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Sachys: ...

if you have to ask after I have made such a reply to your statement... DO NOT GOOGLE IT!!!

Also: BIIIiIiiIIIIIIiiiiiiiiSK!
apehater: googled it, i just didn't know they're called dominatrix, thought they're called domina.

half way through the first episode of Nights at the Round Table and i'm enjoying it thanks
Check out some of the other series by the same people - some good stuff for a zero budget company - and a lot of friends of mine involved.

Away Team is a personal favourite.
I've returned home briefly as I was in dire need of feeling the love of those who care for me(as well as to exchange my faulty new phone), after (quite obviously) losing the plot once again. My sincere apologies for coming out with the shit I did here publicly, and I hope that apology equates to the best form of it; to learn from experience and to not exhibit behaviour like that again. I am doubtful that I won't feel like that again but shall endeavour not to express it publicly, as quite frankly it makes me look like a complete idiot. I'd rather express my less idiotic side publicly, and save the shit for those who have taken the time to get to know me and have seen that it is one aspect of me, and not all of me.

I wanted to run and cut off all communications from people and my better half, who has more wisdom in her little toe than I do in entirety at times, said to me "You are a social being and just feeling low. You need to interact with people with who you are. Don't make any rash decisions, you'll change your mind and regret it if you cut yourself off." After being greeted with love by Thea and our animals, and having a wonderful sleep cuddled up to Coca in my own bed, I feel a lot more balanced.

doritoz77: Thanks a lot man!
I hope you put your 5 new games to better use than I do with my own collection, and you are welcome :)

GhostwriterDoF: A little drama and "letting off some steam" from worldly pressures has never
been able to overshadow the good vibes and good will of this community
for long... even the best of us can't have a good day everyday.

This community is my main social interaction that goes beyond simple greetings and brief conversations with strangers. I do fine staying on the fringe, and thoroughly enjoy the majority of human interaction I engage in. The "deeper" aspects of communication generally only occur with my partner, a few close friends and this community. I think I'd find cutting myself off from here more difficult than quitting smoking, which has taken a back-burner until I can find a new home for us. And I'm not giving in.

I realise that some of what I have written of late will have a few people thinking poorly of me, and that is understandable, I do not think too highly of myself for my expression. It was a culmination of allowing stress to build up within to the point where I snapped and had a bit of a psychotic break-down. The underlying feelings are still there, however they are a bit more balanced now, as is my perspective.

Thank you once again to those who took the time to write calmly and insightfully to me as those words really do make a difference to me. I am used to people completely distancing themselves from me after I "let out the beast" as I call it.

Hey Tarnicus, no matter where one goes in life there's a good chance to find a very diverse range of personalities of which way may or may not always agree with or may end up being judged or criticized whether we feel it justified or not. It's just human nature I suppose, and we may find ourselves on either side of it at times as we're all human. It can be difficult to shrug off the criticism, judgment, blame or insults of others at time and I'm sure anyone would agree with that. Sometimes I find it best to ignore such situations, other times to avoid the situation/confrontation entirely and vanish for a short/medium/long while or even permanently as best fits the situation at hand, other times to try to greet hostility with kindness and compassion while biting my tongue, and to accentuate bad experiences with things that I enjoy that might help take the edge off (games, entertainment, positive people/situations I enjoy being around, etc.)
I don't have the page up for this quote, but these words by you skeletonbow really helped. Ironically I logged into GOG to turn off email notifications, as well as turned off email notifications on my phone, and yet still awoke to messages from yourself and others(thanks toxicTom!) that helped me to realise that I do indeed enjoy the majority of my interaction with humans, especially this community.

I've been listening to Sacred - One Love (Onderwish Remix) a bit of late, and the following quote has been reverberating within my mind a lot:

Rocky Balboa: Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!

I was once quite adept at avoiding and taking hits when I trained mixed martial arts and enjoyed full contact sparring. I need to remember to do the same for metaphorical sparring. Not once in all of my sparring did I lash out in anger. We trained safely; with love and respect. Time to do the same with my communications <3
Post edited March 14, 2015 by Tarnicus
Happy to see you're feeling better about things and able to return with a fresh perspective/outlook, and glad my words/thoughts were of assistance. I like the inspirational Rocky quote too, it reminds me of similar things I've heard and learned over time myself from great public speakers such as Marshall Rosenberg, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Stuart Wilde, and others. It's good to seek out things like that in challenging times to find inspiration to get back on track I find.

Anyhow, welcome back. :)
Ohhh... Been playing games I bought, didn't have time to come to the forums much. How's everyone doing?
pengchi87: Been playing games I bought, didn't have time to come to the forums much. How's everyone doing?
It's the other way round for everybody else ;-)
pengchi87: Been playing games I bought, didn't have time to come to the forums much. How's everyone doing?
DeMignon: It's the other way round for everybody else ;-)
Those newbies sure don't know how it works...

DeMignon: It's the other way round for everybody else ;-)
toxicTom: Those newbies sure don't know how it works...

Thank god i did it right ;).
toxicTom: Those newbies sure don't know how it works...

ElTerprise: Thank god i did it right ;).
It's a known proof of geekiness when you spend more time chatting about your hobby then actually excercising it. Therefore I grant you all the title of 'Honorable full-fleshed Geek'. You may be called 'Sirs' from now on!
Post edited March 14, 2015 by PalioDeMonte
ElTerprise: Thank god i did it right ;).
PalioDeMonte: It's a known proof of geekiness when you spend more time chatting about your hobby then actually excercising it. Therefore I grant you all the title of 'Honorable full-fleshed Geek'. You may be called 'Sirs' from now on!
I thank you for this great honour!
Post edited March 14, 2015 by ElTerprise
pengchi87: Ohhh... Been playing games I bought, didn't have time to come to the forums much. How's everyone doing?
HOLD ON! we can play the games we paid for? GOG isn't just forums to read when I am at work?
dgwake: HOLD ON! we can play the games we paid for? GOG isn't just forums to read when I am at work?
I've heard rumors that there are actual people out there who in fact play those games. Sounds incredible, I know. I could use one specimen of those for my secret lab, but so far the head hunters had no luck finding one. Maybe I should send them to investigate this pengchi87 person...
pengchi87: Ohhh... Been playing games I bought, didn't have time to come to the forums much. How's everyone doing?
dgwake: HOLD ON! we can play the games we paid for? GOG isn't just forums to read when I am at work?
I'm scared to look at my list of almost 500 games and see how many I've actually played so far. 30? But I'm ready for a rainy day!
dgwake: HOLD ON! we can play the games we paid for? GOG isn't just forums to read when I am at work?
toxicTom: I've heard rumors that there are actual people out there who in fact play those games. Sounds incredible, I know. I could use one specimen of those for my secret lab, but so far the head hunters had no luck finding one. Maybe I should send them to investigate this pengchi87 person...
I've played a few - the challenge for me currently is playing most of them through to the end.
zenwan: <snip>

I am still hoping that Baldur's Gate will turn up in a sale, or Icewind Dale, or Meridian, or..

ElTerprise: Don't worry. the D&D games will show up in a sale at some point this year. Probably in some of the big sales. Most likely as a bundle.
Thank you! I'll be patient, it's not as if I'm short of games to play. :-D
DeMignon: LOL
IAmSinistar: LoL, actually. ;)

zenwan: What are your opinions on Populous? I already own quite a few of the games on sale this time, but I wondered if anyone had played Populous and could recommend it, or not? I do like Molyneux.
IAmSinistar: Populous is freaking brilliant, as is the sequel. Clever and addictive and easily worth the money. Would be nice to eventually get Powermonger on here as well. And if you end up liking Populous, I also recommend the loving tribute game here Reprisal Universe.
Thank you for the vote of confidence in Populous. That's good enough for me, I'll order them both. :-)

IAmSinistar: Populous is freaking brilliant, as is the sequel. Clever and addictive and easily worth the money. Would be nice to eventually get Powermonger on here as well. And if you end up liking Populous, ...[/url].
toxicTom: Seconded. I still find it extremely addictive. I just have two advices regarding Populous 1:

1st - set sound to adlib: otherwise people falling into swamps will make musical instrument sound O_o
2nd - play the first Populous first. Populous 2 is improved in so many ways that you literally have dozens of options to defeat and humilate your enemy at your disposal. Going back from that to the much simpler Pop1 is hard.
Thank you, toxicTom, for your very helpful advice. I normally don't play with sound at all, but if I do, I'll remember that.
I will play the first one first, I'm very OCD that way. That's why I find it hard to buy just one game of a series, it doesn't feel right and playing them out of order would cause me huge stress! ;-)
Post edited March 14, 2015 by zenwan
GOG make a May the 4th sale please I want more Star Wars :)