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xep624: I am sooo hoping that will bring in one day big movies and big games. Because of gaming habit I have OCD so I will be buying things just to put them on my digital shelf... And I'm sure that others will vote with their wallets too :)

And let's hope that magic happens soon!
Ominousrobot: It's going to happen sooner or later, look how they started with the games and look at the selection we have now. I for one hope GOG are playing the long game with this. Aussies and Kiwis usually get the short end of the taser when it comes to region based distribution for whatever reason. Maybe if they started with the older titles nobody really cares about anymore and who knows, maybe 5 years down the track we will all be able to enjoy the latest blackbusters here.
Oh I truly hope so! Anyway the digital revolution in games put an and to charging gamers for every new game $100 and that's a good thing for us here. Good things are coming, but not very fast, but I guess this is the preferred way here.
blakstar: Was it? Guess the time started to blur a bit -- I was up for most of the last insomnia sale! :-)
jackster79: I know the feeling, though that was just a regular Fall Sale. The 2014 Insomnia sale I believe was in the spring.

'Course, my memory of time is fuzzy enough without sleep deprivation added to the mix.
GAHH! These sales are all starting to blur into one big mega-sale :-D
Im done. Was hoping for AVGN, but I can't take this any longer...

40 wonders left, and quadruple that on cities... I... I can't ...

Must resist sleepzzzzzz.......



The_Blog: Damn I am pretty close to buy AoW III :S
Do it! You will not regret it, its a wonderful game if you like Turn-Based Strategy.
Crewdroog: not right now, but you never know when you might! *takes chicken, places in crate o'crap*

...and i didn't get the reference. no hugs for me *sulks then cries* :)
I knew I should have picked up an extra code... Be hugged anyways. You deserve it.
Dalthnock: I'm talking about the people who are against everything for no reason other than to make lots of noise.

You know they're out there. To tell you the truth, I haven't been in these forums long enough to know if there are many, but everywhere else, there are many. Many.
We're not against everything, but we believe in the principles that GOG once had. You're just a member for a few months, so maybe you don't know, but GOG once stood for more than just DRM-free (e.g. one world one price, no regional locks).

We don't want GOG to become just another shop like Steam. We're here to remind them what made them such a great shop and that they should keep fighting to change the industry. Will there be games that we won't get because of that? Sure, but there will still be many games that we can play and many developers that are worth our money, because they treat their customers right.

And about the movies: When we talk about regional locks here, we are not talking about one or two countries that are left out (like Australia or Germany for very few of the games). We are talking about whole continents that won't be able to buy a lot of content here. For many of us this isn't acceptable and allowing it would only mean that the industry don't have to change (because the way they are doing business now works out fine for them).

I still think the movie section can be successful without big Hollywood blockbusters and TV series. GOG has to think outside the box here. There are so many great indie movies out there from all around the world that never had a release outside their own country and many of them are much better and creative than the majority of Hollywood crap we get most of the time. That's a real treasure and I'm sure that many of the film-makers would be willing to bring their movies here drm-free and without any regional locks. GOG could become a heaven for friends of indie and foreign movies and in my eyes that would be much more interesting than some blockbusters from the big studios.
Dalthnock: And now I'm pissed off because we could have great movies at GOG prices - read, insane promos - & we won't get them because of the immaturity of some of its user-base.
Geralt_of_Rivia: If your stance is that everyone who does not share your opinion is immature then you are not worth discussing with.
I didn't say that.

In my experience, most people who throw a tantrum about something not being the way they want are immature.

BUT, I have found many, many people - less than most, though - who have a completely different opinion than my own, who are very good at explaining their position & can be very enlightening in the process.

It has happened that some, while not converting me to their point of view entirely, have at least provided me with a clearer view & understanding of why they think the way they do, ending up with us meeting somewhere down the middle, thus becoming less radical on both parts.

I just tend to, when generalising, paint with a very broad brush. Part of that is to easily find out which people have the differing opinion & another part is which people jump at me with insults & vitriol.

The end result is I can easily find out which people are capable of discussion & which people would end up throwing rants sooner than later.
skeletonbow: [snip]
Your information is likely more up-to-date than mine. I'm just going by what I remember reading sometime shortly after they announced they were selling movies. If it wasn't in the News announcement itself, then it was a comment from a blue, possibly in the announcement's forum thread. ...Actually, it might also have been talked about in one of the interviews for Gamespot or the like last year. I just remember them saying something to the effect of "some of the studios were going to need some convincing".
WildHobgoblin: It doesn't have anything to do with a three-headed monkey, by any chance?
No! It's right behind you!

Edit: Ok... be hugged.

Post edited March 09, 2015 by toxicTom
Crewdroog: omg i'm working on 3 hrs of sleep. stupid day light savings!
*groans* Don't remind me. I'm so tired! =_= *absently wipes the worst of the confetti off*
xep624: BTW: there is a very unusual review of lumino city by trynation.... Check the game description :)
Crewdroog: sigh, the keane reviews were imaginative at least, unlike that garbage.
Some were hilarious. I actually bought the game because of the reviews (which I determined to be falsified after reading several).
The_Blog: Damn I am pretty close to buy AoW III :S
KunoNoOni: Do it! You will not regret it, its a wonderful game if you like Turn-Based Strategy.
Stop it >.<
I know it is good. And that kinda makes it harder ^^
The problem is that I already see myself not playing it at all because I have so many other games and will simply forget about it :S
high rated
Just a heads-up: Since I don't know what will happen once we're down to just one title left, my bot is unlikely to cope correctly. This may cause some of the last few sales to not be registered, if I'm unable/not around to fix it right when it happens (and unless things slow down overnight, I probably won't be).
While Lumino City is just sitting there I got to wondering if we will ever get the original Lume here.
xep624: the user trynation gave this game 5 stars and wrote the following: "please buy this sack of shit" which made me laugh very hard....
ElTerprise: Yeah i read that. That why i wrote it :).
Uh.. OK, but the funny thing is he/she gave the game 5 stars and then wrote such a sophisticated plea/review.... One can clearly see the amount of hard work that was put by indie developers in making unique game, creating puzzles, animations, graphics, story and so on and then comes one user who sums up all your hard work in such a short and confusing way ....