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The_Blog: Critical Hit: Another World! My first freebie ^^
Good one! And a great game.
The bot died because it didn't get a proper response, and I failed to take that into account.

It should be running again, but I'll need to backfill the entries once I have time (in an hour or so). The detailed entries will be left incomplete.

EDIT: Regular list filled out, but no prices or exact timestamps on the missed titles.
Post edited March 02, 2015 by Pidgeot
high rated
Grargar: Next Seasoned deal: Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Sachys: cant believe thats selling so well! O____o
I hadn't noticed it on sale before. I'm responsible for 1 of those...
Tannath: Watch out for Schein. More platforming + quick reflexes than puzzles...
genkicolleen: Ouch, good to know!
It's not bad, I enjoyed it. But it wasn't what I imagined it to be.
The_Blog: Critical Hit: Another World! My first freebie ^^
IAmSinistar: Good one! And a great game.
It sure is. Now I own it on GOG too ^^
Pidgeot: The bot died because it didn't get a proper response, and I failed to take that into account.

It should be running again, but I'll need to backfill the entries once I have time (in an hour or so). The detailed entries will be left incomplete.
Thanks, we appreciate your hard work! +1
Sachys: cant believe thats selling so well! O____o
budejovice: I hadn't noticed it on sale before. I'm responsible for 1 of those...
then I also hold you responsible for groupees filling every bundle with platformers.

...just because!
Whew! Got distracted for what seemed like just a couple minutes and almost missed Monster Bash. Completed my purchase just as it changed to Another World.
IAmSinistar: Good one! And a great game.
The_Blog: It sure is. Now I own it on GOG too ^^
I was surprised at how good it looked when I played the 20th anniversary edition. Puts much newer games to shame really, good design always shows.
Kinda thought Another World would move faster.

Kinda think the GOG folks thought that too.
Another World seems to be taking its sweet time. Another Slog?
Grargar: Another World seems to be taking its sweet time. Another Slog?
Been on GOG a long time, and has had better discounts IIRC. So yeah, this one may take a while.
Grargar: Another World seems to be taking its sweet time. Another Slog?
been discounted on every major sale GOGs had for the last year i think hasnt it? - and at a better discount too as far as I remember.
Grargar: Another World seems to be taking its sweet time. Another Slog?
The discount could be juicier. And possibly the initial sales were to the few people who still didn't have it. Or the key hoarding gifters.

EDIT: It does give the Fresh list a chance to do a little catching up though.
Post edited March 02, 2015 by IAmSinistar
There comes the hive mind within seconds of difference. :D