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I can finally tear myself away from this sale and get some well needed rest. This has been one hell of a sale. I'm exhausted and going to get a good nights sleep now. Thank you all for the fun, see you all next sale!
KunoNoOni: I can finally tear myself away from this sale and get some well needed rest. This has been one hell of a sale. I'm exhausted and going to get a good nights sleep now. Thank you all for the fun, see you all next sale!

Been fun! Until next time!
Dalthnock: That is a possibility, yes. A very scary one, I will admit.

But it's a risk that has to be taken, sooner or later. And which store would you prefer taking this risk? GOG, the only store that has stood up to most - or at least some - of its principles for 7 years, or a new one, which, if all the other current business are anything to go by, will dump all its principles in less than 2 years?
No, it isn't. I'd rather have GOG as a game only store (or game/indie-movie store) than a GOG with Hollywood movies and DRM.

And they didn't stick to their principles. As we have already mentioned in this very thread GOG already gave up three of its four core values. The only thing they are still sticking to is DRM-free. Admittedly, that was the most important one, but still, giving up 3 of 4 values is not a good track record.
jadegiant: Cursed by Din?
HunchBluntley: Nice. :) I dindn't even notice that.
Another cursed by Din :)
Dalthnock: .... The problem with indie movies is the same as it is with big movies. For every 10, there's an ok one. Out of one hundred, you may get a really good one, but it'll take a thousand for a masterpiece to appear. While the numbers may not be exactly accurate, it shouldn't be that far-fetched, I imagine....
You just described almost every day in the life of a person. :)
CarrionCrow: I'd rather sit here and watch a 72,000 copy round of Insomnia, starring Jack Keane 3, at the low low price of 100 dollars apiece, with electrodes attached to my groin that administer electric shocks if I begin to fall asleep.
Crewdroog: lies!

just me mentioning the ride makes you yearn for it. the little replica you have in the basement just doesn't cut it, i know!
On account of the telescope you have set up aimed at his basement window.
Fresh Too deal: PixelJunk Shooter (-85%) [100]

Alright, just 10 remaining!
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Grargar
JDelekto: Let them know I have it, I'll gift it.
Tekkaman-James: It was me. I just got here. Are you still cool giving it to me? I can probably grab one if I'm quick enough.

Dang: I was waiting for a reply and missed it. I hope you don't mind me owing you? ^_^;
There you are. Good timing. Was looking for a post from you to link to them so they could message you.

GOG's setup for finding people is ever so slightly wonky...
moorechrisj: Hey, I finally got one of them elusive crits. I already own blocks that matter. If anyone misses the sale they may be in luck.
Crewdroog: lies!

just me mentioning the ride makes you yearn for it. the little replica you have in the basement just doesn't cut it, i know!
HunchBluntley: On account of the telescope you have set up aimed at his basement window.
*throws hands up in air* great, now he knows. thanks hunch!
Tekkaman-James: It was me. I just got here. Are you still cool giving it to me? I can probably grab one if I'm quick enough.
I have it.
I have to go to bed now. Curious to see if the sale is finally over when I wake up again.

Good night everyone!
My +6 Sword of Wizardry just scored a critical hit on Blocks that Matter.

Thanks GOG.
PaterAlf: I have to go to bed now. Curious to see if the sale is finally over when I wake up again.

Good night everyone!
Good night :)
PaterAlf: I have to go to bed now. Curious to see if the sale is finally over when I wake up again.

Good night everyone!
Good night!