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Maxvorstadt: No, the insomnia sale lasts untill every copy is sold. This can mean it lasts longer or shorter than four days. Normally an IS lasts for nearly a week.
Oh, my bad then, i assumed 4 days since it would be weird for them still streaming the insomnia thing after the promo had ended.
iangold: I doubt it, but others will know more.

I've been waiting for a long time for Giants and Outcast to go on sale... Although I feel like they might be worth full price.
zambonibutt: Yeah, I'd pay full price if I could get the European version (unedited) of Giants.
I've looked around on the forums before and it seems like there's quite an easy fix! Like you I'd love to get it tinker-free though :-)
I sit with eyes glazed over looking at Anomoloy for nearly an hour then get up for 5 minutes and swoop- Shadowgate and Tie Fighter supposedly come and go without a trace. Sonuva...
skeletonbow: Ugh, turn your head for like 20 minutes and TIE Fighter comes and goes in like 20 seconds. :) Alas, it be time for bed right about now (more like 10 hours ago really...).

Best of luck to everyone in Insomninating the games you're eager to grab for your collections. Have fun!
trentonlf: Do you own tie fighter for yourself?
Buried somewhere on floppies from the 90s... not the GOG one tho, been waiting to grab as much of the Lucas stuff on promo that turns up. I'm guessing Xwing went just as fast as well. Kind of nice to see the game is so popular that people gobble it up so fast like D&D though, that means Disney should be thrilled and bring more games here. :) Probably another 2 rotations of it left in the next few days tho too. They stand to be repeat bestsellers during the quarterly promos I estimate, maybe give Planescape a run for it's money. :)
GhostwriterDoF: Just install the game, run around in the world and kill a few things,
that's all you need to do to cross it off the backlog. ;)
IwubCheeze: Lol, that sounds like Diablo 2 :P
Not quite Diablo 2 (in quality of story or loot), however, the best part of Two Worlds (1 and 2)
is running around exploring the world. I think in TW 1 once you clear an area out of monsters,
they stay gone...
is i worth to click buy every second or just click one time in each game to try to get it for free?
Kunovski: it's not best of the world RPG, but it's solid... it also has this great mechanic when you can merge weaker weapons into stronger ones (so you can decide whether to sell those weak lame rusty swords, or merge them into a massive ultraturborusty sword, which might be better than a steel sword in the local shop :) and magic works the same!
IwubCheeze: This mechanic sounds like it could make the game super easy, is this the case? Finding that uber powered sword in Morrowind: Tribunal was one of the things that ruined that game for me :(
Weapons/armor etc. can only be stacked up to level 50 so in my case right now, my two x50 Toothed Terrors have about the same power if not less than two merged Dragon Jaws or whatever they're called. Nevertheless I liked the design so supplemented the lack of power with 50% gems and character stats.
high rated
trentonlf: Do you own tie fighter for yourself?
skeletonbow: Buried somewhere on floppies from the 90s... not the GOG one tho, been waiting to grab as much of the Lucas stuff on promo that turns up. I'm guessing Xwing went just as fast as well. Kind of nice to see the game is so popular that people gobble it up so fast like D&D though, that means Disney should be thrilled and bring more games here. :) Probably another 2 rotations of it left in the next few days tho too. They stand to be repeat bestsellers during the quarterly promos I estimate, maybe give Planescape a run for it's money. :)
Just for grins and giggles check your PM then for Tie Fighter ;-)
GhostwriterDoF: Not quite Diablo 2 (in quality of story or loot), however, the best part of Two Worlds (1 and 2)
is running around exploring the world. I think in TW 1 once you clear an area out of monsters,
they stay gone...
They'll respawn infrequently. Painful though it was I found this out through hours of grinding.
xupacabra: is i worth to click buy every second or just click one time in each game to try to get it for free?
One time for each is all you need. It's either going to come up free the first time or it never will.
New Fresh deal: The Gamers: Dorkness Rising (-75%) [150]
Finally! A movie! Just what I wanted!
Oh good, a movie. :P