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mrcrispy83: my sleep schedule was already screwed up before the insomnia sale.
Heeey, I see your shelf (on the wiki,) but no wishlist! That's cheating!
seaspanky: This Insomnia sale has been absolutely brutal on my sleep schedule. At the start I had figured it wouldn't be as bad as it was previously because of the two sales going at once. I figured wrong. I kept doing cat naps and setting an 30 minute to hour long alarms but eventually I started to do things like falling asleep during conversations and having my head jerk back up repeatedly, and also when I was leaning back in a chair in the middle of eating a meal... I allowed myself slightly longer intervals for my alarm wakeups after that.
Pardinuz: Haha! That's hardcore! I hope your superhuman efforts were rewarded with lots of crits. :p
One crit, Blocks That Matter... I can think of a whole lot of other games that mattered more to me than that one, at least it was something though. The crit rate should have gone up based on how many purchases people made.
infinityeight: Oh? How often has this happened before?

*Game designers and aspiring designers back out of the room slowly, keeping one eye on KOCollins and both hands at waist level.*
According to my lawyers..never sir. *blinks innocent like*

Dear friend, come over here..are you by chance a game designer?

KOCollins: Dear friend, come over here..are you by chance a game designer?

One extra thing that bears mentioning.

You might be thinking, "I hear you, Crow, the game's absolutely awful! But I have the others in the series, and this is the finale!"

In that case, let me be the one to pop that bubble, sunshine.

The entire Anomaly series has next to no storyline, and it's never really told well, or actually very much AT ALL.

Do you like wasting hours of time? Do you like endings with a whopping eight to ten seconds of moving pictures with text on top before you get your credits screen?

If so, then holy frigging crap, you're in luck. Anomaly just might be for you.

However, if you actually want some idea of what in the holy hell's going on? You are so shit out of luck.

Even for a series that sucks at storytelling, Anomaly Defenders sucks that much harder.

This "game" is the antithesis of GOG, from back when GOG stood for good old games.

However, it does qualify quite readily as an intensely shitty new game.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: Don't give in to that. We have two slots. It would be better for that godsdamned abortion of a game to sit there, and not only for hours, but for DAYS, just as a collective fuck you to any developer who would ream people silly under the false pretense that they would get something with quality and imagination, rather than the reeking pile of maggot-infested baby seal intestines that is Anomaly Defenders.
Seems like this is the time of day we end up stuck with at least one game squatting hard. I watched a few reviews and it didn't strike me as horrible, but not particularly interesting either.

As tower defense games go, I picked up Defender's Quest on day 1 of the sale (was that Tuesday? All I know anymore is that it was more than one day ago, but less than eternity) and really enjoyed it. Loaded it up Wed and played a few hours each night - just finished the main quest after 15 hours or so, but still with dozens of hard modes to go back and try.
CarrionCrow: You might be thinking, "I hear you, Crow, the game's absolutely awful! But I have the others in the series, and this is the finale!"
Honestly, you're almost pitching the game to me at this point - if I hadn't grabbed a few big wants I might buy it, if only to see how much $h!& on my desktop I could smash to pieces whilst playing it.
CarrionCrow: Even for a series that sucks at storytelling, Anomaly Defenders sucks that much harder.
Shh! We need to put a positive spin on this thing so that the remaining Anomaly games will go quickly.

Everyone should buy Anomaly Defenders. Why? . . . Er--take up space on your hard drive! Gift your enemies!

Let's move some copies here, people!
Exoanthrope: I still have a copy of Little Big Adventure 1 that needs a home. I'm holding a drawing for it(among other things) over here and no one is in for it yet, so anyone who enters for it should have good odds. :)
I think LBA was given for free when GoG added French language, so maybe few people don't have it and are here. I would like it, but I already have it.
So gave FTL a try, way better than I expected (even though people said it was good).

So... now Lumino City ? Yay or Nay ? (COnsideriing the price)

(and since I never hit any freebies ^^ )
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Boilais
CarrionCrow: Don't give in to that. We have two slots. It would be better for that godsdamned abortion of a game to sit there, and not only for hours, but for DAYS, just as a collective fuck you to any developer who would ream people silly under the false pretense that they would get something with quality and imagination, rather than the reeking pile of maggot-infested baby seal intestines that is Anomaly Defenders.
bler144: Seems like this is the time of day we end up stuck with at least one game squatting hard. I watched a few reviews and it didn't strike me as horrible, but not particularly interesting either.

As tower defense games go, I picked up Defender's Quest on day 1 of the sale (was that Tuesday? All I know anymore is that it was more than one day ago, but less than eternity) and really enjoyed it. Loaded it up Wed and played a few hours each night - just finished the main quest after 15 hours or so, but still with dozens of hard modes to go back and try.
I've also played Defender's Quest, and beaten it on standard difficulty.

Defender's Quest is a flawless beauty combining both form and function compared to Anomaly Defenders.
Boilais: So gave FTL a try, way better than I expected (even though people said it was good).

So... now Lumino City ? Yay or Nay ? (COnsideriing the price)
My answer - you're playing FTL for the first time and you're considering something other than FTL???


(In other words, nay, go play FTL - can you tell I love this game?)
CarrionCrow: Even for a series that sucks at storytelling, Anomaly Defenders sucks that much harder.
infinityeight: Shh! We need to put a positive spin on this thing so that the remaining Anomaly games will go quickly.

Everyone should buy Anomaly Defenders. Why? . . . Er--take up space on your hard drive! Gift your enemies!

Let's move some copies here, people!
You're looking at it backwards....

The end will still come, regardless. The extra slot covers that.

I'm not bullshitting people here. I'm not lying, or exaggerating.

It really is that bad, and it really is that much of an example of developers completely giving up, no longer giving a shit, and then deciding to wheel out a property in order to use its reputation to push some garbage onto customers.

If there's a game that truly deserves, and I mean absolutely godsdamned DESERVES to take the throne of Keane?

It's that one.
Boilais: So gave FTL a try, way better than I expected (even though people said it was good).

So... now Lumino City ? Yay or Nay ? (COnsideriing the price)
Ixamyakxim: My answer - you're playing FTL for the first time and you're considering something other than FTL???


(In other words, nay, go play FTL - can you tell I love this game?)
Well I played FTL for a few hours now... and still Lumino City looks interesting, but probably very low to no replay value ?
Sad to see this sale die a slow death :( However, it was great to see GOG finally bring Insomnia back. For a moment there I thought they killed it for good.