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jadegiant: Well, Torchlight is prettier. Aside from that, Din's Curse certainly doesn't seem to be too bad. I see a lot of replayability from the class combinations we can try out, and the world is supposed to be different with each character. I haven't gone beyond the first floor of the dungeon in my first city yet. I like the controls being straightforward - just point and click, no weird mouse moves.
Crewdroog: (torchlight) i guess it's pretty? i didn't care for the cartoony nature of it. not sure if that's what kept me from not enjoying it as much as i thought i would. maybe I got my hopes up when i heard it was done by diablo people? there was just something about torchlight, i just didn't like it. *shrugs*

oh man tons of replayability for din. that is one of the big things i liked about Diablo, you could have so many different versions of the same class. this is also what made me angry about diablo 3, the lack of that (internet bs aside).
For me Torchlight just seemed a bit too... dull? I still find it interesting enough that I intend to complete it one of these days. Now if only Diablo will come here...
Deltafunction: My +6 Sword of Wizardry just scored a critical hit on Blocks that Matter.

Thanks GOG.
Nice crit!
PaterAlf: I have to go to bed now. Curious to see if the sale is finally over when I wake up again.

Good night everyone!
Good night!

I would be curious myself, only I will not likely have time to check before heading to work.

Oh well...
Post edited March 09, 2015 by jackster79
HunchBluntley: On account of the telescope you have set up aimed at his basement window.
Crewdroog: *throws hands up in air* great, now he knows. thanks hunch!
The really weird thing about all this?

This place doesn't even have a basement...
ViktorDavion: A little age check for the germans here, just see who can complet the sentence ^^ :

Volle Energie und fertig ist die.....

The englisch counterpart was:

Alright. Ramrod will now take navigationel control.
I think i fail that check *sigh*.
I always find it amusing how the insominia tracker thread (20688+) posts is insanely more popular than gogs own official insomnia thread (857+) posts.

Way to go IAmSinstar and other gogers that keep track of the games lists! Cheers! ^_^
A little age check for the germans here, just see who can complet the sentence ^^ :

Volle Energie und fertig ist die.....

The englisch counterpart was:

Alright. Ramrod will now take navigationel control.

Siehst so aus als wenn ich der Älteste hier wäre, um die Uhrzeit auch kein wunder ^^
Crewdroog: *throws hands up in air* great, now he knows. thanks hunch!
CarrionCrow: The really weird thing about all this?

This place doesn't even have a basement...
pppsshhhhhhaaawwwwww...... that's what you want us to believe... Those noises I heard the neighbors complaining about that happen at night - they must be coming from somewhere... >=)
CarrionCrow: There you are. Good timing. Was looking for a post from you to link to them so they could message you.

GOG's setup for finding people is ever so slightly wonky...
Thanks for making the effort. +1

I got back just soon enough to miss it. :P

JDelekto: I have it.
Many many many thanks, my friend! I really appreciate it.
CarrionCrow: The really weird thing about all this?

This place doesn't even have a basement...
jackster79: pppsshhhhhhaaawwwwww...... that's what you want us to believe... Those noises I heard the neighbors complaining about that happen at night - they must be coming from somewhere... >=)
That's not from the basement....that's from the dust-filled desolate near-nothingness that extends for miles in all directions from this place...a place where, if you go out on a moonless night, it's so dark, and so devoid of anyone around, you can't even see your hand in front of your face....

That sounds like a way better place for doing scream-causing things. =)
Dalthnock: That is a possibility, yes. A very scary one, I will admit.

But it's a risk that has to be taken, sooner or later. And which store would you prefer taking this risk? GOG, the only store that has stood up to most - or at least some - of its principles for 7 years, or a new one, which, if all the other current business are anything to go by, will dump all its principles in less than 2 years?
Geralt_of_Rivia: No, it isn't. I'd rather have GOG as a game only store (or game/indie-movie store) than a GOG with Hollywood movies and DRM.

And they didn't stick to their principles. As we have already mentioned in this very thread GOG already gave up three of its four core values. The only thing they are still sticking to is DRM-free. Admittedly, that was the most important one, but still, giving up 3 of 4 values is not a good track record.
I did write some of its principles.

And honestly, it's a better track record than anything else out there. How long do you think the ride will last, anyway? I have absolutely no illusions that one of the two will happen:

- If GOG stagnates, or even worse, declines, it'll close a deal with the DRM devil.

- If GOG grows enough to seriously compete with Steam, it'll shed its old customer base, possibly most of the current personnel, including management, that fought to keep it the way it is to this day & will conform to the corporate mandates of the business world, including DRM.

It's a lose-lose situation. The most we, as customers, can hope is that it keeps growing steadily, but not enough. But for that to happen, you have to give it space. Otherwise you'll kill it by being over-protective. It happens.
CarrionCrow: There you are. Good timing. Was looking for a post from you to link to them so they could message you.

GOG's setup for finding people is ever so slightly wonky...
Tekkaman-James: Thanks for making the effort. +1

I got back just soon enough to miss it. :P

JDelekto: I have it.
Tekkaman-James: Many many many thanks, my friend! I really appreciate it.
Not a problem. Saw you were interested, figured I'd mention it. And thanks to J's generosity, you've now got it.
So it all works out.
ViktorDavion: A little age check for the germans here, just see who can complet the sentence ^^ :

Volle Energie und fertig ist die.....

The englisch counterpart was:

Alright. Ramrod will now take navigationel control.

Siehst so aus als wenn ich der Älteste hier wäre, um die Uhrzeit auch kein wunder ^^
No idea, you win :)
Dalthnock: .... The problem with indie movies is the same as it is with big movies. For every 10, there's an ok one. Out of one hundred, you may get a really good one, but it'll take a thousand for a masterpiece to appear. While the numbers may not be exactly accurate, it shouldn't be that far-fetched, I imagine....
JDelekto: You just described almost every day in the life of a person. :)
Come to think about it, that description may be a weird, scary insight into the inner workings of the Universe... I think it applies to just about everything.

Unless you're a lion. Their lives are awesome.
ViktorDavion: A little age check for the germans here, just see who can complet the sentence ^^ :

Volle Energie und fertig ist die.....

The englisch counterpart was:

Alright. Ramrod will now take navigationel control.

Siehst so aus als wenn ich der Älteste hier wäre, um die Uhrzeit auch kein wunder ^^
Oder vielleicht kennt auch nur niemand die Serie/den Film aus dem das stammt...
Oh finally some movement - PixelJunk Shooter sells fast... I hope that next game will sell fast too so this promo can finish today, as tomorrow I have to go back to work... and won't be able to spend all day on the forum :)