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Whaaa? Finished already? I was sure there will be at least few more games to go when I re-appear.
Geralt_of_Rivia: No, it isn't. I'd rather have GOG as a game only store (or game/indie-movie store) than a GOG with Hollywood movies and DRM.
I can certainly agree with you on that. I personally don't believe GOG will ever include DRM encumbered content here however different people have widely differing opinions about what is and what is not DRM. I wont get into a debate about that here as it's widely elaborated to death elsewhere in the forums and not worth a repeat here and now as that would be a trivial diversion and not add any value to the discussion at the moment.

If it ever comes to be that I turn out to have been wrong and in my own eyes and DRM encumbered content does show up here then I will be greatly disappointed to see that happen, however I will "buy around it" so to speak and ignore the content that I am not interested in and continue to buy from the DRM-free content that I am interested in.

I wont boycott like some do or threaten to do simply because they make a decision that I don't 100% approve of. I can respect if others wish and choose to do it that way, but that isn't my way of doing things. I will continue to shop at GOG as long as they have /any/ products for sale under terms and conditions that work out well for me personally where I live with prices that I consider acceptable in a currency I am willing to use, especially if I have no better alternatives to choose from out there.

I see GOG as the messenger and the middleman, and not the enemy. They have a tough job to carve out a business in a world where rules exist that they do not control. They are trying to change those rules against strong odds, but they fight the fight anyway and to some measurable degree of success. They may not be able to change everything now, or ever, but they put out a good effort to do so and that's something I am happy to support even if they lose some battles and/or have to make uncomfortable compromises occasionally in the short term towards a better long term. When things don't go as I'd like I don't want to burn the messenger and middleman, if I am going to choose who my enemy is it will be the people who are responsible for things being the way I don't like in the first place. That would include some game publishers, some game developers, governments with archaic and/or troublesome laws that are pro-corporation and anti-consumer, greedy investors and the other true sources of the problems. I consider GOG my ally even if they have to make uncomfortable concessions in the short term on some issues.

I'd definitely rather not see DRM content here though, but it wont stop me from shopping here either as long as they offer things that do meet my needs I'll buy those things here, and other things elsewhere etc.
cecil: Or you could give them to Sachys or foxworks for the BBBBoB Giveaway

- Donations of GOGS have been open all week via PM to Foxworks or myself, and we have a special plan for anything marked as a "crit" or "critical hit"
Should be a good one I'm guessing due to sales. Any ETA on when the next one will be?
CarrionCrow: Holy shit....

Okay, GOG. I wasn't expecting you all to pull the plug. Damn.

Fucking hell, I wanted to see if Anomaly Defenders would finally usurp the throne of abject failure from Jack Keane.
I think it was probably the developers of Anomaly Defenders that asked GOG to take it down after being thoroughly lambasted by you on this thread. ;)
TrevorWilliams: That was a pretty sad end to a great sale. Just poof, it's gone.
Yep.... they just cancelled the great parade through all european capital cities ^^
Wait...what happened? It just disappeared.

The forum doesn't have a preview, so I have to run some tests
Post edited March 13, 2015 by Zillatain

Keaning - 1 Insomnia - 0

Actually, once they had only fresh titles left, I think GOG should have altered the remaining games to 4 rounds instead of 3 (with half the remaining copies in each round). Too many copies made the sale too slow, and once the titles stop flicking over at a significant rate, Insomnia loses its appeal.

Oh well, another Insomnia down. I wonder what they'll come up with next time...
Considering they didn't even bother ending the third round this time, i guess we won't be seeing another Insomnia promo anytime soon.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Shendue
CarrionCrow: Holy shit....

Okay, GOG. I wasn't expecting you all to pull the plug. Damn.

Fucking hell, I wanted to see if Anomaly Defenders would finally usurp the throne of abject failure from Jack Keane.
stg83: I think it was probably the developers of Anomaly Defenders that asked GOG to take it down after being thoroughly lambasted by you on this thread. ;)
I didn't make them produce a game that eats ass. That's on them.
Damn, thought I would get another chance at Rayman Origins and The Banner Saga. Bummer.
bler144: Nah, thanks though :) Do you want a copy of Witcher 1?
Nope, but thx.
Darn, I was checking the site all day for 60% off Banner Saga. Hmmmm.

- Donations of GOGS have been open all week via PM to Foxworks or myself, and we have a special plan for anything marked as a "crit" or "critical hit"
cecil: Should be a good one I'm guessing due to sales. Any ETA on when the next one will be?
its on now!
Shendue: Considering they didn't even bother ending the third round this time, i guess we won't be seeing another Insomnia promo anytime soon.
Wonder if there will be any "official" word later why they just needed it so abruptly. Wonder what the "Staff picks" will be for this week will be.
CarrionCrow: I didn't make them produce a game that eats ass. That's on them.
Haha...indeed, the developers should own up to the terribleness of their game.