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Geralt_of_Rivia: Actually, they had four principles. But they also dropped the other two silently before.
Cavalary: You mean at least 3 years old and at most $9.99? Yeah, that was rather when it all started, but those weren't actually spelled out. What they always said was DRM-free, flat price and customer love, but that last one is hardly specific, so leaves 2.
Wasn't there one like "free goodies" (soundtrack and the like) included?
Cavalary: You may want to check your pm.
Redfern: Usually i try to gift back something...
Pay something forward to someone else maybe? :)
Besides, it was a crit... Which I got right after JDelekto gifted me Quest for Infamy, when I clicked just hoping to have something to pay forward, as so far I wasn't clicking on games I wasn't actually interested in.
MarkoH01: I asked before but did not receive the answer I was looking for:
Is anybody here who REALLY wanted "MIND: Path To Thalamus" aka the new king of Insomnia?
WildHobgoblin: I see where this is going, but I did , so I bought it with actual money.
It may be that someone missed it but is already sound asleep right now...
Hmmm...guess I have to keep it for a while then...
The_Blog: Expires? O.o
Why does it expire. That doesn't seem to make any sence what'so ever...
huN73R: They kind of empty your credit after a year. This is delayed if you get some more store credit by purchasing another regional priced game. It's official. Will post link soon.
Never heard of that before...
Btw. we are about to hit 1000! Pages :D
Longest Sale Thread EVER :3
toxicTom: It's pitch dark outside!
JDelekto: Quick, light a lamp or you'll be eaten by a Grue!
I am in a maze of twisty passages that all look the same.
MarkoH01: I asked before but did not receive the answer I was looking for:
Is anybody here who REALLY wanted "MIND: Path To Thalamus" aka the new king of Insomnia?
I was enquiring what it was like last night when it took the king of Keane crown but no-one gave me an answer, would you recommend the game? Is it engaging or another dear esther walking simulator?
WildHobgoblin: I see where this is going, but I did , so I bought it with actual money.
It may be that someone missed it but is already sound asleep right now...
MarkoH01: Hmmm...guess I have to keep it for a while then...
Is it anything like Stanleys parable and Antichamber?
CalicoPup: Seems like a lot of the crowd around here is old enough or savvy enough to get both Grue and Usenet jokes.

Now if I start busting out the Grep Kibo references, I'll lose most of the people here.

Though it's true. I've never payed much attention to it. When I entered the net in 1994, the most interesting thing was free... p0rn. Having grown up in East Germany that was entirely new territory. I didn't even know some... things... existed or were even possible.
MarkoH01: I asked before but did not receive the answer I was looking for:
Is anybody here who REALLY wanted "MIND: Path To Thalamus" aka the new king of Insomnia?
Actually that one looks pretty cool. I will humbly accept it if you have no other takers.
Shendue: I aknowledge it, and that's why i'm still supporting them by using their service. But that doesn't mean i have to support regional pricing as well. I'll just buy the non-regionally priced ones to support companies that have a fair price policy over them.
If anybody agreed to do that, companies would have to drop the regional pricing bullcrap and everybody would be sold at fair priced rates.
I actually don't see what the problem is. We're just expressing our opinion about the subject with the most polite form of protest possible, nor we are saying anything bad about people that buy those games. It's just our right as customers to decide what we want to buy, or isn't it?
Also agreed! Everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their money! And express their opinions!
I tend not to buy RP games if I can help it, and even then, I'll buy them at sale so that greedy publishers gets less profit.
And, while nobody is watching,
Desktop Dungeons silently leaves the stage...

Edit: Hah, sorry, I swear I saw AoW III there for a second...
Post edited March 08, 2015 by WildHobgoblin
huN73R: They kind of empty your credit after a year. This is delayed if you get some more store credit by purchasing another regional priced game. It's official. Will post link soon.
The_Blog: Never heard of that before...
Btw. we are about to hit 1000! Pages :D
Longest Sale Thread EVER :3
Increase your post-per-page, we're really only almost at 400 ;p
Cavalary: You mean at least 3 years old and at most $9.99? Yeah, that was rather when it all started, but those weren't actually spelled out. What they always said was DRM-free, flat price and customer love, but that last one is hardly specific, so leaves 2.
WildHobgoblin: Wasn't there one like "free goodies" (soundtrack and the like) included?
Yeah, when I signed up, in addition to the DRM-free and fair price package, a banner on the site also said "Extra bonus goodies" and "Free games & more".

As far as I know, these haven't been silently dropped, but rather just silently fulfilled after the removal of the banner. =P
WildHobgoblin: And, while nobody is watching,
Desktop Dungeons silently leaves the stage...
Short Age of Wonders 3 intermezzo again!:D
For a second I saw Age of Wonder I thought? But it's back to desktop dungeons again though.