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Ixamyakxim: And I think I'm more inclined to see if Starpoint Gemini shows up.
LordCinnamon: Oooh, I'd like to buy that at 75% off
We can both keep our fingers crossed! ;)

On the downside, I now know I'm passing on Wasteland yet again. I don't know what it is about this game, but it's slipped from being one of my biggest wants (I'd known about it well into development) to a game I keep skipping over. Oh well.
DiscipleJF: I missed Wasteland 2, will that be coming back? Or are GOG not repeating games?
Everything should be repeated in a second and third round.
Drabelincoln: When you get the freebies do you need to go all the way through checkout or is it right when you hit the buy button?
Right after you hit the buy button, you get a notice on checkout page (where you'd normally select payment method) that you got it for free.
I finally get Shadowgate!!!!
IwubCheeze: This mechanic sounds like it could make the game super easy, is this the case? Finding that uber powered sword in Morrowind: Tribunal was one of the things that ruined that game for me :(
Kunovski: don't worry, there are TONS of weapon types, so waiting for the new addition can be long so you'll just choose another way :) it's just a neat extra mechanic that gives you more choices (and makes you pick up EVERYTHING you find :D
I gotcha. Thanks for the heads up there :)
Drabelincoln: When you get the freebies do you need to go all the way through checkout or is it right when you hit the buy button?
You'll see the "critical hit" message right away.
DiscipleJF: I missed Wasteland 2, will that be coming back? Or are GOG not repeating games?
Cyraxpt: The insomnia sale lasts for 4 days so i guess it's safe to say there's at least one more chance for it... unless the "Keane" curse returns...
No, the insomnia sale lasts untill every copy is sold. This can mean it lasts longer or shorter than four days. Normally an IS lasts for nearly a week.
IwubCheeze: This mechanic sounds like it could make the game super easy, is this the case? Finding that uber powered sword in Morrowind: Tribunal was one of the things that ruined that game for me :(
It doesn't get too esy because of this. It's just "a bridge" to make your stuff a bit better before you find stronger weapons and armors. Have you played Oblivion? Where you get weapons and armors of a certain material, depending on your level? Just imagine you could "merge" 20 of those iron swords to improve your weapon a bit, before your level is high enough to find the better steel swords.
How you will see, that you got your game for free? Is it:
1) you click on BUY and you see it FREE or
2) you click on BUY and choose Payment and click progress and you see it FREE or
3) you BUY it and PAY it and afterwards you see i FREE?

at which stage you see if its free or not?

I think it's also predetermined, means if you click 1x buy and don't see, you will also not see if you click again on the same game? or in the whole session?
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Rexoberan
As of Black Mirror II and Drox Operative, we're looking at 62 seasoned and 54 fresh. That's 116 total of the 150+ that GOG refers to being in this sale. Curious what else will be coming up and whether we might start seeing some seasoned repeats soon.
Rexoberan: How you will see, that you got your game for free? Is it:
1) you click on BUY and you see it FREE or
This :-)
Rexoberan: How you will see, that you got your game for free? Is it:
1) you click on BUY and you see it FREE or
2) you click on BUY and choose Payment and click progress and you see it FREE or
3) you BUY it and PAY it and afterwards you see i FREE?

at which stage you see if its free or not?
Rexoberan: How you will see, that you got your game for free? Is it:
1) you click on BUY and you see it FREE or
2) you click on BUY and choose Payment and click progress and you see it FREE or
3) you BUY it and PAY it and afterwards you see i FREE?

at which stage you see if its free or not?
It's option 1.

EDIT: Heh. Ninja'd x 3
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Tekkaman-James