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IAmSinistar: My rage/regret cycle is so fast that I could be a new kind of electronic component, like an anger diode. :)
LOL, that could be just the thing to save AMD...
toxicTom: LOL, that could be just the thing to save AMD...
I personally prefer AMD. But yes, an Anger Management Diode sounds just the ticket. :)
rizzer666: amazing game
Double Insomnia? Definitely...
It's funny how this thread is being highjacked for being the #1 hot topic. :D
Pardinuz: It's funny how this thread is being highjacked for being the #1 hot topic. :D
Insomnia is an infectious disease... ;-)
Post edited May 23, 2015 by toxicTom
Dedicated "friend posting" threads exist. <span class="podkreslenie">Many</span> [url=]them. Please stop digging up this thread.
What I want to know more than anything, is how do the new guys know about this one??? It's blowing my mind!
Ixamyakxim: What I want to know more than anything, is how do the new guys know about this one??? It's blowing my mind!
No kidding! That makes sense though - thanks!

*edit I loved that you even circled it for me ;)
Post edited May 25, 2015 by Ixamyakxim
Ixamyakxim: No kidding! That makes sense though - thanks!

*edit I loved that you even circled it for me ;)
Eh, once in a while when someone posts a screengrab like that without much contextual info in the post, I look at it and think, "O.K., what the heck am I supposed to be looking at here?" What's obvious to one person can be painfully obscure to another. It can take as little as thirty seconds to do (I just use Windows' Snipping Tool for stuff like this, as it both takes a screen capture and allows simple highlighting/"drawing"), and if it saves me from having to explain to someone later on what they were meant to be paying attention to in the pic, then it's time well spent. :)

EDIT: And now I'm going to try to follow my own exhortation and stop bumping this thread. =)
Post edited May 26, 2015 by HunchBluntley
Is it insomnia yet?
In! For the Summer Sale bump ;)
low rated
...We're gonna have to spray in here for friendposters, aren't we?
Seriously. It's a real coup for CDPR that their game attracts 13-year-old fucknuts like shit attracts flies.