer to sell us member enlargement pills?

I'm afraid I'll need to ask you for your credentials.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Dalthnock
I should be doing something productive right now but this is so fun!
Lemon_Curry: Can you play Dreamfall without any having played any of the previous games?
RagnarTornquist: We like to think so! We've also included a video recap of the previous game in the series to help new players get started.
Hum. Then we should really play the others first. =)
RagnarTornquist: Book Two will be out next Tuesday here on GOG. We can't wait!
Oh wow~! *_* I need to get crackin', then! :D
Leonard03: I should be doing something productive right now but this is so fun!
Insomnia comes but rarely - savour it. :)
Pharlander: How long you crazy kids been up by now? I'm pushing 36 hours over here. Insomnia Promo, indeed.

Or, y'know... Just call a spade a soil relocation instrument, and say it like it is. Self-induced sleep deprivation.

Fun, though. You guys are good company.
Dalthnock: I tried, but I'm too old for this stuff.

Every time I see the sun rise, I get extremely drowsy & need to sleep right away.
Wake up Dalthnock you will miss the next game ;-)
Or at least these forums
RagnarTornquist: Book Two will be out next Tuesday here on GOG. We can't wait!
There goes Judas' enigmatic hint. ^^