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It seems to me that all the repeat sales where the early ones maybe they're not mixing it up too much?
Buy Driftmoon!

Only game I ever pre-ordered.
Small project with lots of love (literally, it was made by a couple).
Back from work but will have to pop out shortly to the shops - like there's anything left to spend! lol

I've been clicking on stuff all day and not had a critical hit since Neverending Nightmare in the early hours of this morning and I already owned that. I've bought quite a few games for myself, so I need to tally up the damage to my finances so far and see what I can afford to add to my code stockpile! :-)
trentonlf: Just in case anyone was keeping tabs for Dedoporno for The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, he did get it ;-)
Crewdroog: i think i need to go find a certain shirt....
Hey now, no stripping in the thread!
MarkoH01: Ethan Carter is a nice and good looking game but beware. If you don't run a 64Bit System you can only see very low res textures. The game simply disables the possibility for high textures and some of them on a 32Bit system look like crap. So buy it if you run a 64Bit OS or you are planning to buy such an OS.
Yeah... I want to play it BADLY, but I can't play for over 5-10 minutes without running out of memory on my video card ^_^;
sztihamer: I saw that blue message though a couple of times but now that's gone also. So not sure what is going on though...
JayAird: none here either, so you aren't the only ones
Nope. My goal is to get one freebie. That's all I want from this insomnia sale. I have Wasteland 2 from the Kickstarter so I'm good I guess...
genkicolleen: So, I'm watching for the repeats of Dead State and Tomb Raider 1-3.

What about y'all?

EDIT: Heh, I see Sinistar beat me to the punch -- and for one of the same games! :D
I'll go you one better than that. Check your PMs. :)
Repeat Seasoned deal: Great Battles Collector's Edition (-75%) [200]
LynetteC: Back from work but will have to pop out shortly to the shops - like there's anything left to spend! lol
Someones off to LIDL!
PaterAlf: Hooray, I just got my first critical hit (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter). And I'm even more happy, because it's one of the regionally priced games that I normally boycot).
Congrats, a very nice get indeed. :)
Fantasysci5: It seems to me that all the repeat sales where the early ones maybe they're not mixing it up too much?
True, based on what I've seen, the prediction sure to be wrong is that they are recycling in around 18-20 game blocks meaning that for Seasoned, everything between Bad Mojo and either Riven or Theme Park would come through before moving on. The too early guess on the Fresh side is the same.

edit: replace 'Riven' with 11th Hour above
Post edited March 03, 2015 by gamingrn
Repeat Fresh deal: Capsized (-80%) [150]
Bought Unreal Gold yesterday (and I found a working German patch which made it even better). Today it was my first freebie. YES I had a critical hit (so it IS real) but already have that great game. So if somebody want to get gifted it's waiting :)
"Meme Traffic Expert Neetzan Zimmerman".

Is this a job now? A skill?

What in the... Why?

I'm just realizing something; GOG's promo page says there would be discounts up to 90% off. I don't recall seeing any discounts that high. The highest by my count was 85%. Were they just rounding up for dramatic effect?