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Geralt_of_Rivia: I can tell you what will happen when GOG allows regionally restricted movies. There will always be some guys who circumvent the current control mechanics. At the moment it is merely an IP check which can be easily circumvented with a proxy or a VPN. As soon as the studios can prove that people outside of the allowed region are buying the movie they will scream bloody murder and drag GOG to court. Of course they will choose a country/city where the judges often rule in favor of the content industry.

There they will tell the judge that GOG contractually agreed to sell their movies only to specific countries (they show the contract as proof) and that GOG has violated the contract by insufficiently checking the buyers country and demand that GOG implements better protection (in other words: DRM). With a good lawyer they will most likely get a decision in their favor. And with a court order to implement DRM to uphold its contract GOG can not say 'No' to DRM any more.
That is a possibility, yes. A very scary one, I will admit.

But it's a risk that has to be taken, sooner or later. And which store would you prefer taking this risk? GOG, the only store that has stood up to most - or at least some - of its principles for 7 years, or a new one, which, if all the other current business are anything to go by, will dump all its principles in less than 2 years?

Look, I don't know what the statistics are, but something as successful as GOG sticking to its guns for such a long time is kind of unnatural in the business world.

It's a gamble, but then again, everything is a gamble. I say the odds are more in our favour with GOG than with anyone else. And if we lose... look, we're gonna lose eventually. Do you seriously expect your grandkids will be buying their games DRM-free in here?

Not unless GOG becomes this huge, monolithic unstoppable force that miraculously didn't devour itself in the process. And for that to happen, we'll have to take the gamble.
Well, I guess I have to bow out now, and bid everyone goodnight!

I sincerely hope you'll all be good and buy every last item in the Insomnia sale so that I don't have to see it again tomorrow morning! :-)
djdarko: Something about that Lumino City logo remind me of a certain licorice:
JDelekto: Ugh, that looks like the old candy aunts keep in a glass dish on their coffee table.
Yep, and it's already stale so it basically lasts forever and no-one knows the difference!
JDelekto: Someone was looking for "Blocks that Matter", I promised to look out for it, anyone remember the person seeking?
I think ymerejsasnak?
GhostwriterDoF: You'll fit in just fine here...
JDelekto: How do you know? I didn't give you my dimensions.
I meant that figuratively... :P
Crewdroog: hi! not related to above post, but to convo earlier. i've played a bit of din's curse (not a lot 'cause i'm here...) but so far I like it, though not the UI. and the story is....absent? i'm also feeling overwhelmed with the amount of choices i have for leveling.
HunchBluntley: Hello! Yeah, you definitely don't play that game (or any other Soldak game, from what I've heard) for the story. :D That's one of the reasons I liken it to a roguelike.
Out of curiosity, what was your issue with the UI? Admittedly, I haven't played many ARPGs on the computer (up until last year, I was without a PC of my own, so I was limited to my PS2 and a couple older consoles), so my frame of reference isn't exactly broad in this category, but I haven't had any problems -- unless you count my loose mouse wheel sometimes switching (without my noticing) my selected "quick" skill to another, less useful one at the most inopportune times. GRRR. But that's a hardware problem. I've actually found the customizability(?) of the game as a whole to be quite nice.

EDIT (sort of): It took me, like, ten minutes to get this to post because the Reply system is not auto-adding the final '/quote' right now for some reason, and I didn't notice it the first half-dozen times I clicked 'Post my message'. Anyone else having this problem? (Apologies if someone else has already had this problem and mentioned it -- I'm still several pages behind, catching up from when I was out earlier.)
I was having that problem yesterday
lol for a minute i was thinking maybe i remembered you wrong! hahaha no worries.

I don't like where the mana/health is located. it would be easier if they were low so i could monitor it better than up in the left corner. also the character screen for equipping weapons and armor is meh. i can't put my finger on why i don't like it, but I don't. plus, the loot stats are just not put in a way that is easy to read. font? color? dunno. I don't mind the bag system, I got used to that with MMOs.

I thought I wouldn't like the graphics, but actually they aren't that bad and the pics on the website don't do the game justice. though, that's what happens when you zoom in in games like this. the combat isn't too bad, and I like being able to use keys to spam spells/attacks.

I'm ok with having a boring, ok story, but this one seems to have NONE. why am i collecting ears? 'cause I said so! i mean, we can try a little harder than that, yes? though i did like that I didn't get to a quest done fast enough and the folks got pissed and i lost reputation. that put a fire under my ass to get things done. hahahaha
Crewdroog: wow. that would be true love right there.

and i think you protest too much :)

actually, have you ever watched Venture Bros? if so, the Brisbyland episode?
CarrionCrow: Just had to wrack my brain for a scenario in which I'd actually do it.

And no, haven't seen that show.
The fear of being pinned beneath an animatronic Abe Lincoln for hours keeps me from it.
Might make me have a stroke or something.

i don't care what those other guys say about you, you are alright. :)
Post edited March 09, 2015 by Crewdroog
Pidgeot: Just to be clear: The last *titles* will go up. It's the "copies remaining" figures, shown in the detailed list, that might not. :)
Zillatain: Are you referring to the one that updates every time a copy is sold? I Haven't been able to see that one for the last couple days. It just says "fatal error" and something about memory. Or is it something I'm doing wrong?

And as well I'm here, I'll shamelessly post a link to my boring Stats of the Sale Page.
Ah - yes, that is probably because the file has grown too large for PHP to handle properly for display. It's still being updated, it just can't be shown at the moment.

I'll get that one sorted after the sale; it's not exactly stored in the best way right now, but I can't really do it while the bot is still running.
blakstar: Well, I guess I have to bow out now, and bid everyone goodnight!

I sincerely hope you'll all be good and buy every last item in the Insomnia sale so that I don't have to see it again tomorrow morning! :-)
good night! :)
ymerejsasnak: Hi people! To confirm: I missed my chance at FTL and Tetrobot? (I was out and my phone is a piece of crap and wouldn't let me sign in to GOG!!!) I'll be okay (I swear I will!) as long as I at least catch Blocks that Matter.
Did you get Blocks that Matter?
Grargar: Fresh Too deal: Blocks That Matter (-70%) [100]
Finally!! I am finally done with this sale!
jadegiant: I just started playing this game myself, having picked it up just yesterday. I haven't gone far though, instead just watching the insomnia sale go by like the rest of us!
Crewdroog: yeah i haven't either. from what you've played, how do you like it? I don't think it's too bad. much better than torchlight, but not diablo.
Well, Torchlight is prettier. Aside from that, Din's Curse certainly doesn't seem to be too bad. I see a lot of replayability from the class combinations we can try out, and the world is supposed to be different with each character. I haven't gone beyond the first floor of the dungeon in my first city yet. I like the controls being straightforward - just point and click, no weird mouse moves.
And you? Blocks that Matter?

Edit: Yes you did! Good catch!
Post edited March 09, 2015 by jackster79
JDelekto: Ugh, that looks like the old candy aunts keep in a glass dish on their coffee table.
djdarko: Yep, and it's already stale so it basically lasts forever and no-one knows the difference!
Oh my, you know exactly about that candy dish!
ymerejsasnak: Hi people! To confirm: I missed my chance at FTL and Tetrobot? (I was out and my phone is a piece of crap and wouldn't let me sign in to GOG!!!) I'll be okay (I swear I will!) as long as I at least catch Blocks that Matter.
jackster79: Did you get Blocks that Matter?
Yup. Thanks for checking. :) I was sure it wouldn't show up until after I went to bed.
jackster79: And you? Blocks that Matter?
Yes I did, thank you.