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Crewdroog: not right now, but you never know when you might! *takes chicken, places in crate o'crap*

...and i didn't get the reference. no hugs for me *sulks then cries* :)
toxicTom: I knew I should have picked up an extra code... Be hugged anyways. You deserve it.
yay! hugs! *hugs toxicTom and whispers in ear* i'm covered in syrup. now you're all sticky!
I have been trawling through the catalogue adding things to my Wishlist, because, yes, I am that bored.
sjons: Im done. Was hoping for AVGN, but I can't take this any longer...

40 wonders left, and quadruple that on cities... I... I can't ...

Must resist sleepzzzzzz.......



<Pseudo Evil Japanese Voice>
<\Pseudo Evil Japanese Voice>
Ominousrobot: It's going to happen sooner or later, look how they started with the games and look at the selection we have now. I for one hope GOG are playing the long game with this. Aussies and Kiwis usually get the short end of the taser when it comes to region based distribution for whatever reason. Maybe if they started with the older titles nobody really cares about anymore and who knows, maybe 5 years down the track we will all be able to enjoy the latest blackbusters here.
xep624: Oh I truly hope so! Anyway the digital revolution in games put an and to charging gamers for every new game $100 and that's a good thing for us here. Good things are coming, but not very fast, but I guess this is the preferred way here.
Better to go slow and get it right than go fast and muck it up (looking at you steam early access) but I agree, sometimes a little bit of fast would be nice. I am slowly clearing out my backlog though.

I for one am looking forward to a time when physical copies of games are treated the same way that vinyl records are now; something for the collector who wants that extra something special, not just some shoddy plastic case with a game code and disc inside.
xep624: I am sooo hoping that will bring in one day big movies and big games. Because of gaming habit I have OCD so I will be buying things just to put them on my digital shelf... And I'm sure that others will vote with their wallets too :)

And let's hope that magic happens soon!
Ominousrobot: It's going to happen sooner or later, look how they started with the games and look at the selection we have now. I for one hope GOG are playing the long game with this. Aussies and Kiwis usually get the short end of the taser when it comes to region based distribution for whatever reason. Maybe if they started with the older titles nobody really cares about anymore and who knows, maybe 5 years down the track we will all be able to enjoy the latest blackbusters here.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's the plan...
KunoNoOni: Do it! You will not regret it, its a wonderful game if you like Turn-Based Strategy.
The_Blog: Stop it >.<
I know it is good. And that kinda makes it harder ^^
The problem is that I already see myself not playing it at all because I have so many other games and will simply forget about it :S
I do see your point, I am not as strong as you. I have MANY games here on GOG and on Steam and in my own collection that I may never get to play. But it makes me feel secure to know that I do have it if I ever do decide to play it.
toxicTom: I have a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle, if it's any use to you.


PS: Anyone guessing the reference is earning... a hug (since I'm totally OOM).
WildHobgoblin: It doesn't have anything to do with a three-headed monkey, by any chance?
Droggelbecher..... Droggelbecher. ^^
Pidgeot: Just a heads-up: Since I don't know what will happen once we're down to just one title left, my bot is unlikely to cope correctly. This may cause some of the last few sales to not be registered, if I'm unable/not around to fix it right when it happens (and unless things slow down overnight, I probably won't be).
Don't worry, we got it covered. Thanks for the bot, Pidgeot; it has been very helpful.
ViktorDavion: Droggelbecher..... Droggelbecher. ^^
Made my day :D

The_Blog: Stop it >.<
I know it is good. And that kinda makes it harder ^^
The problem is that I already see myself not playing it at all because I have so many other games and will simply forget about it :S
KunoNoOni: I do see your point, I am not as strong as you. I have MANY games here on GOG and on Steam and in my own collection that I may never get to play. But it makes me feel secure to know that I do have it if I ever do decide to play it.
HAHAHA I am not strong in any way ^^
This is how I act normally too.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by The_Blog
Looks like all that momentum we had has stalled and died with AOWIII and Lumino City. Pity we only have 13 more to go...
Crewdroog: yay! hugs! *hugs toxicTom and whispers in ear* i'm covered in syrup. now you're all sticky!
That's.. kinky. You sure you want were this is going?
WildHobgoblin: It doesn't have anything to do with a three-headed monkey, by any chance?
toxicTom: No! It's right behind you!

Edit: Ok... be hugged.

I was just about to protest not having received the aforementioned hug, but I see you remembered :)
Pidgeot: Just a heads-up: Since I don't know what will happen once we're down to just one title left, my bot is unlikely to cope correctly. This may cause some of the last few sales to not be registered, if I'm unable/not around to fix it right when it happens (and unless things slow down overnight, I probably won't be).
Grargar: Don't worry, we got it covered. Thanks for the bot, Pidgeot; it has been very helpful.
Just to be clear: The last *titles* will go up. It's the "copies remaining" figures, shown in the detailed list, that might not. :)
ViktorDavion: Droggelbecher..... Droggelbecher. ^^
The_Blog: Made my day :D

What does it mean?
CarrionCrow: It helps answer the question regarding most people who decide to dress up in a gigantic costume and dance around children, to be sure.
Crewdroog: then wtf is happpening at disney land??? o.0
Something fairly terrifying. And they have a whole underground city of their own to conceal it in...