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If I see the third round of Ethan Carter I'll buy it. It really looks tempting.
trentonlf: Just in case anyone was keeping tabs for Dedoporno for The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, he did get it ;-)
stg83: I am guessing because of your SGS (Serial Gifting Syndrome), +rep for the wonderful generosity and thoughtfulness as always trentonlf. :)
This time I just sent a message to him, but had it In my queue to buy in case he was unavailable ;-)
madth3: Two games to look for plus another two that I might get.
Let us know if you want us to cover while you're away.

The only games left in the sale I'm after are Dead State and Lumino City. There are also one or two I might impulse buy, and I may continue accumulating gift keys.
Ladayen: xwing and tie fighter have have both been up.
Ludi: hmm cant find tie fighter on the list when was it up??
4ish hours ago? It was 2 games before I woke up :X
Repeat Fresh deal: Driftmoon (-85%) [100]
IAmSinistar: I did. Awesome folks like Grargar, CarrionCrow, Pidgeot, and others keep things going whether I'm here or not. :)
Klumpen0815: You are all insane. :D
No, we are Insomniac. ;-)
So, I'm watching for the repeats of Dead State and Tomb Raider 1-3.

What about y'all?

EDIT: Heh, I see Sinistar beat me to the punch -- and for one of the same games! :D
Post edited March 03, 2015 by genkicolleen
Ethan Carter is a nice and good looking game but beware. If you don't run a 64Bit System you can only see very low res textures. The game simply disables the possibility for high textures and some of them on a 32Bit system look like crap. So buy it if you run a 64Bit OS or you are planning to buy such an OS.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by MarkoH01
Sucks was hoping for Divinity original sin.....but got some good games only maybe two still wanted on my list. And got one freebie.. Not too bad for my first insomnia sale
Driftmoon -85%, 100.
adaliabooks: Me too :(

I'll keep trying though in round 2.
sztihamer: I saw that blue message though a couple of times but now that's gone also. So not sure what is going on though...
none here either, so you aren't the only ones
trentonlf: This time I just sent a message to him, but had it In my queue to buy in case he was unavailable ;-)
I see, thats very nice but I knew incase he wasn't able to get it then you would be there to help out as always so a +1 is well deserved. :)
Hooray, I just got my first critical hit (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter). And I'm even more happy, because it's one of the regionally priced games that I normally boycot).
trentonlf: Just in case anyone was keeping tabs for Dedoporno for The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, he did get it ;-)
i think i need to go find a certain shirt....
genkicolleen: So, I'm watching for the repeats of Dead State and Tomb Raider 1-3.

What about y'all?

EDIT: Heh, I see Sinistar beat me to the punch -- and for one of the same games! :D
Dead State for sure :-)