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jackster79: Wallet... no crits for me this sale.
Bad luck? In Germany we have a saying:

"Bad luck in gambling, good luck in love". I hope it's true for you.

I got 3 crits, but I gave away two of them. One game I really didn't want, and the other where I was on the fence, but ultimately I thought someone who really wanted it (and missed it) should have it. But I was super happy when I critted a game from my wishlist (Shadowgate).
Have to go for the moment. See you all in about 2 hours.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
ShadowJustin17: So I got Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass for free. I'm kinda confused; is it a game or is it a season pass for the game? The GOG store page shows that it has acts, so does this give me all of the acts?
To clarify what genkicolleen and SortaSane said, it's an episodic game. You can download the currently available episode(s?) right now, and any new ones will be added to your library at no further cost as they become available.
The games are going quite fast now. Yay!
toxicTom: Wow, that's a generous offer. The game looks awesome and has raging reviews, but since I don't even have the first one, I leave the field to others more in in need ;-)
stg83: I am playing the first one now and the Trine games are indeed really good. A beautiful world with really fun puzzle platforming. :)
I have Trine 2 and I listen to the soundtrack on its own. Most of the tracks really pleasant.
LordBarker: Who wants Terraria? I got it free, but I already own it on Steam.
I would like to play it if you dont need it.
zenwan: I wasn't asking for a refund, just asking for the opportunity to gift a couple of games that I had added to my library during this promo, because I didn't know how the gifting process worked. I was told that one has to ask Support to make that change - but then someone said that GOG had been refusing to change items from this promo to gifts, even if they hadn't been downloaded.

I hope that wasn't true, but if it was, I would really like to know there seems to be no logical reason for it.

I'm big on logic. ;-)
xenocidic: It can't hurt to ask. It could have been that was a critical hit, or something, rather than something purchased.
Indeed. I have done just that. But even if a game was a critical hit, still no logical reason it can't be turned into a gift. Many people are gifting them here in this thread, it's just that they thought about it at the time and listed it as a gift.
But changing an undownloaded (is that a word?) game from the library to a gift is just a stroke of the pen for Support, so to speak.


Of course all this could be moot, Support may raise his / her pen and change my games to gifts with a stroke. I am hoping that will happen.
Sun! I'm going to go walk in it. Don't buy too slowly while I'm gone!
Lot of crits GoG offering us in last hours. None for me, of course :)
Hello, good people of this forum which I'm just starting to meet! :)

Have a question: when last appeared Far Cry 2 on the promo, I bought it, and it all went smooth. Payed with paypal, received the e-mail from GOG with the summary of my order and after a bit also received the e-mail from paypal, with the receipt.

After some minutes, though, paypal sent me two other receipts for my e-mail, each with the same amount of the transaction, although I didn't buy any other game in the meantime. I checked my bank account and I had been charged, indeed, thrice.

Sent a message for the GOG support team, but I still didn't hear from them. Did this happened to any of you?
In the receipts there is a number, which is unique, in the description of each one, and I included that in the message to GOG.

In other topic: how's the sale going? Bought some games, and I was very pleased to be gifted Legend of Grimrock by JDelekto, but as I'm new to this forum (although I have an account at GOG for some years), I don't know how to give rep points to him - I read here it is a nice thing to do in these situations!
Didn't get a critical yet, too!

Anyway, compliments from Portugal!
stg83: I am playing the first one now and the Trine games are indeed really good. A beautiful world with really fun puzzle platforming. :)
I've never played a puzzle platformer in my life. I have Braid (physical copy) this is one, yes? Never came around to even install it. Those 200+ hour RPG surely take their toll ;-)

Oh wait, I've played The Lost Vikings back in the day - comparable?
LordBarker: Who wants Terraria? I got it free, but I already own it on Steam.
PabloEscobar: I would like to play it if you dont need it.
Ya sure. PM me your Email so I can gift it to you.
MsParanoid: I have Trine 2 and I listen to the soundtrack on its own. Most of the tracks really pleasant.
Definitely, the music is really great and soothing as well. I bet it is a really good soundtrack to listen to when you're preparing for bed. :)
ALH: Because it is a nod to the Sierra classics.Although fresh it is somewhat seasoned.And as this sale has proven Seasoned outshines the Fresh!:D
JDelekto: Did they have an equal number of fresh and seasoned?
78 older, 77 newer.
zenwan: Thank you for the email suggestion, that is helpful. I had seen it posted already, but too late for me to have used that little trick. GOG should make it clear to us newbies that you can email it to yourself if you don't know the email address, that would be helpful.
e-mailing to one's self isn't really a 'trick', but more so a habit you can (and probably should) get into if you don't have a way to directly access a 'universal' notepad of sorts.

I usually e-mail myself links I found useful at home or at work to either e-mail address; not only for the purpose of archiving it, but using it later where I'm at.

Sounds like more of an epiphany than a trick. :)