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AndyBuzz: Ah, I see there are several threads that I missed somehow... Thanks for bringing me up to speed.
So... it's confirmed as just a bug, right? *finger crossed* :)
Just a bug and the game is currently on my account again... for the time being.
ymerejsasnak: TL;DR: Who wants free Teslagrad? I'd prefer to give it someone who I remember being helpful to me or others, or someone who can honestly claim they didn't get a crit (I got 2). Let me know, and thanks again everyone. :)

EDIT: seems the thread is dying and no one in interested...posting this elsewhere then...
Oh me, me me~! *waves hand in air* I got one crit, and I'm just looking for the right person to give it to :D
(Still waiting to hear back from someone on it)

EDIT: Oh I see you've made your first giveaway, congratulations~! That's even better! :D
Post edited March 09, 2015 by genkicolleen
ymerejsasnak: So it's over. But I see this thread is still active so I'd like to thank everyone for being so friendly and generous and helpful. Thanks to those that worked hard to track the games, thanks to those that offered me free games despite my new user status. Sure, I didn't participate much in the conversation, but usually I avoid participation in forums completely (pretty bad social anxiety)...yet I felt comfortable here. Maybe I'll even stick around. (at least in the Terraria forum :) )

Anyway, I fell in love with the giving nature of the people here, and though I am poor, I bought a gift code for Teslagrad for the sole purpose of giving it away. It's not much to offer (I didn't notice anyone saying they missed it or they really wanted it or anything), and it's only one game so whoever gets it will have to let everyone else come over their house to play it too ;)

TL;DR: Who wants free Teslagrad? I'd prefer to give it someone who I remember being helpful to me or others, or someone who can honestly claim they didn't get a crit (I got 2). Let me know, and thanks again everyone. :)

EDIT: seems the thread is dying and no one in interested...posting this elsewhere then...
Oh, I would love it. and please don't let this thread die, I am suffering from post-sales comradeship withdrawal already.

*Edited because Typing with my forehead*

Edit 2 : Yeah I know what you mean. The games I bought to give away were cheap, but I'm actually in a REAL tight financial situation. But it's so good to give around here.
I wish there were more places like this. Or people like this.
Or both, heh.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
Grargar: Just a bug and the game is currently on my account again... for the time being.
Lol indeed you are right. A page refresh (not account) and it popped back up.
If it is related with the farewell giveaway though, shouldn't all 3 fallouts be affected too?
Anyway I should take it to the related threads. Thanks to JanesHQ and you for the update. :D
high rated

Just wanted to say thank-you to all of you guys and gals for being so amazing. I did NOT expect a sale thread to blow up to over 1000 pages!

I wrote a much longer post over in the "official" Insomnia thread, but wanted to pop in here too for a quick thank-you.

See you all around - once you make up for all that lost sleep!
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Ciris
Most sales I buy one or 2 games but this time I bought 6 games
got 3 crits
gave away 4 games (finally got rid of that last Torchlight code)
Thanks to Tarnicus and toxicTom received 3 gifts.

Now if I can just get my fallout games back all will be good in my little world.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by dgwake
dgwake: Most sales I buy one or 2 games but this time I bought 6 games
got 3 crits
gave away 4 games (finally got rid of that last Torchlight code)
Thanks to Tarnicus and toxicTom received 3 gifts.
Yeah, I bought a bunch for me an received like 3-4 games (too lazy to check).
Bought 3 and got 1 crit, gave away all 4. I just never did this. It's the people here, tehy make you do these things, I SWEAR!
high rated
Another Insomnia Sale has come and gone. As expected, it was quite a ride.

I wanted to express my thanks to IAmSinistar for kicking off another successful promo tracking thread! So successful, it left GOG's official promo thread in the dust. Quite an accomplishment! A big thanks also goes out to usual suspects for their support: Grargar, HypersomniacLive, CarrionCrow, madth3, and Pidgeot. Cheers!

The success of this thread was also made possible by the GOG community with its frequent acts of generosity and camaraderie. Without that community spirit, the Insomnia Sale would be just another promo.

Lastly, a thank you to GOG for their efforts in bringing us another Insomnia Sale! We look forward to the next, after we get a little sleep.
foxworks: Another Insomnia Sale has come and gone. As expected, it was quite a ride.

I wanted to express my thanks to IAmSinistar for kicking off another successful promo tracking thread! So successful, it left GOG's official promo thread in the dust. Quite an accomplishment! A big thanks also goes out to usual suspects for their support: Grargar, HypersomniacLive, CarrionCrow, madth3, and Pidgeot. Cheers!

The success of this thread was also made possible by the GOG community with its frequent acts of generosity and camaraderie. Without that community spirit, the Insomnia Sale would be just another promo.

Lastly, a thank you to GOG for their efforts in bringing us another Insomnia Sale! We look forward to the next, after we get a little sleep.
This exactly sums up my feelings - well said :)
Ciris: Just wanted to say thank-you to all of you guys and gals for being so amazing. I did NOT expect a sale thread to blow up to over 1000 pages!
Thanks for the blue love, nice to hear from the GOG Lords on this. As you can see, some of us are pretty fanatical about Insomnia. It's not just the sale, it's the community-building that happens around it that matters.

Cheers for the post!
So, this sale finally came to an end.. It was - generally - a good sale, in terms of game quantity and prices, although there were moments that it slowed to a crawl.. Anyway, a would like to thank IAmSinistar and everyone else that helped on the tracking or by making scripts & stuff (humans & creepy blue eyes..). Now it's time to go back to Indy; Hyper was right - it's f*****g awesome! :D
foxworks: Another Insomnia Sale has come and gone. As expected, it was quite a ride.

I wanted to express my thanks to IAmSinistar for kicking off another successful promo tracking thread! So successful, it left GOG's official promo thread in the dust. Quite an accomplishment! A big thanks also goes out to usual suspects for their support: Grargar, HypersomniacLive, CarrionCrow, madth3, and Pidgeot. Cheers!

The success of this thread was also made possible by the GOG community with its frequent acts of generosity and camaraderie. Without that community spirit, the Insomnia Sale would be just another promo.

Lastly, a thank you to GOG for their efforts in bringing us another Insomnia Sale! We look forward to the next, after we get a little sleep.
A big amen to that. We have a great little community here.
Blue post on cutting the sale short
jamahann: Woah! Is it over? I missed out on Blocks that Matter, but The List shows 8 more items yet to come. Why did they end it early? Is GoG just as exhausted as everyone else?
You didn't miss it. Check your PM. :)
foxworks: Snip
+1 nuff said