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GhostwriterDoF: ...
JDelekto: Some people are looking, some bots are scouting. I'm pretty sure any bot scouting the front page doesn't need input from the forums and the lurkers that own them don't need to have a forum presence.
We few, the most odd and comfortable with being odd, we band of gamers,
only come to the Forum for the entertainment, and to get the games!

The Insanity sale is just another form distraction, and reason to hang out here. ;)
Someone was looking for "Blocks that Matter", I promised to look out for it, anyone remember the person seeking?
Anno 1503 Menu Theme:
Crewdroog: hi! not related to above post, but to convo earlier. i've played a bit of din's curse (not a lot 'cause i'm here...) but so far I like it, though not the UI. and the story is....absent? i'm also feeling overwhelmed with the amount of choices i have for leveling.
Hello! Yeah, you definitely don't play that game (or any other Soldak game, from what I've heard) for the story. :D That's one of the reasons I liken it to a roguelike.
Out of curiosity, what was your issue with the UI? Admittedly, I haven't played many ARPGs on the computer (up until last year, I was without a PC of my own, so I was limited to my PS2 and a couple older consoles), so my frame of reference isn't exactly broad in this category, but I haven't had any problems -- unless you count my loose mouse wheel sometimes switching (without my noticing) my selected "quick" skill to another, less useful one at the most inopportune times. GRRR. But that's a hardware problem. I've actually found the customizability(?) of the game as a whole to be quite nice.

EDIT (sort of): It took me, like, ten minutes to get this to post because the Reply system is not auto-adding the final '/quote' right now for some reason, and I didn't notice it the first half-dozen times I clicked 'Post my message'. Anyone else having this problem? (Apologies if someone else has already had this problem and mentioned it -- I'm still several pages behind, catching up from when I was out earlier.)
Sachys: So... is there much left on the list? - end of sale and I finally have a few pennies spare! HEHEHEH!
CarrionCrow: [snip}
Probably nothing I want from this list, but it's hard to pass up a few more chances at a critical hit.
HypersomniacLive: W's?
Wading turns upside-down into Mating.
ElTerprise: That would be nice. Although i never 1503, only 1602 and then 1404.
The_Blog: I was so bad at 1503, since it was really hard to keep a positive balance and I way very young. But I played it an ubelievable amount of time with alone and with a friend (though never in multiplayer) and was really excited when I heard that 1701 was going to get released. I played the heck out of that one too. Anno 1404 is great too and I have the boxed version here aswell as the Addon. I just watched some gameplay from 1503 again and heard the menu theme after like 10 years again. And my heart just skipped about 2 beats. I am not kidding, I felt how I was kinda shocked to hear the melody and instantly recognized it. Actually it was kinda scary ^^

The GIANT problem is that Windows 8 dropped the hardware exceleration for 16bit programs and some older direct 3D stuff aswell. That means the game will run with 5 FPS on a high end laptop. And even in compatability mode it is kinda slow and laggy. You ahve to use a Virtualboy with Windows XP which sucks big time. Same issue for The Direct 3D mode of Divine Divinity. 2 FPS in the menu...
That sounds awful :(. They definitely need some adaptation for modern systems. But i don't think they will show up soon on GoG unfortunately.
Crewdroog: hahaha, probably 'cause i'm here and not playing his game!
jadegiant: I just started playing this game myself, having picked it up just yesterday. I haven't gone far though, instead just watching the insomnia sale go by like the rest of us!
yeah i haven't either. from what you've played, how do you like it? I don't think it's too bad. much better than torchlight, but not diablo.
Hmmm... typical of my luck, oh well! Nothing on the other promo either for me! HEHEHEH! Cheers! :)
JDelekto: Some people are looking, some bots are scouting. I'm pretty sure any bot scouting the front page doesn't need input from the forums and the lurkers that own them don't need to have a forum presence.
GhostwriterDoF: We few, the most odd and comfortable with being odd, we band of gamers,
only come to the Forum for the entertainment, and to get the games!

The Insanity sale is just another form distraction, and reason to hang out here. ;)
I'm not sure why, but it is not the 'odd' that bother me.
Something about that Lumino City logo remind me of a certain licorice:
licorice.jpg (14 Kb)
Ugh, that's it. I wanted to try for Signal Ops, but I have to bow out. It can just take a spot next to the ones that I missed earlier in the sale. Take care, everyone.
GhostwriterDoF: We few, the most odd and comfortable with being odd, we band of gamers,
only come to the Forum for the entertainment, and to get the games!

The Insanity sale is just another form distraction, and reason to hang out here. ;)
JDelekto: I'm not sure why, but it is not the 'odd' that bother me.
You'll fit in just fine here...
The_Blog: Anno 1503 Menu Theme:
Hach.. memories.
Anaxphone: Ugh, that's it. I wanted to try for Signal Ops, but I have to bow out. It can just take a spot next to the ones that I missed earlier in the sale. Take care, everyone.