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I just got a critical hit on Two Worlds. Is this good? I never even heard of this game..............
Damnit it, I finally saw shadowgate, a game I wanted and I was getting it for free(said so in the cart), then gog freezes while proceeding to checkout and when it loads its in the cart, full price. I even missed the discount. Argh, thats it, im going to sleep. Good luck to you guys!
Senteria: clicked on buy now for tie fighter, thinking maybe there is a freebie, but gog bear came up. I reloaded and it was gone. :P
Tekkaman-James: Same story for me. I don't really want it, but thought I'd check for a freebie. GOGbear had different plans.
Same here. well I am happy for the people that wanted it.
Maxvorstadt: Be sure to download the fanmade patch that gives you 8 skill points per level instead of 5, you`ll need it!
IAmSinistar: Thanks! Got a link?
You have to register at the drox forum, or else you cannot download it. Link:
Fuck Yeah! Grabbed the first Two Worlds as well. This more or less concludes what I came here for, anything extra will be a nice bonus. Based GOG!
Senteria: clicked on buy now for tie fighter, thinking maybe there is a freebie, but gog bear came up. I reloaded and it was gone. :P
Do you already own tie fighter for yourself?
Two Worlds Epic Edition....yep. Grabbed that right up. Interesting enough. :)
Hmm, so Two Worlds (2007) is a classic, but Two Worlds 2 (2010) is a fresh game.

That indicates the classic/fresh split to be pre-2010 and 2010 onwards.
The_Blog: RNGesus! What the heck is happening?
My 5th freebie. Drox Operative this time...

Congrats :) Seven buys, no freebies for me :P
The_Blog: RNGesus! What the heck is happening?
My 5th freebie. Drox Operative this time...
Do you keep clicking buy or do you click just once and boom, critical? Just asking for, umm, research purposes... :P
Anyway, that's some mighty left mouse button you got there.
MrDrWatson: Missed Tie Fighter while buying Shadowgate on my mobile phone grrrrrrrrrrrr.
I'm here for the Star Wars games and I'm still missing them!
I was going to try to buy a second copy for trading, but after buying Shadowgate, I almost missed it myself.

If any Star Wars games come around again, I'll try to snag some extras.
New Seasoned deal: Black Mirror 2 (-75%) [150]

Another removed Nordic game.
IwubCheeze: I just got a critical hit on Two Worlds. Is this good? I never even heard of this game..............
If you're a fan of excellent voice acting? I think you'll be positively thrilled as you play. =)
Actually decided to pass on Tie Fighter, having just bought Shadowgate, and with an already impossible backlog of games I feel that it will go on sale again before I even get around to playing it.
Senteria: clicked on buy now for tie fighter, thinking maybe there is a freebie, but gog bear came up. I reloaded and it was gone. :P
trentonlf: Do you already own tie fighter for yourself?
Nope, but its not really my genre. Was thinking of giving it away if I got a freebie. Just to get the satisfaction of having had a freebie :P