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Grargar: Repeat Seasoned deal: Theme Park (-75%) [250]
That's going to take a while...
BlackThorny: 2. You can win a game You Already Own / Is Noted Swinged as Missed (but isn't).
Are you sure about that? I was getting Swing & Miss on games I don't own! ... and I swear that I saw people winning games they already own, as well. *confused look*
Cypisss: Sorry guys, last minute lineup changes and it must have gotten lost in the craziness of it all... Can you point me to where this pesky "90%" can be found currently?
Grargar: The e-mail, itself.
And on Twitch.
trentonlf: Uhm, gift and trade don't work so well together. Are you gifting it or trading it?
tt612v: um sorry, wasn't aware of a difference in terminology. Trade I suppose.
This would be the place to do trades:
Cypisss: Sorry guys, last minute lineup changes and it must have gotten lost in the craziness of it all... Can you point me to where this pesky "90%" can be found currently?
Grargar: The e-mail, itself.
Ah crap, so I cannot undo it. Apologies then.
Klumpen0815: Aye sir, I'll install it right after I finished Painkiller and Teslagrad which I'm currently playing, well I would if this sale here would not be happening. At least this way I got the second one at a low price. :)
Good rabbit. Nice that you finish games. I try to, but sometimes I just feel that the time is better spent on a new game if I'm not enjoying the current one. I do hate leaving them unfinished though.
Hm, got Vanishing of Ethan Carter for free, and my g/f doesn't seem to like it. Morrowind was the pinnacle of the walking simulator genre for the two of use. :-)

I would like to trade it for Desktop Dungeons (and maybe some of the minor games) or Lumino City (not sure if I can throw in something good... I do have an extra Torchlight ;-D). If interested, PM me an offer, it doesn't have to be one listed!

EDIT: Gone.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by artakserkso
Stilton: Banner Saga because its stunning.
j0ekerr: And it's got Vikings in it.
What better recommendation do you need? ;-)
Cypisss: Sorry guys, last minute lineup changes and it must have gotten lost in the craziness of it all... Can you point me to where this pesky "90%" can be found currently?
I don't see it anywhere on the site. It was heavily quoted in the various articles that have been written about the event, such as the one on GameSpot's website. It's not a problem. I was just curious since I remembered seeing it and have been keeping track of the sale.
Cypisss: Ah crap, so I cannot undo it. Apologies then.
Well I could send the email back so you can correct it....
IAmSinistar: It'll probably have to wait until there is Galaxy support or some other kind of game lobby. I'm terrible at getting into pick-up games of multiplayer anything otherwise. :D
That's not what I meant :) It's like the group-plays that we do at other sites (I don't know if anyone does them here.) People choose a game for everyone to play at once, and talk to each other about it in a thread dedicated to that purpose. For instance, at my place we'll be doing a group-play of Satinav starting on the 9th, and then doing Memoria in April.

No need for a thread if it's going to be just you and me -- we can simply PM each other :D
I bought a few games during insomniasale (Both critical hit and normal). They appear in my library as other titles. But unlilke other titles, when I go to game's info page, they are not marked as bought. Any idea?
high rated
Cypisss: Ah crap, so I cannot undo it. Apologies then.
The obvious solution is to add a game at 90% off. Since it's late notice, talk to a company you already have good relations with. I suggest adding The Witcher 3. :)
Klumpen0815: Aye sir, I'll install it right after I finished Painkiller and Teslagrad which I'm currently playing, well I would if this sale here would not be happening. At least this way I got the second one at a low price. :)
IAmSinistar: Good rabbit. Nice that you finish games. I try to, but sometimes I just feel that the time is better spent on a new game if I'm not enjoying the current one. I do hate leaving them unfinished though.
I can't stand leaving business unfinished and a game has to be no fun at all for me to stop playing it before it's finished.
Would I have quit Far Cry in the beginning when I was frustrated with it, I would have missed some great hours.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Cypisss: Sorry guys, last minute lineup changes and it must have gotten lost in the craziness of it all... Can you point me to where this pesky "90%" can be found currently?
In the subject line of the email, and in this image on the newsletter:

Shocking lies, I think the only way to make this right is a free copy of Pillars of Eternity Royal Edition for every member of GOG
Post edited March 03, 2015 by IanM