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Well it's 4am and time I got some proper sleep in bed rather than on the chair with a laptop on my knees! (If you can call 3½ hours 'proper' sleep. Hopefully I won't sleep though anything I desparately want that I an afford. :-)

Catch y'all tomorrow evening, after work. Night night.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by LynetteC
Next movie that comes up, that's when I'm taking my nap. XD
Grate, the Hogs stalled.

They'll be up there hogging the spot for a long time... just porking it up!

LynetteC: Well it's 4am and time I got some proper sleep in bed rather than on the chair with a laptop on my knees! (If you can call 3½ hours 'proper' sleep. Hopefully I won't sleep though anthing I desparately want that I an afford. :-)

Catch y'all tomorrow evening, after work. Night night.
Night night!

I should be turning in myself. Not 4am here, but gotta get up and likely shovel snow before going into work before 8am.
Dalthnock: Grim Fandango is coming right after this movie.
is this movie going to stay up until teatime in Europe? that's going to be the slowest ever Insomnia title, a new Keane record!
Post edited March 03, 2015 by IanM
LynetteC: Well it's 4am and time I got some proper sleep in bed rather than on the chair with a laptop on my knees! (If you can call 3½ hours 'proper' sleep. Hopefully I won't sleep though anything I desparately want that I an afford. :-)

Catch y'all tomorrow evening, after work. Night night.
Good night, but all the good ones are just around the corner... I have this feeling, you see. I just KNOW it.

stg83: Hahaha.. mighty fine use of Keane and a great pun sir. :)

Now kill the sw... hogs!
Fantasysci5: I'd ask if Hitman 2 is a good starting point if I've never played any of the series...but I get the feeling I'd get a lot of "BUY IT RIGHT NOW!!!" comments... ;)
I just wrote some of my thoughts about the Hitman series.

The game sale ended so I've got no agenda to make the game sell faster (and am going to bed very soon), although it will likely appear again a few times throughout the promo so if anyone missed it they can probably have another chance at it. I do recommend getting the entire Hitman series, whether all at once or individual promos over time, and I think the best way to play is one game after another in chronological order, but I'm a bit of a completionist too. They're fun to play either way though. I'd say keep your eyes peeled for any of them coming up on sale and grab them all as they show, or get the ones you can now anyway. :)
Ah, sleeplessness is keen - not! Have fun one and all but I won't be joining the ranks of those losing shut-eye this time :-p
It's too early to go to bed for me.
LynetteC: Catch y'all tomorrow evening, after work. Night night.
Bye LynetteC, nice to see you again for this insomnia promo as well. See you tomorrow. :)
Luckily I don't have to work tomorrow! :D (Not that I have a lot of money to spend, but I like looking.)
Dalthnock: Grim Fandango is coming right after this movie.
IanM: is this movie going to stay up until teatime in Europe? that's going to be the slowest ever Insomnia title, a new Keane record!
It wouldn't be so bad, if the old games moved faster...

Oh, for the times of Indiana Jones/Legend of Grimrock II.

Momo1991: Ah, sleeplessness is keen - not! Have fun one and all but I won't be joining the ranks of those losing shut-eye this time :-p
Hi Momo, hope you're doing well and not working too hard. :)