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j0ekerr: Gragar has been dilligently keeping us posted of everything.
IAmSinistar: He's been doing an outstanding job, but I didn't find posts for a couple that folks were discussing (QUBE and Pier Solar). More likely the fault lies with me, though. And I am very grateful for his diligence and hard work!

CarrionCrow: Darkstone (-75%) [100]
Shadow Man (-75%) [100]
Spycraft The Great Game (-75%) [100]
Red Faction 2 (-80%) [150]

QUBE Director's Cut (-80%) [100]
Pier Solar (-67%) [200]
Risen (-80%) [200]
Broken Age Season Pass (-67%) [200]
IAmSinistar: Cheers mate, the list is caught up now.
Also worth adding the link to Pidgeot Bot to both lists for easier tracking :)
Just how many space combat games does GOG have, anyway?!
Post edited March 03, 2015 by goplanet
79 fresh title done. First wave is completed for freh titles, I think.
Tannath: It's visually dated but the FMV is good, and the gameplay feels realistic... just don't be discouraged by the awful shooting parts, there's only two of them anyway.
Thanks for that. Much appreciated!
goplanet: Just how many space combat games does GoG have, anyway?!
I don't know, but I'd actually be happy to see Descent show up.
LiefLayer: thank you
You're welcome and good luck!
Are there any info or informed guesses on how many distinct games there will be in this promo?
Oh dear, another one I'd like... but can't have.

The price for the last federation is pretty damn good though.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by j0ekerr
Do you think we're almost to Round 2? I will not miss King of Dragon Pass again! (Although I was hoping Startopia would make an appearance).
BlackThorny: Also worth adding the link to Pidgeot Bot to both lists for easier tracking :)
Good suggestion, added to the head post.
CarrionCrow: Now it's a question of just how many games are in each round, and of which type.
IAmSinistar: Personally, I'm holding out for Pony Bathing & Dress Up games.

Grargar: You can blame GOG for refusing to open for me for a good 10 minutes.
IAmSinistar: I figured it was technological, because the organic component is an unstoppable mutha. :D
Well....good luck to you with that....I think I'll keep sticking with the hope that Original Sin shows up at the end of round one. ;)
Post edited March 03, 2015 by CarrionCrow
You guys aren't getting free games... this is all a massive troll!

I know. I've clicked in almost every game so far & it NEVER happened.

Guys does anybody have a spare Red Faction 1 key. I missed it and i remember that it is a wonderful game.
Hope it comes again
Fantasysci5: Do you think we're almost to Round 2? I will not miss King of Dragon Pass again! (Although I was hoping Startopia would make an appearance).
I'm guessing we must be. Game count should be close to 150 by now.