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Have any of you really looked at this thread as a whole? You could probably track the sleep deprivation and confusion as the thread progresses page by page.
I mean, well, yes, I also would like to go to DisneyLand and look for dead bodies, but how did that subject even come up?! >_<
WildHobgoblin: Adding what? The hugs? People covered in syrup?

Edit: Ah, thought you were referring to the post above you. Yes, I am that tired.
Getcomposted: If I were adding people to my Wishlist, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be adding syrup-covered people. Imagine what they would do to the furniture!
I'm sure someone out there has furniture made out of pancakes.
Crewdroog: ok now i want to go to disney land and look for dead bodies.
CarrionCrow: That's one of the few scenarios I'd ever end up there.

Was well on my way to getting thrown out last time. -laughs-
That explains the Haunted Mansion. Creepy place that one.
blakstar: Well, arguably, you are, but in REM sleep, as opposed to deep sleep
JDelekto: I make it habit to not listen to REM before going to bed.
OK -- you win on that basis :-D
Crewdroog: ok now i want to go to disney land and look for dead bodies.
CarrionCrow: That's one of the few scenarios I'd ever end up there.

Was well on my way to getting thrown out last time. -laughs-
ooooh, story!!!! do tell :)

i was only there once and i was 6? i remember nothing really except Pirates of the Caribbean, oddly enough. hmm, probably 'cause of the dead bodies.
I've also been struggling not to succumb to whatever cold or flu virus that has me in its clutches, but to no avail.
I may also have to call it a night. :(
Crewdroog: lol no! i didn't mean it like that! my goal was annoying, not kink. all stupid things i say will be blamed on sleep deprivation. thank you!
toxicTom: :-( And here I was getting hopes up escaping the chains of marriage and indulging a life of kinky adventure and sticky experiences...

So good night dear friends. It's 1:30 AM and the alarm will go off at 5.30 NOT-PM... that's um, no I don't want to think about it. If Banner Saga comes up and some crits it and REALLY doesn't want it for themselves...

Good night people :-)
Gute Nacht!
Crewdroog: lol no! i didn't mean it like that! my goal was annoying, not kink. all stupid things i say will be blamed on sleep deprivation. thank you!
toxicTom: Good night people :-)
Good night Tom. Try not to dream about syrup-covered people :-p
JDelekto: I'm sure someone out there has furniture made out of pancakes.
No wicked witches. I draw the line at wicked witches going on my Wishlist.
Crewdroog: lol no! i didn't mean it like that! my goal was annoying, not kink. all stupid things i say will be blamed on sleep deprivation. thank you!
toxicTom: :-( And here I was getting hopes up escaping the chains of marriage and indulging a life of kinky adventure and sticky experiences...

So good night dear friends. It's 1:30 AM and the alarm will go off at 5.30 NOT-PM... that's um, no I don't want to think about it. If Banner Saga comes up and some crits it and REALLY doesn't want it for themselves...

Good night people :-)
i'm sorry to have dash those dreams upon the rocks.

good night!
blakstar: Well, arguably, you are, but in REM sleep, as opposed to deep sleep
JDelekto: I make it habit to not listen to REM before going to bed.
Hahaha made my day :).
Pidgeot: Just a heads-up: Since I don't know what will happen once we're down to just one title left, my bot is unlikely to cope correctly. This may cause some of the last few sales to not be registered, if I'm unable/not around to fix it right when it happens (and unless things slow down overnight, I probably won't be).
Thanks again as always Pidgeot for your efforts with the bot, it has been indispensable for the good people that are keeping track of the list and other stats. Insomnia wouldn't be the same without your bot server helping us to find out about games that are contenders for the Keane crown. :)
Post edited March 09, 2015 by stg83
Genau, gute Nacht an alle die jetzt schlafen gehen ^^
Crewdroog: ok now i want to go to disney land and look for dead bodies.
JDelekto: Do you think the mafia had them buried under the foundation?
oh no, if there are dead bodies there, i immediately think disney did it.
Dalthnock: I'm talking about the people who are against everything for no reason other than to make lots of noise.

You know they're out there. To tell you the truth, I haven't been in these forums long enough to know if there are many, but everywhere else, there are many. Many.
PaterAlf: We're not against everything, but we believe in the principles that GOG once had. You're just a member for a few months, so maybe you don't know, but GOG once stood for more than just DRM-free (e.g. one world one price, no regional locks).

We don't want GOG to become just another shop like Steam. We're here to remind them what made them such a great shop and that they should keep fighting to change the industry. Will there be games that we won't get because of that? Sure, but there will still be many games that we can play and many developers that are worth our money, because they treat their customers right.

And about the movies: When we talk about regional locks here, we are not talking about one or two countries that are left out (like Australia or Germany for very few of the games). We are talking about whole continents that won't be able to buy a lot of content here. For many of us this isn't acceptable and allowing it would only mean that the industry don't have to change (because the way they are doing business now works out fine for them).

I still think the movie section can be successful without big Hollywood blockbusters and TV series. GOG has to think outside the box here. There are so many great indie movies out there from all around the world that never had a release outside their own country and many of them are much better and creative than the majority of Hollywood crap we get most of the time. That's a real treasure and I'm sure that many of the film-makers would be willing to bring their movies here drm-free and without any regional locks. GOG could become a heaven for friends of indie and foreign movies and in my eyes that would be much more interesting than some blockbusters from the big studios.
I understand where you're coming from & believe me, I've known about GOG since it began.

I have no idea what caused them to change their stance on pricing. I did find it very unsettling that suddenly Germany & Australia weren't getting some games. I will tell you bluntly that it has somewhat shaken my trust in GOG.

But about movies, that industry has been around for much longer than the game industry & there are & many, many legal hurdles about their distribution, some downright idiotic & a lot of them dating back to when the industry was new.

What I'm saying is, if they're willing to release big movies DRM-free, that's a step in the right direction.

Let them come to us & then, slowly, we can change other things we don't like. Get them to see the light, so to speak.

One thing at a time.

About indie movies, though... be realistic. Nobody cares about them. Especially when there are so many good movies dating back all the way to the 30s. Why would I want to watch some mushroom-trip independent film when I can watch a Hammer film for free any time I want?

And I'll keep doing it until I can get a legal copy that I can OWN. Not just rent. And if some countries get it first, so be it. Eventually, most countries will get them as well. But it has to start somewhere.