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apehater: NOW dear INSOMNIAC'S,

it's finally time for your award. you were strong and brave, you have survived the keaning, sleep deprivation and madness of a full double insomnia week. therefore you're awarded with the

D.I.S. = Double Insomnia Survivor Title

and recieve your D.I.S. Badge (attached to the post). rest well, you'll soon face the madness of next insomnia.
Thank you. Very much appreciated. I 'm a surviv....z....zz...zz....zz...zzz. :P.

zenwan: Accepted gratefully, thank you. I had no idea what this Double Insomnia thing was when I somehow made my way here a few days ago, why I can't recall. My memory of the last few days is hazy. ;-)

I am normally a very solitary gamer at all the sites I use, keeping my head way below the parapet, and I had never posted in this forum (or any other game forum) before now.

I ended up buying a lot of games, some I had no intention of buying, gifting a few and being generously gifted a few more, and I met some kind, generous and friendly people.

Thank you to all of you for your kindness to one another and to a newbie - but now I can proudly say I'm a newbie with a D.I.S. badge! :-D

Editing to say that I learned something else - how to use the + button, which I am happy to have found, and have made good use of.
That sounds familiar :). I also started posting on this forum due to this insomnia sale and was really stunned by the kindness and generosity of this awesome community.

Thanks you all so much (again!) and think of this one quote from Casablanca ^^ (No, not that Bryan Singer one :P).
Post edited March 11, 2015 by ElTerprise
Aww 10 rep lost in 1 day. Here's another post to remove rep from. Thanks for that, now I can reach the epic milestone of 666 rep again :P
Tarnicus: Aww 10 rep lost in 1 day. Here's another post to remove rep from. Thanks for that, now I can reach the epic milestone of 666 rep again :P
There. I plused it for you. Hope it'll help. ;)
Tarnicus: Aww 10 rep lost in 1 day. Here's another post to remove rep from. Thanks for that, now I can reach the epic milestone of 666 rep again :P
Prohzac: There. I plused it for you. Hope it'll help. ;)
Careful, 3 more rep and I'll be the Number of the Beast again :P

One more lengthy post on my Going bush/sojourn thread and I am off to the "nether world" until I am able to communicate peacefully again. I've spent the past week setting up my camp and trying to get a new place to live, and it is challenging with 4 cats and being on welfare, regardless of a great rental history.
Ah, cats are worth every plus!
Tarnicus: Aww 10 rep lost in 1 day. Here's another post to remove rep from. Thanks for that, now I can reach the epic milestone of 666 rep again :P
+1 for the way back :).
Prohzac: Ah, cats are worth every plus!
IIRC the is a saying that you can get rid of everything except cats and literature :).
(rough translation from german)

Edit: Funny. This thread doesn't shop up in the list of my posts anymore.
Post edited March 12, 2015 by ElTerprise
Tarnicus: Aww 10 rep lost in 1 day. Here's another post to remove rep from. Thanks for that, now I can reach the epic milestone of 666 rep again :P
ElTerprise: +1 for the way back :).
Prohzac: Ah, cats are worth every plus!
ElTerprise: IIRC the is a saying that you can get rid of everything except cats and literature :).
(rough translation from german)

Edit: Funny. This thread doesn't shop up in the list of my posts anymore.
100 Photos of my cats I hope this appeases the masses :P Literature forthcoming :P
ElTerprise: Edit: Funny. This thread doesn't shop up in the list of my posts anymore.
'My Posts' is erratic like so many of the forum features. Better to tick favourite on the threads you really want to stay at the top.
ElTerprise: Edit: Funny. This thread doesn't shop up in the list of my posts anymore.
IanM: 'My Posts' is erratic like so many of the forum features. Better to tick favourite on the threads you really want to stay at the top.
Thank you. I'm still new on the forum. Didn't see this function :).
IanM: 'My Posts' is erratic like so many of the forum features. Better to tick favourite on the threads you really want to stay at the top.
ElTerprise: Thank you. I'm still new on the forum. Didn't see this function :).
Also, I believe that "My Posts" only counts from when you first posted in the thread. So if your first post there is over a week old, it doesn't appear anymore. Similar to how "Topics I've participated in" works, in that it adds a thread to its list when you first post in it, and then never updates its position in that list.
ElTerprise: Thank you. I'm still new on the forum. Didn't see this function :).
IAmSinistar: Also, I believe that "My Posts" only counts from when you first posted in the thread. So if your first post there is over a week old, it doesn't appear anymore. Similar to how "Topics I've participated in" works, in that it adds a thread to its list when you first post in it, and then never updates its position in that list.
Okay. That would make sense. My first in this thread is older than a week.
Momo1991: Fuck you Momo(yes I am stooping to your level) Enjoy and respond to that with some semblance of intelligence, something you sorely lack when intoxicated with wine and hormones (sorry other people I love, this is personal and I will go for the throat when threatened by a fuckwit who blocks me and lies and does not care for the reprisal). Momo you have been a fucking overbearing fucktard on these forums for a long time and completely lacking rationality (yeah I do that too!) and until there is a block feature and you wish to bring up issues from 3 months ago, that had been left to lie, I honestly could not give a shit about you and your ovearbearing bullshit! I won't stoop to bringing up personal shit(your son is a great topic if you wish to challenge my partner existing - apple, tree, etc) and I'd love to say a massive FUCK YOU to your obviously shitty existence if you wish to continue this...
(read on)

I've really enjoyed these forums and the majority of interaction I have had here, and your idiotic attacks out of the blue, months after our little tiff, have me wanting to say a massive fuck you for bothering to type the shit you have. Sorry my friends who have generally seen the nicer side of me, and I appreciate all the PMs to say "yeah fuck Momo" but I honestly couldn't be bothered maintaining decorum in public with someone who wishes to be a fuckwit. Introduce a block feature, problem solved, otherwise when my inner psycho rises, I will say a massive "fuck you" publicly and move on. Heh Momo, can I mention your son if you want to pull the bitchy personal attack cards? yeah nuff said, no need for details, those words alone are the equivalent of your attack on me and Thea for our lifestyle and position. Keep on living off your wealthy partner, such is the way of life eh?:D
Post edited March 12, 2015 by Tarnicus
low rated
PS - I messaged GOG staff about your personal attacks Momo and hope that they introduce a block feature. Until then, I will call you on your bullshit until they do. <3

PPS - well done Laura, your constant barrage made it easy for me to snap (Im not blaming you, you're a trigger) and I am sick of your shit, as are others. I do not care if that means I have 0 rep (yay to your cronies) or am banned, as long as I can access my PMs and games. You could have let this be, but instead chose to bring up shit from 3 months ago, C'mon GOG, introduce basic forum functionality, i.e an ignore feature :)

Edit#3: and seriously if this stupid rep function wishes to exist without an ignore feature(something I have requested multiple times to stop public idiotic feuds such as this) then when I get back from camping, I will happily demonstrate how simple it is to circumvent with multiple VPNs, accounts, and basic scripts. This whole rep system is an absolute joke. It takes a very minimum of intelligence, knowledge and technical know-how to make one account appear to be "high rep" and to lower another over a very short period of time. I know that by typing this, plebs such as yourself may think that I am doing this currently, but given the rep hits I have taken from calling you on your bullshit publicly (without the ability to block this and move on) I will show you how easy it is to remove a high rep account in a matter of days when I get back to communicating publicly.

This is absolute idiocy for a private disagreement, that occurred fucking months ago, to continue like this.
Post edited March 12, 2015 by Tarnicus
high rated
Tarnicus: snip
Erm, not taking sides in this, but can we not drag other thread/PM stuff into here? Clearly there is bad blood between two people whom I have gotten to like on this board, and it makes me unhappy to see that happen. But it's not served by taking it into other conversations.

I try to caution civility to everyone, because I am invariably embarrassed and repentant for my own outbursts once I've had time to reflect.
Tarnicus: snip
IAmSinistar: Erm, not taking sides in this, but can we not drag other thread/PM stuff into here? Clearly there is bad blood between two people whom I have gotten to like on this board, and it makes me unhappy to see that happen. But it's not served by taking it into other conversations.

I try to caution civility to everyone, because I am invariably embarrassed and repentant for my own outbursts once I've had time to reflect.
Seconded. Let's not spoil this otherwise wonderful thread that has been full of positive energy.