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Gnostic: Questioning the digestive system of a shark? And a green one at that?
HypersomniacLive: She's a T-Rex.
What? But her avatar description...... oh I see, she has a split personality, so it is not unreasonable that one personality think she is a shark ^.^
Post edited March 10, 2015 by Gnostic
goodbye insomnia (:
How fitting that I came down sick yesterday. Just checked in shortly to see if I would get a chance to snipe a crit on Banner Saga and saw that it was all over. Not that I really cared at that moment (could have changed my nick to Retchin'Tom...)

My resume of the Insomnia sale:

While it wasn't the first that I witnessed here, I was the first I had the chance to witness "live" in this thread. I was working 12-14h per day (project crunch time) and it was quite an awesome experience.

I really want to thank all the people keeping this thread running. To pick out names at this point is quite impossible, since there are so many and I would be prone to unfairly forget someone. So many amazing things happened here - people dedicating their time to compiling lists and stats, people watching out for games other people wanted, an incredible amount of gifting going back and forth - with newbies and veterans alike both as gifters and giftees and also very interesting discussions and topics ranging from cooking recipes (which gave us a new awesome thread, that is hopefully here to stay for a long time!) to Space Balls, Pratchett, interactive fiction (and Grues), usenet legends...

When it comes to the sale, for me personally the concept that GOG named (in the context of a previous Insomnia) "to let every game shine" worked very well, especially on the fresh site of the sale. Many of the newer titles had escaped my attention until now, and I routinely checked the game cards of those, having a look at the screenshots and reviews, and of course the discussions on the current games right here. As a consequence I purchased quite a number of them and wishlisted a few others. Mission accomplished, GOG.
Thinking of the movies in the sale - I definitely would have picked up a few of those too, if I had a chance to properly watch them. But as it is, my free time (meaning really free of obligations, including my family) goes into gaming and also I couldn't watch those movies with my wife in the living room - we only have an old tube TV set and a DVD player, no fancy smart TV with attached NAS that could play them. But I didn't mind the movies clogging up the queue a little, there were games that dragged on too - it's just a part of the game.

For my wallet the sale was pretty much disastrous :-), I picked up quite a few, seasoned and fresh alike. I gave away a few and I received an amazing amount of gifts and some of them quite pricey. My PM contact list has grown to triple size.

But the most sublime aspect is still the community, especially how new users (and old users with low rep and default avatar that have been lurking for years) joined this thread, participated and fit right in! (and how contagious this gifting thing became).

TL;DR: The sale was amazing, games are amazing, amazingest of all are the people here.
LynetteC: It's still a bit of a work in progress, but my friends set me up a website with a few photos. There's also a video and an old recording on there if you're interested:
Just checked it out, and I think your friends did great job with what is there. :-)
Looks like we're all slowly get back to reasonable sleep periods. A good thing. Meanwhile, any guesses as to what GOG's next big unveiling will be? Hopefully we'll get a look in at shortly here.
IAmSinistar: Looks like we're all slowly get back to reasonable sleep periods. A good thing. Meanwhile, any guesses as to what GOG's next big unveiling will be? Hopefully we'll get a look in at shortly here.
Indeed, I overslept today a lot which was probably a side affect of the insomnia sleep deprivation. My guess is that more games will be released either from LA or WB soon, hopefully ones that people are excited about or who knows might even be yet another publisher as murmurs of Take Two coming here were strong before. :)
Post edited March 10, 2015 by stg83
IAmSinistar: .., any guesses as to what GOG's next big unveiling will be? Hopefully we'll get a look in at shortly here.
Let's hope it isn't "good news" again ;-)
Post edited March 10, 2015 by DeMignon
DeMignon: Let's hope it isn't "good news" again ;-)
Agreed. I think we've had all of that we need for a while. :)

So far nothing on the front page, but I usually give them until about 10 AM my time before giving up for the day.
DeMignon: Let's hope it isn't "good news" again ;-)
It will be "great news".
Post edited March 10, 2015 by Grargar
Grargar: It will be "great news".
Really? Good thing I've downloaded all my stuff already then...
IAmSinistar: Really? Good thing I've downloaded all my stuff already then...
Then, you should hope it isn't "awesome news". ;)

On a more serious note, I will wait for 40 more minutes before giving up for the day.
Grargar: It will be "great news".
I sure hope not, then it would be something along the lines of "Since the Galaxy Client allows you to play with all your friends on Steam, we decided to finally start adding Steam keys with our games. A bold new step for GOG that will take us all to new heights in strengthening the DRM Free revolution."
Grargar: It will be "great news".
IAmSinistar: Really? Good thing I've downloaded all my stuff already then...
What? GOG's coming out of BETA again?
Post edited March 10, 2015 by real.geizterfahr
real.geizterfahr: What? GOG's coming out of BETA?
Fixed it for you. :P
Grargar: Then, you should hope it isn't "awesome news". ;)
"GOG is moving to a rental model! Classic games are only $1 per play, and New releases are a convenient 25 cents per hour! No more high prices, just pay for what you use! And rates are regionally adjusted for extra fairness!"