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Damn I go away and Tie Fighter appears :/ Guess I won't be getting in this sale then.
Hmm, Black Mirror 2. Although I consider the original BM as the best in the series, this one is also not bad.
Matruchus: Damn I go away and Tie Fighter appears :/ Guess I won't be getting in this sale then.
the_voivod: Why not? It'll come around twice more before the end, I imagine.
Yeah if I am there at the right time that is. I expect it to be gone extremely fast.
Anyone know if Giants has ever gone on sale in the previous Insomnia sale?
DROX is not very popular it seems …
IwubCheeze: I just got a critical hit on Two Worlds. Is this good? I never even heard of this game..............
I wouldn't say "good" per se. Some people really like it. It has good parts. The voice-acting, dialog and model animations ruined it for me. I just couldn't do it. But Two Worlds II was much better.

I'd recommend giving it a try. If you can get 10 hours into the game and enjoy it decent enough, I hear that it really takes off at that point and gives you a lot of gameplay fun. I couldn't get to the 10-hour mark (not sure I made it past the first hour).
IwubCheeze: I just got a critical hit on Two Worlds. Is this good? I never even heard of this game..............
CarrionCrow: If you're a fan of excellent voice acting? I think you'll be positively thrilled as you play. =)
Excellent always helps a game, I just never heard of this game so I have no idea what to expect :P. Just when I knocked a few games off the backlog too so this one might up up getting pushed to the bottom unless anyone can convince me otherwise.

Grrrrrrrr, backlogs were never a problem in the 90's >:(
IwubCheeze: I just got a critical hit on Two Worlds. Is this good? I never even heard of this game..............
it's not best of the world RPG, but it's solid... it also has this great mechanic when you can merge weaker weapons into stronger ones (so you can decide whether to sell those weak lame rusty swords, or merge them into a massive ultraturborusty sword, which might be better than a steel sword in the local shop :) and magic works the same!
IAmSinistar: Likewise. Possibly GOG has blocked my account from freebies due to my recent threads on their regional policies. ;)
Neah, I don't think that they hold a grudge for that. We're just unlucky... Or have too many games... or have an account for too long. Anyway I've bought some nice stuff... and abstained from many more :)
maz.588: DROX is not very popular it seems …
I actually REALLY want it and that's the price I was looking for, but I'm hoping to snag Dead State when it rolls around again. And I think I'm more inclined to see if Starpoint Gemini shows up.

Maybe after I see the rest of the sale I'll grab it assuming I haven't gotten anything more than DS. Of course, that doesn't do anything to help it move now LOL.
The_Blog: RNGesus! What the heck is happening?
My 5th freebie. Drox Operative this time...
Wost.432: Do you keep clicking buy or do you click just once and boom, critical? Just asking for, umm, research purposes... :P
Anyway, that's some mighty left mouse button you got there.
Just ones. Any followup clicks won't do anything until the next deal is up. If they did it the other way people would flood the site with click bot's. It is completly random from what I understand.
zambonibutt: Anyone know if Giants has ever gone on sale in the previous Insomnia sale?
I doubt it, but others will know more.

I've been waiting for a long time for Giants and Outcast to go on sale... Although I feel like they might be worth full price.
I actually decided not to buy Tie Fighter, cause my backlog is already impossibly big and I figure it will go on sale again before I actually get around to playing it. Plus, I just bought Shadowgate, which I was not expecting to pop up here. :)
triock: Hmm, Black Mirror 2. Although I consider the original BM as the best in the series, this one is also not bad.
I'd like to see Black Mirror 3 on gog to finish the story, but I guess that's not gonna happen any time soon, since the first two instalments are now appearing only on sales.