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stg83: ...
Good to know that the two latest Planet of the Apes are interesting to watch. I was expecting nothing because of the 2001 reboot (I didn't even saw it... everything I saw or heard about it said to me "don't waste your time, another bad sci-fi [adaptation] recent movie" :/ ) and since didn't even bothered about it and eventual sequels (and it was sequels of the reboot.. Sequels aren't often very good. So....).
I'll give it a try :)
ElTerprise: That sounds interesting. Do i need to know anything from the old movies to watch them?
stg83: Nope, that is whats so great about them as no prior knowledge of the previous films is required. It is one of the very rare examples of a franchise reboot done extremely well. :)
Good thing to know :)
stg83: It is one of the very rare examples of a franchise reboot done extremely well.
ElTerprise: As opposed to the Star Trek Reboot imho for example*sigh*
Please, don't talk about... this... It still hurts. Even for me who is not a "big" fan of Star Trek (even if I must say that I love the original crew and the spirit of the saga :)).
Post edited March 19, 2015 by Splatsch
stg83: *snip*

It definitely always pays off to manage one's expectations and I similarly had a really good time watching Kingsman not having high expectations from it. Sometimes movies do exceed lofty expectations as well though like you mentioned which was the case for me when I saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes last year. :)
Speaking of expectations, especially when confronted with negative interactions, Thea and I have been accepted for our application for a house in Oberon! Signing the lease on Wednesday and camping postponed as we have a lot of packing to do. This is such a stress relief!! I am really looking forward to us having our own house, resplendent with a slow combustion heater, bath and plenty of room to create my own vegetable and herb garden. Finally a space where I can get some peace and quiet to sleep and write!

This is the house, it is in poor condition but with a bit of love should make for a nice home together. You've got our address GOGlodytes, drop in for a visit :P
stg83: It definitely always pays off to manage one's expectations and I similarly had a really good time watching Kingsman not having high expectations from it. Sometimes movies do exceed lofty expectations as well though like you mentioned which was the case for me when I saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes last year. :)
That dude's cap was pissing me off the entire movie, it didn't seem to fit well with the theme. It felt like he was a step away from wearing pants starting from his knees. Church scene was epic imo and final fight couldn't live up to that. Still an entertaining watch like you said.

Tarnicus: Thea and I have been accepted for our application for a house in Oberon
This is the house, it is in poor condition but with a bit of love should make for a nice home together.
Congratulations buddy, I'm sure you'll make yourself at home there. :P
ElTerprise: Okay thank you. That's good because i've never any Planet of the apes movie but i am tempted to do so now.
Splatsch: Good to know that the two latest Planet of the Apes are interesting to watch. I was expecting nothing because of the 2001 reboot (I didn't even saw it... everything I saw or heard about it said to me "don't waste your time, another bad sci-fi [adaptation] recent movie" :/ ) and since didn't even bothered about it and eventual sequels (and it was sequels of the reboot.. Sequels aren't often very good. So....).
I'll give it a try :)
The 2011 reboot has nothing to with the terrible 2001 Tim Burton remake. is a new take and the story shows the genesis of intelligent Apes while the sequel [url=]DOTPOTA depicts their continuing evolution all of which will eventually lead to the events of the original 1968 movie.

If you are into smart, intelligent and thought provoking sci-fi then these two movies from the new Planet of the Apes series are a must watch. :)
Tarnicus: This is the house, it is in poor condition but with a bit of love should make for a nice home together. You've got our address GOGlodytes, drop in for a visit :P
That is wonderful news Tarnicus and I am really glad for you guys. It is imperative for continued peace of mind to have a place of your own so I wish you all the best with it. :)
Post edited March 19, 2015 by stg83
Tarnicus: This is the house, it is in poor condition but with a bit of love should make for a nice home together. You've got our address GOGlodytes, drop in for a visit :P
This is so great, I'm very happy for you two :D
It sounds and looks good, so I hope you'll be able to be soon inside :)
Courage for the moving ! The most important alongside being well and living with beloved people is to have a place where you live/feel well !

stg83: The 2011 reboot has nothing to with the terrible 2001 Tim Burton remake. is a new take and the story shows the genesis of intelligent Apes while the sequel [url=]DOTPOTA depicts their continuing evolution all of which will eventually lead to the events of the original 1968 movie.

If you are into smart, intelligent and thought provoking sci-fi then these two movies from the new Planet of the Apes series are a must watch. :)
Oh my... I was confonding 2001 with the 2011 remake XD
I saw the Burton one. It wasn't at all a good movie, but strangely and despite a lot of negatives reviews, I did enjoyed it. Not a blast at all, but I liked some things, and the spirit Burton wanted to put inside. But I saw it once, and I don't think I'll see it again, or in a very long time. So not memorable.

The 2011 is the one I was talking about. But if you say it's smart and well done, it appears that I was mistaken, and I'll give it a look when I can :) Your arguing convinced me to give it a luck ;)
Post edited March 19, 2015 by Splatsch
Splatsch: This is so great, I'm very happy for you two :D
It sounds and looks good, so I hope you'll be able to be soon inside :)
Courage for the moving ! The most important alongside being well and living with beloved people is to have a place where you live/feel well !

Oh my... I was confonding 2001 with the 2011 remake XD
I saw the Burton one. It wasn't at all a good movie, but strangely and despite a lot of negatives reviews, I did enjoyed it. Not a blast at all, but I liked some things, and the spirit Burton wanted to put inside. But I saw it once, and I don't think I'll see it again, or in a very long time. So not memorable.

The 2011 is the one I was talking about. But if you say it's smart and well done, it appears that I was mistaken, and I'll give it a look when I can :) Your arguing convinced me to give it a luck ;)
stg83 is spot on, the new Planet of the Apes movies are spectacular. You will not regret watching them, I highly recommend them.
I wanted to thank everyone who posted in this thread. I didn't know about it until the very last hour of the sale and then the plug was pulled. I will check for the thread during the next sale and hopefully add something to the discussion.
jamiek8888: I wanted to thank everyone who posted in this thread. I didn't know about it until the very last hour of the sale and then the plug was pulled. I will check for the thread during the next sale and hopefully add something to the discussion.
Sorry to hear about the missed chance. Hopefully, GOG will continue to see the benefits of putting this particular kind of sale on, and we can all be chatting ourselves silly for days during the next Insomnia's tracker thread. =)
hi new here, and just say hello
Splatsch: This is so great, I'm very happy for you two :D
It sounds and looks good, so I hope you'll be able to be soon inside :)
Courage for the moving ! The most important alongside being well and living with beloved people is to have a place where you live/feel well !

Oh my... I was confonding 2001 with the 2011 remake XD
I saw the Burton one. It wasn't at all a good movie, but strangely and despite a lot of negatives reviews, I did enjoyed it. Not a blast at all, but I liked some things, and the spirit Burton wanted to put inside. But I saw it once, and I don't think I'll see it again, or in a very long time. So not memorable.

The 2011 is the one I was talking about. But if you say it's smart and well done, it appears that I was mistaken, and I'll give it a look when I can :) Your arguing convinced me to give it a luck ;)
trentonlf: stg83 is spot on, the new Planet of the Apes movies are spectacular. You will not regret watching them, I highly recommend them.
I'd only recommend the "first" one. I've expected much from the second after the surprise success the first was but I found it pretty boring. Maybe I have to see it a second time but the first time I was disappointed.
when is the next one up? Triple Spring Insomnia! I'm ready!
...Well, at least my wishlist is :p
superstande: when is the next one up? Triple Spring Insomnia! I'm ready!
...Well, at least my wishlist is :p
At a guess I'd hazard Autumn at the soonest. Generally Summer and Winter feature big thematic sales of a different nature.
high rated
IAmSinistar: At a guess I'd hazard Autumn at the soonest. Generally Summer and Winter feature big thematic sales of a different nature.
Don't forget the flash deals!
HypersomniacLive: Don't forget the flash deals!
Flash? Ah-aaaaahhhhh!!!
I won't stop you now.