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Sachys: that was on about...
four / five hours ago
Are you sure? Bot says it appeared twice plus I had my eye on games on sale throughout.
A quick note regarding Anomaly Defenders -

The final level can be beaten by putting five turrets on a section of ground that has a corner.

Once you have those towers, you hold down the fast-forward button to make all seventeen waves of enemy units drive through that section.

They drove that direction because I had a resource gatherer there.

They were too stupid to do anything else.

It wasn't even gathering anything anymore, but onward they drove.

You might think that someone, some commander, would stop the attack long enough to change course by wave 4 or 5, that maybe the combination of torn metal and mangled bodies, the haze of gasoline fires in the air, the hollow boom of explosions and the shrieking of the dying, might have been enough to tell those units to go another way.

You would be wrong.

It got dumber and dumber, more and more absurd. I waited for them to change their path, break my defense, shift the direction of the aerial attacks that had for some reason decided to go in a single straight line from north to south on a path that had absolutely zero targets.

But none of that ever happened.

My five turrets mowed down vehicle after vehicle, a seemingly endless lather/rinse/repeat of destroying enemies and healing, destroying and healing.

It was like fighting a war against 150,000 people, an entire country's worth of opponents, only they all appeared to attack in single-file, and they all let me put my gun in their mouth first and then fire, until no one was left.

Suicidal cows on their way to the local slaughterhouse seemed less eager to die than my empty-headed opponents, and so I obliged them.

Anything to make the game end.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by CarrionCrow
I'd like to point out there was (to my knowledge) no 90% off game (as advertised in the email I believe - not good GOG!).
Even GOG itself surrendered to the power of THE KEANING.
Well, see you all in two weeks when we can start swapping pots of gold, drinking green beer and abusing family members!

*edit* Please someone have the Family Guy song "My Drunken Irish Dad" queued up by then
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Ixamyakxim
How bizarre. I feel bad for anyone waiting on the last handful of games.

Still, great to see this sale back. Thanks to IAmSinistar and Grargar for all their effort.
If Insomnia really is over, I feel for those unfortunate souls who have been waiting for the last 8 games/movies.
Final haul for me (probably went way too heavy on RPG/ARPG)

Bought & installed:
Defender's Quest (beaten, but not yet complete)
Grimrock 2

Bought not yet installed:
Wasteland 2
Din's Curse
Shadowrun Returns
Pier Solar
Heretic Kingdoms
Rayman Origins
Witcher 1

Gifts (from Martleahy):

No crits, alas. Witcher 1 was my first purchase back when I didn't think I was going to go crazy, and is definitely the one I would undo if I had a mulligan.
Hmm does it mean we have beaten the insomnia sale because not all games where selled?
Sachys: I'd like to point out there was (to my knowledge) no 90% off game (as advertised in the email I believe - not good GOG!).
They acknowledged that error back on day 1. Apparently something they thought they'd lined up fell through. Also might explain why the number of seasoned vs. fresh was 1 off. [or might not, certainly]
Post edited March 09, 2015 by bler144
Well that was rather uneventful, I do feel for the folks that were still waiting for a few games to appear in the last round. I guess there was a time limit afterall for this insomnia which is very weird to say the least.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by stg83
ViktorDavion: Hmm does it mean we have beaten the insomnia sale because not all games where selled?
We beat the sale by bearing witness, no matter how quickly or slowly it goes, until it finally dies.

And then, about a month, month and a half later, once everyone's slept and gotten more money, we start clamoring for the next one.
Sachys: I'd like to point out there was (to my knowledge) no 90% off game (as advertised in the email I believe - not good GOG!).
Its corret, the 90% percent was a typo, 85% was the maximum.
ViktorDavion: Hmm does it mean we have beaten the insomnia sale because not all games where selled?
No, it means we hit the enrage timer and the raid wiped.
Ragnarblackmane: Our wallets can't repel prices of this magnitude!
Ixamyakxim: IT'S A TRAP!

No, really I only intended to buy Dead State - the trade for Grimrock and the click-lucky crit of Wasteland were just icing on the cake ;)
That is what Admiral Akbar Ancestor said when they got caught in those nets. Well at least i got Black Mirror 2 out of it. I would hate to go somewhere else for Black Mirror 3.