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Shame about the anticlimax, but heartwarming to see this thread alive and kicking almost a day after GoG decided the party had to end. ;-) Awesome community!

Looking forward to the next wacky GoG event!
the_voivod: An update: GOG reversed their decision and decided I was indeed allowed a gift copy of a free promo game. This is just one of many reasons why I favour GOG over Steam, any day.
I'm happy to see you got a caring response. :) GOG Customer Service has been generally helpful to me. I haven't had many requests for them. There was that *one* time when they invalidated a code I had won without any warning. It doesn't take many negative experiences like that to outweigh positive ones -- at least those are my feelings.

That's one reason I'm not signed up with any other game sites -- just GOG. As long as I can have a happy little nest on one site, with good attitudes from staff & the forum community on it, it helps me keep my life simple. I like that. :)

OK, that's it for me on this thread, folks. It's been good. See you somewhere else on the forums.
"Over and out."
Post edited March 09, 2015 by lz8
LordBarker: Oh I just remembered, I got two extra copies of Torchlight. I know pretty much everybody owns it already, but PM me if you want one.
lz8: Received your generous gift. Thank you very much for your generosity!
No problem!
I wasn't as active as many others in this thread, but I still had a decent time. Thank you all for the community, and a big round of applause to all the generous people on GOG!
I just wanted to thank you guys for these incredibly exhausting , and costly but very fun days. I had really interesting conversations and the amount of gifts in the thread is too damn high ;)

So let's end this sale properly with the:

================== TRIVIA ROUND NR.4 ==================

What are the names of the drivers in the SNES game F-Zero?

Two Worlds 2: Epic Edition


I'll contact the winners per PM, just write your answer in this thread. Please don't participate if you won one of the earlier Trivia Rounds. Have a nice day =)
Post edited March 09, 2015 by The_Blog
genkicolleen: Well how am I supposed to know whether you wish for the game I wanted to give you if I can't cheat and look at your wishlist? :p

... I suppose I could just ask.

*ahem* Do you have any interest in the AI War Collection? ^__^
no but thanks for offering
OK, I'll donate it to Sinistar's giveaway ^__^
Post edited March 09, 2015 by genkicolleen
The_Blog: Question:
What are the names of the drivers in the SNES game F-Zero?
Captain Falcon,Dr. Stewart,Pico,Samurai Goroh
Post edited March 09, 2015 by briareoushex
genkicolleen: OK, I'll donate it to Sinistar's giveaway ^__^
Which one is that, is not the bonanza is it?
high rated
briareoushex: Captain Falcon,Dr. Stewart,Pico,Samurai Goroh
That is correct. I'll send you the key :)
Mister-Gosh: Ok, before nobody checks this thread anymore, I wanna thank:

MarkoH01, ElTerprise, ariaspi, The_Blog, Mojra, paladin181, Rakkora, Geralt_of_Rivia (not the actual one, mind you), Swampland, Celton88, truhlik, huN73R, Tarnicus, Gameslinger, opticq, IamSinistar, Tarnicus, and so many others, in no particular orders for their kindness, patience, gifts, jokes, and covering for each other so much that several times we had more games than needed for an offline mate who we were to cover for.
See you around guys !!!!
EDIT : Annnnd PalioDeMonte who just gifted me Teslagrad, I'm gonna cry lol.

Thanks to you as well for your help, patience and entertainment over the last week. And helping to cover for others as well. Because of you, some other poor sap ended up with my extra copy of Grimrock 2. :P

As always, it's a huge pleasure to participate in this community as most everyone is kind and grateful for good friends and generous benefactors!
The_Blog: That is correct. I'll send you the key :)
Many thanks! :)
Many many thanks to RWarehall for gifting me both Black Mirror Games! =)
So...they just shut it off? That's...anti-climactic. And here I was thinking that I would check the thread and find out that they truly did sell 5 copies of Witcher 3 at 90% off. What a bittersweet end. :/
Hello fellow nightwalkers and coffein addicted ones,
Back from work and I have a strange glitch at the mainpage of GOG

there is no Insomnia anymore - its a glitch or?
Please say it to me its just a Glitch or a temporary timewarp.