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the_voivod: I have spent a mighty $4.48 so far.
€4.97 here :)
sithocan: 79 fresh title done. First wave is completed for freh titles, I think.
69. Seasoned is up at 78, that should be done either with this or the next if they're equal and we don't get to 160.
Dalthnock: You guys aren't getting free games... this is all a massive troll!

I know. I've clicked in almost every game so far & it NEVER happened.

u wot m8
deja65: snip
Again, this is not a GIFTING or TRADING thread. Ones exist already for those purposes. Do not posts requests here.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by IAmSinistar
sithocan: 79 fresh title done. First wave is completed for freh titles, I think.
Hmm. My numbers say that we're on items 146 and 147, with 79 older items and 68 newer.
Dalthnock: You guys aren't getting free games... this is all a massive troll!

I know. I've clicked in almost every game so far & it NEVER happened.
I'm only trying for games that I would actually play and for games that I already own (for gift codes) -- No point in taking a free game that I have no interest in!

I've not had any freebies during this sale, but I got one during the last insomnia promo!

*Drops to the ground and starts freaking out like a child*
the_voivod: I have spent a mighty $4.48 so far.
Either your willpower is incredible, your taste for games is incredible particular, your wallet is sadly lacking, or you enjoy your life away from this website a lot. :P

Whatever the case, I hope the money you spent was worth the investment. Fortunately, I haven't regretted anything I've bought in my time here. Even games I bought that were later available at lower prices have been games I have enjoyed immensely and were worth the price I paid at the time. You can't ask for more than that.

Happy gaming!
Dalthnock: You guys aren't getting free games... this is all a massive troll!

I know. I've clicked in almost every game so far & it NEVER happened.
genkicolleen: I'm only trying for games that I would actually play and for games that I already own (for gift codes) -- No point in taking a free game that I have no interest in!

I've not had any freebies during this sale, but I got one during the last insomnia promo!
You aren't the only one. 32 purchases in, and I haven't gotten a free item either.
Is The Last Federation worth getting? I'm still unsure about that game.
Dalthnock: You guys aren't getting free games... this is all a massive troll!

I know. I've clicked in almost every game so far & it NEVER happened.

huN73R: u wot m8
Wish I could get one.. I keep clicking everything but haven't managed a critical hit yet.. :/
the_voivod: I did that to begin with, but to be honest the chances of it happening are so tiny I'm just a-clicking now. I figure I can always give them away if I don't want them.
You can't, actually. If you don't already own them, they get added to your account.