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Arinielle: Too bad the swing and miss bug is there. It got my hopes up for getting it free. D:
opeter2: Yeah, I got the same. What does it mean?
Don't know. Seems to be something quite a few folks here have gotten as well.
the_voivod: Slightly tempted by Gex; I remember when it was first released but never sought it out. Hmm.
Fun game, lots of good humour, and a nice price here.
Yay! Between this and the last Insomnia, I purchased 40 games... finally got my first freebie in Freedom Planet! :-) (fitting, I suppose. *grin*)
New Fresh deal: Raven, The: Legacy of a Master Thief (-85%) [100]

Doesnt look like anybody wants Raven, The: Legacy of a Master Thief
New Seasoned deal: Jade Empire: Special Edition (-75%) [300]

There it is.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by the_voivod
New seasoned deal: Jade Empire Special Edition.
People have been waiting for Jade Empire. I hope they're here to get it.
Arinielle: Not quite ready to pay that for Freedom Planet right now.

Too bad the swing and miss bug is there. It got my hopes up for getting it free. D:
It's also a little bit too high a price for my standards as well, nut I regret nothing.

This has really been my one impulse buy. I didn't stop to think or consider, I just allowed myself to be carried away in a wave of Sonic fueled nostalgia.

And everyone says that if that's what you seek in freedom planet, that's exactly what you'll get.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by j0ekerr
Can someone get me Jade empire? I'll get you something of same value on steam. (Hold on to the code until you want something on steam) My trading partner is offline now :(
And now another bug... I have a game that I didn't get before but it says I already have it. It's in my account now so....did it hand me a freebie and not mention it for some reason? I have all my games downloaded on the comp here and I don't have it in the I need to contact GOG peeps about this? How do I?
IAmSinistar: Allow me. Check your PMs.
Damn... I was about to buy the game, but my computer crashed on me.

Well thank you. +1
Is this Jade Empire any good? Can you play it with mouse + keyboard kombo?