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DRM and regional pricing. Good night, i'll go to sleep.
I'm curious if anyone gets Age of Wonders III as a freebie.
genkicolleen: All righty, that's it for me! Good luck to all of you insomniacs, and have a great day / night / afternoon~! Hopefully I won't see you until morning my time :D
Goodnight, sleep well when you get there. =)
I missed out on Legend of Grimrock II for 50% off!?


I just know Grim Fandango will pop up when I go to bed.

Or any of the thousands of older games I really want.

Well, good night Gogheads... I hope another movie shows up!

Have a good night, maybe you'll have a shot at Daikatana after you wake up. ;)
Bedtime. Night night.

8BitGinno: I missed out on Legend of Grimrock II for 50% off!?

It will come up 2 more times once this round is through :)
djdarko: I'm curious if anyone gets Age of Wonders III as a freebie.
I'm tempted to try... :p
How does the *free* game thing work this time?
Good morning Europe. And so our watch begins...

I see I missed Grimrock II and Dreamfall Chapters last night. My dream wasn't half that nice I'll tell you.
8BitGinno: I missed out on Legend of Grimrock II for 50% off!?

The_Blog: It will come up 2 more times once this round is through :)
Yeah, but the first appearance it was posted and gone in something like 10-15 minutes. Even with two more appearances, I'm not optimistic I'll be awake, much less sitting in place to catch it as it flies off the proverbial shelf.
Niggles: How does the *free* game thing work this time?
Same as Spring - click buy now and you get a chance to get the item for free.
The_Blog: It will come up 2 more times once this round is through :)
bler144: Yeah, but the first appearance it was posted and gone in something like 10-15 minutes. Even with two more appearances, I'm not optimistic I'll be awake, much less sitting in place to catch it as it flies off the proverbial shelf.
Same here.

I've got class in the morning! Gah!
Good morning! Looks like I have missed Indy and Monkey Island. What a bummer. So I have to wait.
Morning all. I read couple post above that freebies exists. Awesome. Thanks GoG. Rules are same as last time? Just clicking buy now is enough to get it? Or is necessary to some more activity.

BTW. Legend of Grimrock II popped while I was sleeping. Hope next time will appear in better time for me ^^