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adambiser: Gah! I missed Monster Bash.
It's up now Adam!
Klumpen0815: This feels like the gamer's equivalent of "a bunch o' guys watching a soccer/football/hockey/whateversports-game". :D
*snicker* I think our version is more fun XD
IAmSinistar: Fun is being had. That is what truly matters. :)
Klumpen0815: This feels like the gamer's equivalent of "a bunch o' guys watching a soccer/football/hockey/whateversports-game". :D
It often gets like that. Who cares about games ;-)
Does Monster Bash have cheats? I might pick that up if there's a way to make the game easier.

I'm not into the "hardcore" platformers/tough as nails challenge, but I do like platformers as a concept. Plus it's my way of encouraging 3D Realms to keep bringing games. ;-)

"Press Z + [F10] for five additional lives." - any idea if this works?
Post edited March 03, 2015 by tfishell
The games I was hoping for in this sale (execpt for Legend of Grimrock *blush*) were the original Oddworld (seasoned) and Either One (fresh). Have they been heavily discounted some time?
INFERNO.COP: AtS still too expensive for my wallet but it seems to be getting there. Next level of discount should be fine enough I reckon.
toxicTom: How much is it in Romania, if I may ask?
19.99 in dollars, and at 6.59 discounted now. Being somewhat of a cheapskate simply because it can still go over 67% in theory.
Grargar: Tell me I didn't miss Theme Park?! <span class="bold">NOOOOOOOOOOO!</span>
You must've blinked. Blinked right into a coma. :)
Monster Bash looks like a PC port of a spectrum or commodore title.

tfishell: Does Monster Bash have cheats? I might pick that up if there's a way to make the game easier.

I'm not into the "hardcore" platformers/tough as nails challenge, but I do like platformers as a concept. Plus it's my way of encouraging 3D Realms to keep bringing games. ;-)
Every Apogee game has cheats. But Monster Bash is not a hard game. Well at least not for me.
toxicTom: The games I was hoping for in this sale (execpt for Legend of Grimrock *blush*) were the original Oddworld (seasoned) and Either One (fresh). Have they been heavily discounted some time?
Ether One is half-off on GOG right now. All versions.
Stilton: I think the raised arms and booming voice of sleep deprivation are kicking in...
For some reason, your post brought this to mind... ↁ_ↁ
Grabbed Monster Bash, another one off my wishlist. Apogee =3
INFERNO.COP: 19.99 in dollars, and at 6.59 discounted now. Being somewhat of a cheapskate simply because it can still go over 67% in theory.
How much is this in comparison to some everyday good? ATS is 5.89€, roughly the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes or a small meal at McDonalds.
DrRoxo: I know it's only March, but I can't wait for November 15th, so we can all celebrate Keaning day again \o/
gamingrn: If only we could get that to become an officially recognized international holiday
We need to get officially recognized as a religion first ^^

Stilton: There's even a date? Wow, this needs to be on people's calendars. Maybe we could even get a day off work!
The "official" date has been juggled around a bit + there are timezones to consider, when it comes to the first apperance of Our Lord Saviour, but 15th seems to be somewhere in the ballpark, yes :) We had a thread about it last year. It's always fun to remember all the haikus and whatnot :D
Post edited March 03, 2015 by DrRoxo