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My Fallout is gone as well. WTF?
Guess they don't call it Fallout for nothing!:D
So we wait... For it to reappear again. skeletonbow I should indeed make a local hard copy for times like this, I'm not even sure why I haven't so far. It could be because of updates to Galaxy as you suggested. Let's hope they will all be fixed soon, though. :/

ALH: Guess they don't call it Fallout for nothing!:D
Good one. xD
jackster79: <snip>
Good morning!

Awesome haul! :-)

And now the post-Insomnia withdrawal/hangover begins....
Thanks but my wallet is weeping right now ;).
mm3n: So we wait... For it to reappear again. skeletonbow I should indeed make a local hard copy for times like this, I'm not even sure why I haven't so far. It could be because of updates to Galaxy as you suggested. Let's hope they will all be fixed soon, though. :/

Good one. xD
Backed up all my games except Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms since I haven't downloaded it yet, and I want to see how the problem with the publisher plays out.
I wish I had a copy of Fallout...
opticq: I wish I had a copy of Fallout...
I wish i could gift you a copy of Fallout.Still have a couple of gift codes but sadly those have been rendered invalid.
mm3n: So we wait... For it to reappear again. skeletonbow I should indeed make a local hard copy for times like this, I'm not even sure why I haven't so far. It could be because of updates to Galaxy as you suggested. Let's hope they will all be fixed soon, though. :/

ALH: Guess they don't call it Fallout for nothing!:D
mm3n: Good one. xD
If you search through the last week or so of:

you can find some talk about Fallout disappearing and reappearing etc. so it's been going on for a few weeks. I've had it happen on and off myself, but it is random, sometimes showing up on the site and galaxy, sometimes it shows up just on the site or galaxy but not both and sometimes it doesn't show up at all. Separately from that, the game Original War sometimes disappears also or it's graphic image disappears, and sometimes one of the game shelves is missing a game and all the other games slide over to the left so there is a blank spot on the shelf, that seems random.

A little annoying but I'm not worried about it much as I know they'll fix it so it'd only be a problem for me if I wanted to play the missing games and couldn't get them - but I keep local backups of everything here anyway. :)
opticq: I wish I had a copy of Fallout...
ALH: I wish i could gift you a copy of Fallout.Still have a couple of gift codes but sadly those have been rendered invalid.
Wow, I didn't know those codes even expired. But I appreciate the thought thank you
Post edited March 09, 2015 by opticq
ALH: I wish i could gift you a copy of Fallout.Still have a couple of gift codes but sadly those have been rendered invalid.
opticq: Wow, I didn't know those codes even expired. But I appreciate the thought thank you
They usually don't.But before Fallout was exiled from GOG they gave away the trilogy for free.Everyone grabbed a bunch of codes for down the road but apparently the system was abused and shortly thereafter the codes were made invalid by GOG.
So I have a spot on my shelf after Halfway...
ALH: They usually don't.But before Fallout was exiled from GOG they gave away the trilogy for free.Everyone grabbed a bunch of codes for down the road but apparently the system was abused and shortly thereafter the codes were made invalid by GOG.
According to the farewell promo, it was intentional that the codes would be invalid unless you bought them.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by paladin181
ALH: I wish i could gift you a copy of Fallout.Still have a couple of gift codes but sadly those have been rendered invalid.
opticq: Wow, I didn't know those codes even expired. But I appreciate the thought thank you
The Fallout codes were being snarfed up by people to be resold online for profit so GOG had to put an end to that. A case of a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch. The codes did not have a built in expiry but rather GOG was required to invalidate all unredeemed codes by the publisher IIRC a few days or weeks after the freebie promo ended to prevent people from profiteering from the generous promotion. Since then GOG has limited freebies like this to be directly deposited in one's own library shelf or to have a single gift code per account only which is quite reasonable all said and done for something they're not obligated to ever offer anyone to begin with IMHO. Much saner system now at least in the eyes of people who aren't big mooches anyway. ;oP
mm3n: So we wait... For it to reappear again. skeletonbow I should indeed make a local hard copy for times like this, I'm not even sure why I haven't so far. It could be because of updates to Galaxy as you suggested. Let's hope they will all be fixed soon, though. :/

Good one. xD
paladin181: Backed up all my games except Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms since I haven't downloaded it yet, and I want to see how the problem with the publisher plays out.
I used to make back-ups on everything before, but I guess the good internet age has taken it's toll and I am too lazy to do that most of the times nowadays. I still have my retail copies carefully organized, but burning up discs on my own seems like too much work. Not enough free HDD space either for back-up downloads. Now it proves out to be an overall bad idea. I assume the game will be back soon though, so I can rethink my back-up philosophy.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by mm3n
paladin181: Backed up all my games except Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms since I haven't downloaded it yet, and I want to see how the problem with the publisher plays out.
The situation might take a lot of time to resolve, possibly more than 30 days. If you don't have any plans to download the game within 30 days, I suggest you ask for a refund, as a sale on GOG is considered final and non-refundable after 30 days.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Grargar
paladin181: Backed up all my games except Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms since I haven't downloaded it yet, and I want to see how the problem with the publisher plays out.
mm3n: I used to make back-ups on everything before, but I guess the good internet age has taken it's toll and I am too lazy to do that most of the times nowadays. I still have my retail copies carefully organized, but burning up discs on my own seems like too much work. Not enough free HDD space either for back-up downloads. Now it proves out to be an overall bad idea. I assume the game will be back soon though, so I can rethink my back-up philosophy.
Well, I just attempted to install it via Galaxy even though it is not showing on my web shelf and the game installs over the net just fine so it's still registered in the account, just a case of the server back end code for the website screwing up I imagine.

Interestingly I just noticed Galaxy auto-update one of my installed games for the first time which was a nice surprise.

They mentioned in the Galaxy alpha thread that a new Galaxy update is coming out really soon perhaps today even so perhaps the website code will be updated as a part of that and solve the problem. Just random guesswork on my part though.