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IAmSinistar: I did. Awesome folks like Grargar, CarrionCrow, Pidgeot, and others keep things going whether I'm here or not. :)
Klumpen0815: You are all insane. :D
Klumpen0815: You are all insane. :D
You should have seen the previous sale - we were Legion. :)

EDIT: Attached is proof, for those who missed it.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by IAmSinistar
Klumpen0815: You are all insane. :D
They're all my kind of insane! :D
Grargar: New Fresh deal: Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure (-80%) [350]
Good discount, but I'll pass... I'd want to play the classic Tex games first (which I own), and Tesla Effect might not run on my machine anyway.
j0ekerr: Dayum!
Get yourself a double cheeseburger...?
IAmSinistar: I did. Awesome folks like Grargar, CarrionCrow, Pidgeot, and others keep things going whether I'm here or not. :)
Cool, I passed out for 5 hours a while ago and was surprised to see you still up and at it. That's a neat list, thanks!
Also, I just had a thought.. this is like trying to get concert tickets to a really popular concert, waiting for them to go on sale, hoping you get in quick enough and the website doesn't fail...

Except we all know the limits are artificial and we are putting ourselves through it willingly.. XD
IAmSinistar: I did. Awesome folks like Grargar, CarrionCrow, Pidgeot, and others keep things going whether I'm here or not. :)
Klumpen0815: You are all insane. :D
I'm pretty sure everybody here is at least a little insane.
I thought at least one Heroes of Might and Magic title would be on sale :/
IAmSinistar: I did. Awesome folks like Grargar, CarrionCrow, Pidgeot, and others keep things going whether I'm here or not. :)
Klumpen0815: You are all insane. :D
There is a fine line betwixt insanity and genius...
Cyraxpt: Yeah, i know, the small increases gave that away, i'm not blaming gog. :)
Grargar: The interesting part about Arx Fatalis is that it gets no discounts either on Steam.
really? no discounts ever? oh wells.
Another Slog took a while again.

Repeat Seasoned deal: 11th Hour, The (-75%) [100]
huN73R: Have you slept in past 24 hours at all?
IAmSinistar: I did. Awesome folks like Grargar, CarrionCrow, Pidgeot, and others keep things going whether I'm here or not. :)
Very much this! Great job gang!
Crewdroog: really? no discounts ever? oh wells.
Really. The last time it was discounted was in January 2013.
j0ekerr: 80% off the last Tex Murphy?


Who's rolled a 20 for that one? I haven't had any luck.
I would buy this crap so fast... but I already own it.

And once again, no luck. I would be happy to see that fabled screen & somebody would've gotten it for free.
