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jamahann: Woah! Is it over? I missed out on Blocks that Matter, but The List shows 8 more items yet to come. Why did they end it early? Is GoG just as exhausted as everyone else?
Well, they wanted to put additional 150 games on the sale, but someone made a mistake and the sale ended unintentionally! (hope I wrote the last word right, but not sure)
the_voivod: Accidentally added a gift of FTL to my account and now told I can't have it changed to a gift because it was free. Bleh! Not sure why, since it gives you the option of sending it as a gift when you checkout (which I obviously forgot to do).
Shendue: Actually, it didn't. The gift option was grayed out and not selectable on freebies. You only got a code if you already owned the game.
I had the same thing. I scored a crit on Broken Age and the gift box was greyed out.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I was browsing on a smartphone at the time?
I wanted to change this to a gift since I already have the game (I was a kickstarter backer) so I wrote GOG an email and they said they couldn't change freebies to a gift code

I'm perfectly ok with that though; it was awesome enough that GOG just gave away all these games!
A gift is a gift; besides, at least now I have a GOG version, which is always preferred :)
I see that Double Insomnia ended prematurely, which is a bit of a bummer. Still, the best sale ever kept me hyper active during this week! Thank you GOG, thank you fellow GOGers! :-)
My copy of Fallout just reappeard:) I hope I don't loose it. I just took one copy of it when they were giving it away. It's nice to have this whole series on GoG.

... nope, lost it again :)
Post edited March 09, 2015 by JanesHQ
the_voivod: Accidentally added a gift of FTL to my account and now told I can't have it changed to a gift because it was free. Bleh! Not sure why, since it gives you the option of sending it as a gift when you checkout (which I obviously forgot to do).
Shendue: Actually, it didn't. The gift option was grayed out and not selectable on freebies. You only got a code if you already owned the game.
I'd say that ain't true since I sent away three of my crits but they were all games I had over here. Would've sent anything I own on steam but unfortunately those didn't crit so can't say if unowned games really could be unable to be sent. Everything else I had a crit on and didn't own just activated without looking at the gift option to notice it's status...
So it's over. But I see this thread is still active so I'd like to thank everyone for being so friendly and generous and helpful. Thanks to those that worked hard to track the games, thanks to those that offered me free games despite my new user status. Sure, I didn't participate much in the conversation, but usually I avoid participation in forums completely (pretty bad social anxiety)...yet I felt comfortable here. Maybe I'll even stick around. (at least in the Terraria forum :) )

Anyway, I fell in love with the giving nature of the people here, and though I am poor, I bought a gift code for Teslagrad for the sole purpose of giving it away. It's not much to offer (I didn't notice anyone saying they missed it or they really wanted it or anything), and it's only one game so whoever gets it will have to let everyone else come over their house to play it too ;)

TL;DR: Who wants free Teslagrad? I'd prefer to give it someone who I remember being helpful to me or others, or someone who can honestly claim they didn't get a crit (I got 2). Let me know, and thanks again everyone. :)

EDIT: seems the thread is dying and no one in interested...posting this elsewhere then...
Post edited March 09, 2015 by ymerejsasnak
JanesHQ: My copy of Fallout just reappeard:) I hope I don't loose it. I just took one copy of it when they were giving it away. It's nice to have this whole series on GoG.

... nope, lost it again :)
It was speculated before that Fallout 1 disappearing is a barometer of sorts for games being readded / removed from the catalogue. Maybe that's true and yours being temperamental is the Nordic stuff fading into the interether of GoG for the time being, post-sale.
JanesHQ: My copy of Fallout just reappeard:) I hope I don't loose it. I just took one copy of it when they were giving it away. It's nice to have this whole series on GoG.

... nope, lost it again :)
Ixamyakxim: It was speculated before that Fallout 1 disappearing is a barometer of sorts for games being readded / removed from the catalogue. Maybe that's true and yours being temperamental is the Nordic stuff fading into the interether of GoG for the time being, post-sale.
The game is again on my library so definitely sth is going on in there. I guess we have to wait and see how it ends.
JanesHQ: The game is again on my library so definitely sth is going on in there. I guess we have to wait and see how it ends.
I'm missing a game and it's the first fallout indeed. What the fuck? When did they removed that game from shelves?
Just wanted to say that GOG customer services gave me a new gift code for Door Kickers which I had accidently redeemed after a critical hit. Thanks GOG!
AndyBuzz: I'm missing a game and it's the first fallout indeed. What the fuck? When did they removed that game from shelves?
It's a bug that has been ongoing for 2 weeks, with Fallout 1 constantly appearing and disappearing.
JanesHQ: The game is again on my library so definitely sth is going on in there. I guess we have to wait and see how it ends.
AndyBuzz: I'm missing a game and it's the first fallout indeed. What the fuck? When did they removed that game from shelves?
Nobody knows for sure why is this happening. Check some replies on this thread couple of pages back. Proly it has sth to do with free copies of Fallout that GOG was giving away some time ago.
Pajama: How did you manage to do this? I wanted to buy a game to gift but managed to snag it as a freebie and so the gift button was greyed out. Anyhow, long story short, I've now got a game that I do not want and would love to gift it but don't know how. Thanks.
The_Blog: I already owned the game. That way it didn't get activated, but I recieved a giftcode on my gift site:
Ah, I see, thank you.

It is a shame though the game will just sit on my shelf forever unloved and unplayed :(
Grargar: It's a bug that has been ongoing for 2 weeks, with Fallout 1 constantly appearing and disappearing.
Ah, I see there are several threads that I missed somehow... Thanks for bringing me up to speed.
So... it's confirmed as just a bug, right? *finger crossed* :)
Cavalary: I had a sale idea, sent it to them last year, but in a much more gamified way which would have been an even worse pain to implement (though likely more interesting... if also annoying for some).

A slightly different (and less gamified) version of that would be (times and numbers are suggestions only):
Or something like that.
skeletonbow: One flaw in that idea is that people really really really do not like to know that they just got one discount and someone else a while later got a greater discount than they did. They feel sleighted and this already happens in GOG promos where a game is on discount for 50% by default but comes up in a flash sale for say 80% off for 10 minutes. People get very upset and some even to the point they claim they'll never shop here again. It would be a very bad idea to build that situation into a promo as a core premise of the promo knowing that people really dislike it when someone else gets a better deal than they do in a short time difference. It could also cause people to avoid buying a game now hoping (with gamble fever) that it comes on sale cheaper later and then if it doesn't and is more expensive later they just decide not to buy it because they feel bad they could have bought it cheaper and lost out and don't want to pay the higher price (even if it is still a great price) simply because they know it can go lower. May sound like a fun thing perhaps, but making things too complicated is more likely to bite them in the end especially if people feel bad about missing out. Already enough of that happens. :)
True. Then again, I personally prefer the winter sale system, with flash sales cycling every 6h or so (or more exactly 1-2 games entering every 30-36 min and lasting that long), repeating several times, and a couple of daily bundles, also repeated all at once at least once, and possibly twice. But this was something I came up with when trying to make it "interesting".