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GhostwriterDoF: Ok, maybe we don't remember everything... ;)
Crewdroog: good! i didn't want to have to use this *puts away rubber chicken*
ZaineH: How long has Age of Wonders 3 been up there?
AGES. If it ever goes away it'll be a small WONDER.



... What? It's funny, don't be a bully!
GhostwriterDoF: ...
Dalthnock: I'm talking about the people who are against everything for no reason other than to make lots of noise.

You know they're out there. To tell you the truth, I haven't been in these forums long enough to know if there are many, but everywhere else, there are many. Many.
Eh? Oh sure, they come around from time to time...

Such types can't stand to be around reasoned discussion for long,
especially with an over abundance of kindness. They usually run away
screaming, or learn how to get along.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by GhostwriterDoF
Dalthnock: This makes me very, very sad.

So, because some people won't be able to get some movies, NO ONE is allowed to get them?

Tha hell is this, COMMUNISM??? I'll have NO part of THAT, good sir!

Haven't these people ever heard of baby steps? Based on what you say they said - I know, I know... not exactly a legal document - it seems big Hollywood studios are at least trying to take some baby steps towards proper digital movie distribution.

Baby steps, people... all or nothing is a cool dream when you're a teenager, but things just don't work that way. Somebody has to take a risk at first, & if everybody shuts down the idea right away, it'll never happen.

Bring on the movies - I got your back, GOG... *I* will deal with these people.
I wouldn't call it communism, but as I just wrote in another more elaborate post a minute or so ago while I support the underlying ideals people are fighting for, I find the all-or-nothing mentality to be very self-defeating and unlikely to ever win against the existing status quo, for being too small to matter in the eyes of the industry, and I feel that the industry is moving faster than the hardliner minority movement is, and that going forward it will be even more difficult to get out of the mess unless baby steps are taken in the mean time.

On a positive note though, I do think there are enough people out there who support DRM-free content on its own accord, other issues aside to support a DRM-free video store online, and we'll probably see one spring up eventually that might be able to reach Hollywood eventually. I'd be happy to support such a store even if the content was only available in my city and say... Easter Island. It'd be one step forward at least. I am just getting increasingly skeptical that we'll see it happen here due to a highly vocal minority. If this was a new store starting up with no existing customerbase, then they could move forward without fear of reprisal, but I don't believe that GOG will move forward on this without the backing of their community for fear of reprisal on their business as a whole, because people who oppose the idea for movies will also then throw one more thing into the basket and refuse to buy games here too unless they get their way with movies.

GOG IMHO is not going to risk compromising that and so in the end DRM-free movies and TV Shows are defeated before it even starts. Louis CK sells his comedy shows DRM-free for like $5 on his website, maybe we can convince him to expand his offerings and branch out. ;o)
ZaineH: How long has Age of Wonders 3 been up there?
Some two hours...
Dalthnock: See? SEE? You GET it! If they don't make it available to you because stupidity, you get creative!

Sooner or later, they'll realise you want to play, but not by their rules. How do you think region-free DVDs came about?

Look, if you don't buy, they'll simply come to the conclusion that it's not profitable & stop making them altogether.

HOWEVER, if you get them by other means, you'll show them that there's a market, IF they play ball.

And that's what I'm saying. Let GOG get the big movies. They'll be DRM-free... I'm sure you can think of ways to get the ones that are unavailable to you. Do it enough & voila! They end up being available for EVERYONE.

Alright, I'm kinda tired, but I sure as hell am not getting it. Is this sarcasm?
What exactly do you want me to do to make the magic happen?
Crewdroog: good! i didn't want to have to use this *puts away rubber chicken*
Wasn't that banned in 136 countries?
Crewdroog: oh, you too?
CarrionCrow: Well, I kinda get the general image of a rabid serial killer wearing the outfit whenever I see that, but I definitely get that image when the song's going.
Watch this.
Well, 40 pages and a few hours later, I'm almost afraid to see what titles slipped by while I couldn't check...

How's everyone doing?
sjons: Some two hours...
It hasn't been that long, has it? *thinks* Surely no more than 45 minutes!

<--probably losing track of time...
Dalthnock: See? SEE? You GET it! If they don't make it available to you because stupidity, you get creative!

Sooner or later, they'll realise you want to play, but not by their rules. How do you think region-free DVDs came about?

Look, if you don't buy, they'll simply come to the conclusion that it's not profitable & stop making them altogether.

HOWEVER, if you get them by other means, you'll show them that there's a market, IF they play ball.

And that's what I'm saying. Let GOG get the big movies. They'll be DRM-free... I'm sure you can think of ways to get the ones that are unavailable to you. Do it enough & voila! They end up being available for EVERYONE.

I am sooo hoping that will bring in one day big movies and big games. Because of gaming habit I have OCD so I will be buying things just to put them on my digital shelf... And I'm sure that others will vote with their wallets too :)

And let's hope that magic happens soon!
Anaxphone: Well, 40 pages and a few hours later, I'm almost afraid to see what titles slipped by while I couldn't check...
What games were you looking for?
Anaxphone: Well, 40 pages and a few hours later, I'm almost afraid to see what titles slipped by while I couldn't check...

How's everyone doing?
Well, I think sanity left a while ago, and the rest of us have brains slowly dribbling from our ears :-P
xep624: I am sooo hoping that will bring in one day big movies and big games. Because of gaming habit I have OCD so I will be buying things just to put them on my digital shelf... And I'm sure that others will vote with their wallets too :)

And let's hope that magic happens soon!
I would SO love to see some of the Steam-only titles come here! It just makes me sad that my Steam-abhorrent friends might never get to play Tomb Raider or Warlock: Master of the Arcane, etc.
KunoNoOni: I see they were TV Movies, are they on DVD/Blue Ray?
The Discworld adaptations for Sky in the UK are some of the better things that they have produced. Worth a watch in my opinion (I've read all the books up to Unseen Academicals) but you shouldn't have very high expectations - Sky only started making original television because the regulator compelled them to and most of what they've produced has been dross. iirc The Hogfather was one of the first with higher production values and an an attempt to make something of high quality, so it was a pleasant surprise when it was first broadcast.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by IanM