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jackster79: Hmmm...

That got me thinking: How about "Thalamuskeaning" or "Thalamuskeane"?

Plenty of good candidates...
CarrionCrow: Thalakeanamus. =)
I'm not even going to try to pronounce that. =D
JDelekto: The winner was Calvary, thank you all!
Thanks for the giveaway +1 to you and congrats to the winner. :)
CalicoPup: Probably not. I'm not really that active on the GrUesnet.
Ixamyakxim: LOL. I see what you did there. And I like it!
Seems like a lot of the crowd around here is old enough or savvy enough to get both Grue and Usenet jokes.

Now if I start busting out the Grep Kibo references, I'll lose most of the people here.
trentonlf: I am about to retire for the day, have to catch up on some game time and a couple of movies before the weekend is over. Just wanted to say that I appreciate all the positive people who have graced this forum. GOG is a wonderful place full of wonderful people.

I don't always post much, prefer to read what others say, and laugh or cry right along with them. I treat GOG as an extended part of the family and I really do care and hope that everyone finds happiness. I am always open to talk to if anyone just needs to vent or just to talk.

Remember life is short, love the ones close to you, treat others as you want to be treated, and smile :-)

I hope everyone is able to get the games they wanted, I've tried to help where I could. I've gifted 23 games and have 22 more to give still. So look for me later to host some giveaways, or just randomly drop a code in your PM box.
I did say you were one of the better things to come out of the first insomnia ;)
CarrionCrow: Thalakeanamus. =)
HunchBluntley: I'm not even going to try to pronounce that. =D
Isn't this the lost Socrates text they found in that weird tomb in Greece? ;)
JDelekto: BTW, did you (or do you still play any Interactive Fiction)?
CalicoPup: I played some not too long ago, couple years back, but I pointed an author friend to the IF community as a place to get his creative on.

I know you weren't asking me, but I figured I'd answer anyway.
I don't mind the reply at all. I grew up with not only with Magnavox Oddyssey, but also with Interactive Fiction on the PC before graphics were king. I really loved the Infocom games and I was surprised to find out a couple years ago that there is still a fan hosted Interactive Fiction competition.

Good stuff.
CarrionCrow: Thalakeanamus. =)
It sounds like something you would eat in Greece or Cyprus.
JDelekto: The winner was Cavalary, thank you all!
Thank you! Now let's see how the modern QFG stands up to the old ones.
Also have Heroine's Quest somewhere actually, should get to that too someday.
CarrionCrow: Thalakeanamus. =)
MrBanballow: Freedom Planet [ __ ]
Papers, Please [ X ]
QUBE [ __ ]
Did you grab Freedom Planet already?
CarrionCrow: You, sir, kick all kinds of ass. Not immensely eloquent commentary, I know, but it's what comes to mind reading your words.

Your legendary status when it comes to blindside/ninja gifting is just a bonus beyond that.
toxicTom: Definitely seconded. trentonlf is one of the most amazing people around here.
But actually, so are you too.
I'm just some weirdo who spends a lot of time displaying a near-shocking lack of good sense by playing awful games and screaming about them. -laughs-
CalicoPup: I played some not too long ago, couple years back, but I pointed an author friend to the IF community as a place to get his creative on.

I know you weren't asking me, but I figured I'd answer anyway.
JDelekto: I don't mind the reply at all. I grew up with not only with Magnavox Oddyssey, but also with Interactive Fiction on the PC before graphics were king. I really loved the Infocom games and I was surprised to find out a couple years ago that there is still a fan hosted Interactive Fiction competition.

Good stuff.
Leather Goddesses of Phobos and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy were the two I remember the most, but I think that holds true for most people that remember the early IF offerings.
Ixamyakxim: LOL. I see what you did there. And I like it!
CalicoPup: Seems like a lot of the crowd around here is old enough or savvy enough to get both Grue and Usenet jokes.

Now if I start busting out the Grep Kibo references, I'll lose most of the people here.
Does it have anything to do with Lego Robots?
MrBanballow: Freedom Planet [ __ ]
Papers, Please [ X ]
QUBE [ __ ]
The_Blog: Did you grab Freedom Planet already?
Yep. Tried posting an updated list of mine... but the page got stuck on processing, processing, processing...
JDelekto: I don't mind the reply at all. I grew up with not only with Magnavox Oddyssey, but also with Interactive Fiction on the PC before graphics were king. I really loved the Infocom games and I was surprised to find out a couple years ago that there is still a fan hosted Interactive Fiction competition.

Good stuff.
CalicoPup: Leather Goddesses of Phobos and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy were the two I remember the most, but I think that holds true for most people that remember the early IF offerings.
Hitchhiker's Guide was awesome. Getting that damned Babelfish almost drove me crazy.