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Exoanthrope: Nice, but I already drink 5 cups of coffee every day. 8D
You may be crossing the line from cleaning your arteries to dissolving them. ;)
Ixamyakxim: So what were the last couple games before these two?
cognition, Myst, Din's Curse
The_Blog: Buy Spellforce1! It is a nice RTS/RPG mix and probably my favourite game of all time although that also might be to nostalgia. Basicly the first game that get's installed on a fresh PC. ^^ The addons also have allot of play time. Each of them are at about 15-25 hours. The main game is at about 45 hours.
Aye its cracking value - even if Spellforce is a little cheesey, its still one of my favourites.
Kunovski: many people say yes, many people say no... the pixehunting is the main issue of the original, but the new version has different voice-actors and "they" say it's not the same...
Exoanthrope: But, Tim Curry!

The remake looks pretty solid, though.
yeah, the "different voice-actors" was meant as a bad thing :)
IAmSinistar: You may be crossing the line from cleaning your arteries to dissolving them. ;)
That's what I get for working at a place that gives me access to free coffee all day.
Exoanthrope: Nice, but I already drink 5 cups of coffee every day. 8D
j0ekerr: I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear.
No no no...wrong song. is better. ;)

My linkage sucks but still takes to the right song....don't mind that.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Arinielle
Ixamyakxim: So what were the last couple games before these two?
warpax: cognition, Myst, Din's Curse
Cheers, thanks!
arxon: Is the GK anniversary edition worth it? I really liked the original, but the new graphical design just doesn't have it's charm any more.
Kunovski: many people say yes, many people say no... the pixehunting is the main issue of the original, but the new version has different voice-actors and "they" say it's not the same...
just got the remake on this sale so now i can see if its up to what some say, i have the original also on GOG and it is evry ncie has great atmosphee, sometimes remakes lack that part... now i can see and judge for myself

if have more games but i will post what i got after the sales are oevr cause i already missed the nightly cause i was at sleep.

But the games on this promo are all very good games some games might not be my style, but they are still very very good games.
Its a good promo.
Had to get more psc this afternoon cause i was running out.
New Fresh deal: Freedom Planet (-67%) [150]
YES!! I can finally play Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - 20th Anniversary Edition! There were only 10 copies left when I noticed it was on sale, I almost miss it. Thanks GOG for this great insomnia promo. =)

[And thanks Sinistar for starting the tracker thread, +1]
Sarblade: I was waiting only three games:

Star Wars: X-Wing Special Edition
Star Wars: TIE Fighter Special Edition
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

I've slept a total of 2 hours and i missed the first two. Gog are you watching me?
I guess i will play a little more with the original ones on floppy disk. :P
IwubCheeze: *Hears muffled giggles coming from under the bed*
Funny that i checked under the bed (i'm bored and tired) and there was my mousepad, customized with a picture of Gabe Newell.
>Purple SANIC

Grargar: New Fresh deal: Freedom Planet (-67%) [150]
Very much recommended, especially at this price. Gotta get a gift key...
Trying to buy Freedom Planet, and it says the offer is expired. What's up?
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Malek86
The bug returns.
fp.jpg (148 Kb)