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final_option: And again no freebie...OK, gog, you win. I'm outta here to get some sleep. It was fun following this thread, I wish everyone good luck for the remaining games. Good night :)
Good night!
Der satz lautet: Volle Energie und fertig ist die Ramrod Infanterie! Mit dem Satz wurde immer die Verwandlung Ramrod eingeleitet ^^
Everyone's heard of Smuggler's Guild.

I present....the snuggler's guild.
xep624: Oh finally some movement - PixelJunk Shooter sells fast... I hope that next game will sell fast too so this promo can finish today, as tomorrow I have to go back to work... and won't be able to spend all day on the forum :)
Glad it's selling fast, its a great game. I bought one to gift an Atari ST Oids fan who hasn't tried it yet.

But Lumino City is moving waaaay too slow. I'd buy it for someone with an extra Grimrock 2 to trade (the only one I missed), but I'm not sure if the $ evens out.
Okay. It's nearly 3am. I think i will go to sleep. See you in a few hours.

Good Night / Gute Nacht.
JDelekto: You just described almost every day in the life of a person. :)
Dalthnock: Come to think about it, that description may be a weird, scary insight into the inner workings of the Universe... I think it applies to just about everything.

Unless you're a lion. Their lives are awesome.
Yes, they're usually cast as introductions to MGM movies.
Crewdroog: if Diablo came here I would buy it instantly not even wait for a sale. and then i'd play and scream like a little girl when the butcher came after me and run in circles. :)
Grargar: "Mmmmmmm, fresh meat!"
hahaha, yup. and that dude could move! it was all you could do to run to the safe spot and spam him.
JDelekto: Funny, I thought it had a dungeon.
CarrionCrow: This place is hardpan and sand, and the hardpan is so bad it destroyed a backhoe.
I couldn't dig out a basement, a dungeon or anything else if my life depended on it. -laughs-
Methinks thou dost protest too much... LOL

Wow, that bad huh? Not even one of those with a jackhammer attached to the end would get through?
Got it to work.
To anybody who want's to install Anno 1503 on Windows 8. Use this:
It is still a bit slow but better than nothing.
Crewdroog: basement, hole you dug in the living room, same difference.
Sachys: "It puts the gog game in the basket, unless it wants the hose again"

pretty much.
CarrionCrow: There you are. Good timing. Was looking for a post from you to link to them so they could message you.

GOG's setup for finding people is ever so slightly wonky...
Tekkaman-James: Thanks for making the effort. +1

I got back just soon enough to miss it. :P

JDelekto: I have it.
Tekkaman-James: Many many many thanks, my friend! I really appreciate it.
You're most welcome, I was afraid that I wouldn't run across it this weekend, but I actually got one game I really wanted and the one I promised to look out for.

Now that's winning a lottery. :)
Dalthnock: - If GOG stagnates, or even worse, declines, it'll close a deal with the DRM devil.

- If GOG grows enough to seriously compete with Steam, it'll shed its old customer base, possibly most of the current personnel, including management, that fought to keep it the way it is to this day & will conform to the corporate mandates of the business world, including DRM.
That does not make any sense at all.

In the first case, if GOG isn't doing well and they eliminate the only thing that separates them from the store that must not be named here they will lose most of their customers over night. Why buy on GOG when you can buy there directly?

And in the second case: If GOG can prove that DRM-free distribution works by growing into a serious competitor for the big boys without giving up on DRM-free why should they get rid of it? If they do they become just another shop. If they don't they have a USP that nobody else has.
Tekkaman-James: Thanks for making the effort. +1

I got back just soon enough to miss it. :P

Many many many thanks, my friend! I really appreciate it.
CarrionCrow: Not a problem. Saw you were interested, figured I'd mention it. And thanks to J's generosity, you've now got it.
So it all works out.
Thank you for that watchful eye! :)
Crewdroog: basement, hole you dug in the living room, same difference.
Sachys: "It puts the gog game in the basket, unless it wants the hose again"

That's just silly, I'd never let them get ahold of a GOG-


Um, I mean....nevermind.
CarrionCrow: This place is hardpan and sand, and the hardpan is so bad it destroyed a backhoe.
I couldn't dig out a basement, a dungeon or anything else if my life depended on it. -laughs-
jackster79: Methinks thou dost protest too much... LOL

Wow, that bad huh? Not even one of those with a jackhammer attached to the end would get through?
Not sure about that, but I know a standard model wasn't able to do the job. Just ended up with a very pissed off backhoe owner.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Sachys: "It puts the gog game in the basket, unless it wants the hose again"

CarrionCrow: That's just silly, I'd never let them get ahold of a GOG-


Um, I mean....nevermind.
Of course it is silly, who ever heard of a basket having shelves... :P
Post edited March 09, 2015 by GhostwriterDoF