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FearfulSymmetry: You could check the giftbox and give it to someone else. :)
moonshineshadow: No that is the problem. If you do not own the things you can't gift the freebies.
Yes you can, I've done it three times already this sale. :)
FearfulSymmetry: Yep, I guess everyone who wants it already owns it.
skeletonbow: It's 5:00am in the EST timezone in North America. GOG is global of course, but it seems that like many communities online I've been a part of over the last 2 decades, the majority of people seem to be around during North American daytime cycles and that seems to be true for as well. Only they can say for sure what their busiest times of the day are in UTC or another timezone, but I would wager their busiest time is somewhere between EST and PST in North America, and if that were indeed true, sales would be slow at 2-8am or so over here.

Also if everyone already owned it, the total games left to sell would start at say 100, and then stay there for the next 2 weeks until they cancel the game and remove it from the promo.

Just sayin! ;)
Not sure that's entirely true (although I won't deny it may play a part), considering that the fresh side has managed to sell Consortium and (nearly) Angry Video Game Nerd in that time frame.

EDIT: And yes, of course not everyone has it, I simply meant to say that many people do. It was also heavily discounted during the previous big sale, and I picked it up then.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry
New Fresh deal: Sacred 2 Gold (-80%) [150]
Having been a fan of AVGN for years, I did not have an excuse anymore to not buy anything from the insomnia sale.

moonshineshadow: No that is the problem. If you do not own the things you can't gift the freebies.
FearfulSymmetry: Yes you can, I've done it three times already this sale. :)
Oh cool then they changed this in comparison to the last promo. Great. Thanks :-)
Hi guys! Are any of the Star Wars games going to show up in this promo? I'm a bit late to this Insomina event due to work, it seems all that sleepless time was just practice for this. :-) going to do a cup of coffee and keep one eye open for Star Wars games!
Stilton: Nice of you to ask ;-) We're waiting for another appointment, which in the UK is like waiting to grow a beard. A long white one with animals living in it...
Vythonaut: Good morning Stilton & good morning everyone! Τhings here in Greece aren't much different... ;-)
Good morning, Vythonaut ;-) Lots of people in Greece with beards too, huh?
Where's P1na? We need P1na to buy all of the remaining copies of Deus Ex. :p
Of course..I missed Monkey Island..snip
Stilton: Nice of you to ask ;-) We're waiting for another appointment, which in the UK is like waiting to grow a beard. A long white one with animals living in it...
HypersomniacLive: Hahaha, that's one way to have pets. ;-)

I feel for you, endless waiting times to get an appointment seem to be the norm everywhere now; fingers crossed the appointment gets scheduled soon.
And I hope she's coping ok.

Did you get anything from the promo?
Got nothing yet, but I'm sure there will be something..... (same old story, eh?)
MrDrWatson: Hi guys! Are any of the Star Wars games going to show up in this promo? I'm a bit late to this Insomina event due to work, it seems all that sleepless time was just practice for this. :-) going to do a cup of coffee and keep one eye open for Star Wars games!
STAR WARS: X-Wing Special Edition showed up earlier, along with some other Lucas Arts game, so I think there might be more coming.
skeletonbow: sales would be slow at 2-8am or so over here.
Just wondering how the fresh titles vastly outperform such a classic. Maybe it is indeed sort of nearing saturation.
MrDrWatson: Hi guys! Are any of the Star Wars games going to show up in this promo? I'm a bit late to this Insomina event due to work, it seems all that sleepless time was just practice for this. :-) going to do a cup of coffee and keep one eye open for Star Wars games!
One already has - X-Wing. That's it so far, though.
MrDrWatson: Hi guys! Are any of the Star Wars games going to show up in this promo? I'm a bit late to this Insomina event due to work, it seems all that sleepless time was just practice for this. :-) going to do a cup of coffee and keep one eye open for Star Wars games!
Yes : we already saw STAR WARS: X-Wing Special Edition at 50% off but it sold very fast ! (but it will be back in next round;) ) But I don't know if there will be others.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Splatsch
MrDrWatson: Hi guys! Are any of the Star Wars games going to show up in this promo? I'm a bit late to this Insomina event due to work, it seems all that sleepless time was just practice for this. :-) going to do a cup of coffee and keep one eye open for Star Wars games!
X-Wing made a very brief appearance before it disappeared into the hyperspace.
MrDrWatson: Hi guys! Are any of the Star Wars games going to show up in this promo? I'm a bit late to this Insomina event due to work, it seems all that sleepless time was just practice for this. :-) going to do a cup of coffee and keep one eye open for Star Wars games!
First post in this thread and followup posts through the thread show the games that have come up so far, and they will most likely be repeated. X-Wing was one of them. GOG does not pre-announce what is in the promo so nobody can have a clue unless special circumstances like debugging the website code and reverse engineering clues or similar. That was done in a few previous promos but no sign of it happening in this one yet that I've seen so it's basically wait and watch at least until round 1 is done, then it's most likely watch everything repeat 2 times or more in random order unless they change the details of how Insomnia unfolds..